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Anxiety of death among pregnant women in the light of some Demographic variables Governorates Bethlehem and Tulkarm as a model

This study aims to identify the anxiety pregnant women have of dying, in the light of some Demographic variables in Bethlehem (age, residence, and the mother's job). The descriptive method was used in this study. To achieve the study purposes, the researchers developed a questionnaire as a tool of study, which consisted of (19) paragraphs ,after been verified of its validity & stability.

The researchers distributed questionnaires, and then analyzed them. Results illustrated that the levels of anxiety pregnant women in Bethlehem had of dying was average,  with a mean total score of (3.11),  and with a standard deviation that had the total score of (0.476). Results also illustrated statistical differences in the pregnant women's levels of anxiety of dyeing that are attributed to the age variable (31-36), However, there was a statistical value that related pregnant women's anxiety of dying to the residence variable, in favor of those who lived in the city. Moreover and there were also variations in the levels of anxiety of dyeing during pregnancy  relating to the nature of the mother's job which were in favor of the mother who worked.

Thus, and in the light of what the study has reached, the researchers recommends doing further studies and scientific research, that focus on the anxiety of dyeing amongst pregnant women and to apply it to other different social samples. The researcher also recommends the importance of introducing programs that offer psychological and health services for mothers and pregnant women, holding seminars and raising awareness of all the society through the media, concerning the nature of the different psychological status pregnant women go through, and how to handle such situations as well as providing as much emotional balance.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison between method penalized quasi- likelihood and Marginal quasi-likelihood in estimating parameters of the multilevel binary model

Multilevel models are among the most important models widely used in the application and analysis of data that are characterized by the fact that observations take a hierarchical form, In our research we examined the multilevel logistic regression model (intercept random and slope random model) , here the importance of the research highlights that the usual regression models calculate the total variance of the model and its inability to read variance and variations between levels ,however in the case of multi-level regression models, the calculation of  the total variance is inaccurate and therefore these models calculate the variations for each level of the model, Where the research aims to estimate the parameters of this m

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Organizational Relaxation of Employees of the Educational Directorates in the Sultanate of Oman


The current research aims to identify the level of organizational relaxation among the employees of educational directorates in the Sultanate of Oman. The descriptive approach was used, as well as a questionnaire of two parts to collect data. The questionnaire consists of (15) items divided into three themes about the relaxing level. It was applied on a sample of (406) male & female employees of the educational directorates who were randomly selected. The results of the study showed that the level of organizational relaxation was low. The study results also found that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05) of the study sample in the level of org

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives

This study was conducted in the botanical garden, Department of biology, College of Science / Mustansiriyah University in spring season, where the starts from (15 February to 15 March, 2019). Under the natural environmental conditions in the greenhouse in order to evaluate the effectiveness of some plant extracts as a promoter for rooting the apical stem cutting of rosemary plants at different concentrations compared with the IBA growth regulator. Plant extracts are Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), Dill (Anethum graveolens) and date palm fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) were used with concentrations (0, 1.25, 2.5 g / l). The IBA concentration was (100 mg / L) with dipping time 24 hour for all treatments. The following measurements were taken aft

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of the Strategy of Cognitive Discrepancy in the Achievement of Literature and Texts among the Fourth-Stage Students

The present research aims at identifying the effect of the cognitive discrepancy strategy on the fourth-stage students’ achievement in literature and texts. The researcher adopted the null hypothesis: there is no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group who study literature and texts following the discrepancies strategy, and those who follow the traditional method. A post-achievement test of (60) paragraphs was administered to (6) students as the study sample. The results showed that the experimental group who studied literature and texts with the strategy of cognitive achieved better than the control group who followed the traditional method in the post-achievement t

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of The Round Robin Strategy in Logical Thinking the Fourth in Chemistry

The study aims to identify the impact of the round-robin strategy on the logical thinking of fourth-year middle school students in chemistry. Two groups were employed:  an experimental group consisted of (30) students who were taught according to the round-robin strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students who were taught according to the traditional method. The researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control by preparing the visual thinking test tool, which consists of (20) multiple-choice items, it was applied as a post-test on the research sample. The result showed that there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the experimental group, which was taught according to the Round Robin s

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Development of human resources and their role in achieving artificial intelligence A survey of the views of a sample of workers in the cement plant

The research topic was chosen as a result of the importance of human resource in business organizations in general and the industrial process in particular. Without the human resource, business organizations cannot continue and achieve success and excellence, and the research problem has been diagnosed in the lack of sales of General Cement Company’s northern products, despite their distinctiveness, standing, and reputation in The market and its products with standard specifications, and through this problem, the following questions were raised:                                                    &nbs

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Characteristics of the Traditional Urban Configuration of ArabIslamic Cities through Form and Moral Values: Al-Kadhimiya as a Case Study

This paper studies the main characteristics of the traditional urban configuration of Arab cities, as an important built heritage, discussing the approach adopted with such configuration at the local level, and examines its ability to preserve the character of the city, as well as, its responsiveness to the recent  requirements of its society that constantly change; in order to reach the appropriate procedures to deal with the traditional urban configuration of the Iraqi city to achieve a vital cultural communication with the vernacular built heritage, by dealing with the Form-Moral Values structure. Due to its importance within other traditional Iraqi cities, the research chose Al-Kadhimiya as a case study, so it discusses and compares

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 12 2015
Journal Name
J. Genet. Environ. Resour. Conserv
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as a biocontrol agent and organic matter against fusarium wilt in tomato

The objective of this investigation was to study the effects of a mixture of three arbuscular mycorrhizae (Glomus etunicatum, G. leptotichum and Rhizophagus intraradices) on the development of fusarium wilt disease in tomato plants in the presence and absence of organic matter (peatmoss). Results indicated an increase in mycorrhizal root dry weight especially in the presence of the organic matter, on the other hand this parameter was significantly decreased when Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersiciwas added simultaneously with the mycorrhiza, Moreover, mycorrhiza and organic matter significantly reduced the damping off seedling disease, disease severity and rate of infection of tomato leaves and roots caused by the pathogenic fungus, These

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Green Synthesis of Iron/Copper Nanoparticles as a Catalytic of Fenton-like Reactions for Removal of Orange G Dye

This research paper studies the use of an environmentally and not expensive method to degrade Orange G dye (OG) from the aqueous solution, where the extract of ficus leaves has been used to fabricate the green bimetallic iron/copper nanoparticles (G-Fe/Cu-NPs). The fabricated G‑Fe/Cu-NPs were characterized utilizing scanning electron microscopy, BET, atomic force microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and zeta potential. The rounded and shaped as like spherical nanoparticles were found for G-Fe/Cu‑NPs with the size ranged 32-59 nm and the surface area was 4.452 m2/g. Then the resultant nanoparticles were utilized as a Fenton-like oxidation catalyst. The degradation efficiency of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Mustansiriya Medical Journal
The Pattern Of Skin Diseases Among Kindergarten Children In Baghdad. A Comparative Study Between Two Surveys Five Years Apart

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