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Posttraumatic cognitions and its Relationship with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of Traumatized Individuals
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Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder are associated with various variables such as the exposure to traumatic events, sex and age. Such events could lead to negative cognitions towards self and the world. These cognitions, in turn, may lead to traumatic related disorders.

The present study aims to identify the percentage of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. It also aims to assess the average of spreading symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder of traumatised individuals according to sex and age category variables. Likewise, it aims to test variables significance in cognitions towards the world and the self according to the level of the spread of posttraumatic stress disorder and according to sex and age category variables. The study consisted of 136 male and female students of Baghdad University, 59 males and 77 females. Traumatic event history, posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder cognition questionnaire was applied.

The results have shown that all sample individuals were subjected continuously to various traumatic events. They have also shown that females were subjected to such events more than males. The results have also shown that the females showed posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a manner that was more consistent with the criteria of identification than males. As regards the negative cognitions towards the world and self, the results have shown high levels of these cognitions especially by the sample individuals who had levels consistent with criteria of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. In light of the findings, a number of recommendations and suggestions have been provided.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optimization Procedures using Effect of Etalon Finesse and Driving Term on Optical Bistability
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        In this work, analytical study for simulating a Fabry-Perot bistable etalon (F-P cavity) filled with a dispersive optimized nonlinear optical material (Kerr type) such as semiconductors Indium Antimonide (InSb). Because of a trade off between the etalon finesse values and driving terms, an optimization procedures have been done on the InSb etalon/CO laser parameters, using critical switching irradiance (Ic) via simulation systems of optimization procedures of optical cavity. in order to achieve the  minimum switching power and faster switching time, the optimization parameters of the finesse values and driving terms on optical bistability and switching dynamics must be studied.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of Effective Bed Thermal Conductivity and Heat Transfer Coefficient in Fluidized Beds
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Experimental study of heat transfer coefficients in air-liquid-solid fluidized beds were carried out by measuring the heat rate and the overall temperature differences across the heater at different operating conditions. The experiments were carried out in Q.V.F. glass column of 0.22 m inside diameter and 2.25 m height with an axially mounted cylindrical heater of 0.0367 m diameter and 0.5 m height. The fluidizing media were water as a continuous phase and air as a dispersed phase. Low density (Ploymethyl-methacrylate, 3.17 mm size) and high density (Glass beads, 2.31 mm size) particles were used as solid phase. The bed temperature profiles were measured axially and radially in the bed for different positions. Thermocouples were connecte

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Grafting of Different Monomers onto Nano Aluminum Surface and Studying Their Biological Activities
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The research includes the preparation of two nano polymer (   ,    ) through a grafted nano ceramic material (aluminum oxide      )(80 nm) by acrylic acid monomer. The latter was extended with two different ester monomers using free radical polymerization. The antibacterial activity of the prepared compounds) performed according to the agar diffusion method.  All compounds (1, 2, 3, 4, NP1, NP2) showed inhibition against bacterial

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Experimental and theoretical study of (PVC) nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in ethanol
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In this manuscript divide into two parts the first experimental and the second theoretical. The experimental part of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can be used with aluminum (30%). Nanomaterials are synthesized by a laser pulse melting solution by ethanol. The effect of laser on the structural, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of nanoparticles (PVC) was examined by UV spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM). The theoretical part of the DFT can be used to approximate the generalized gradient of the Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) / 6-31G (d) groups, which were created using additional Gaussian 09 software through Gaussian 5.08. To build PVC nanocrystal pure which chemical formula [(C2H3Cl)n] and build (

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Many approaches of different complexity already exist to edge detection in
color images. Nevertheless, the question remains of how different are the results
when employing computational costly techniques instead of simple ones. This
paper presents a comparative study on two approaches to color edge detection to
reduce noise in image. The approaches are based on the Sobel operator and the
Laplace operator. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm for implementing the two
operators is presented. The operators have been applied to real images. The results
are presented in this paper. It is shown that the quality of the results increases by
using second derivative operator (Laplace operator). And noise reduced in a good

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design And Analysis Performance of Liquid Petroleum Gases System in Residential Building; Review
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Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) consist of hydrocarbons obtained by refining crude oil, either from propane or butane or a mixture of the two. There are often other components such as propylene, butylene or other hydrocarbons, but they are not the main component. The study aims to review previous studies dealing with designing an LPG system to deliver gas to residential campuses and buildings. LPG is extracted from natural gas NG by several processes, passing through fractionation towers and then pressuring into CNG storage tanks. Gas contains several problems, including gas leakage through the pipes and leads to fires or explosions in LPG storage and distribution tanks, so safety conditions were taken in the design and implementation. T

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of Modes Properties for Single-Mode and Multimode Fibers at 633 nm
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The need for optical fibers has emerged for its ability to transmit information with less attenuation and over long distances. In this work, four optical fibers with core radii from 1 μm to 4.75 μm in steps of 1.25 μm and a numerical aperture of 0.17 were studied and their modes properties have been calculated at a wavelength of 633 nm by using RP Fiber Calculator (free version 2022). Also, the effect of increasing the core radius on these properties has been studied. Multimode fibers can be obtained when the radius of the fiber core is large compared to the operating wavelength of the fiber which is less than the cutoff wavelength of the mode. Otherwise, a single-mode fiber is obtained. It has been concluded that all the calculated p

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Some Active compounds and Vitamins Increasing in Aloe vera Callus culture
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This study was aimed to use plant tissue culture technique to induce callus formation of Aloe vera on MS. Medium supplied with 10 mg/l NAA and 5 mg/l BA that exhibit the best results even with subculturing. As the method of [1] 1g. dru weight of callus induced from A. vera crown and in vivo crown were extracted then injected in HPLC using the standards of Ascorbic acid (vit. C), Salysilic acid and Nicotenic acid (vit. B5) to compare with the plant extracts. Results showed high potential of increasing some secondary products using the crown callus culture of A. vera as compared with in vivo crown, Ascorbic acid was 1.829 ?g/l in in vivo crown and increased to 3.905 ?g/l crown callus culture . Salysilic acid raised from 3.54 ?g/l in in vivo c

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 25 2015
Journal Name
Comptes Rendus Chimie
A novel method for the synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil and urea
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The increasing demand for energy has encouraged the development of renewable resources and environmentally benign fuel such as biodiesel. In this study, ethyl fatty esters (EFEs), a major component of biodiesel fuel, were synthesized from soybean oil using sodium ethoxide as a catalyst. By-products were glycerol and difatty acyl urea (DFAU), which has biological characteristics, as antibiotics and antifungal medications. Both EFEs and DFAU have been characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. The optimum conditions were studied as a function of reaction time, reactant molar ratios, catalyst percentage and the effect of organic solvents. The conversion ratio of soybea

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Left Flank Pain and Hydronephrosis as the Initial Presentations of Advanced Gastric Cancer
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Ureteric obstruction is rarely noted in cases of gastric cancer. Its involvement by distant metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma without direct invasion is an exceptionally unusual occurrence. This is the story of a 58-year-old man who arrived at the emergency department with acute flank pain and fever. He was initially diagnosed with obstructive pyelonephritis after the discovery of a new onset, complete ureteric obstruction on the left side. Subsequent investigations and follow-up revealed the presence of gastric adenocarcinoma with possible ureteric metastasis bilaterally, flank pain and hydronephrosis were the first and only presentations of gastric cancer. The rarity of the condition and the unusual presentation encouraged us to r

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