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إنتاج المعرفة واكتسابها لدى طلبة كليات العلوم التربوية في بعض الجامعات الأردنية الرسمية
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This research attempts to propose production and acquisition of scientific knowledge among the students of educational science faculties in some universities Governmental Jordanian (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta). In addition to sources of educational gained in some of the Governmental Jordanian universities (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta), and to propose the necessary socio-cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, using developmental screening method, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: The reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: the reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production.

It was to ensure the stability of the measurements using the equation of Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients ranged between standards (0.80-0.94), the sincerity of Vtm standards measured by factor analysis, and then analyze the data using arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and analysis of variance of all members of the study population overall totaling (194 (of faculty members in educational science faculties in some Governmental Jordanian universities, namely: (Yarmouk University, Jordan, Muta).

The search had reached several conclusions, including: that the application of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members was a fair degree, the results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was to a large extent.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the cultural dimensions of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was moderately.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university and the experience, to approve the proposed social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation transactions to measure paragraphs, delete paragraphs saturated each less than (0.4), therefore shall be deleted and the approval of the proposed cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation for all transactions except for paragraphs one paragraph saturated to a lesser extent (0.4) and therefore must be deleted.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of senior management commitment to total quality in the implementation of knowledge management processes_Asurvey of asample of civil colleges
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Occupies total quality management applications play a key role in the development of institutions of higher education performance and achieve its strategic objectives through the commitment of senior management and their employees to continuous improvement of the quality of performance in the various areas of work, and can be integrated knowledge management processes, which means identifying information of value and how to take advantage. The data were collected using the style of the questionnaire for the purpose of analyzing their results on a sample composed of 83 member of the administrative leadership in colleges as representing the decision-making centers in those colleges . 


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
الجامعة المستنصرية كلية الإدارة و الاقتصاد
The possibility of adoption of hybrid cloud computing in Iraqi universities : an analytical study using technology acceptance model
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الناصر، عامر عبد الرزاق عبد المحسن والكبيسي، صلاح الدين عواد كريم. 2018. إمكانية تبني الحوسبة السحابية الهجينة في الجامعات العراقية : دراسة تحليلية باستخدام أنموذج القبول التكنولوجي. مجلة الإدا

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات المستدامة
The Quality of University Environment According to the Viewpoint of Female Students: The College of Sciences for Woman an Example
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This research aims at identifying the level of quality of University environment according to the viewpoint of female students taking the College of Sciences for Woman an example, as represented in the college units as registration unit and the unit of students' affairs, the curricula, instructors, study halls, the college library, scientific labs, computer access, stationary and photocopying services, health care center, the unit of artistic, cultural and sportive activity, the canteen, the college gardens, college buildings and equipment and bathrooms. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to identify the viewpoints of female students concerning the extent of the availability of the standards o

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Science book second grade content analysis according to the Dimensions Of Sustainable Development
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The objective of this research is to analyze the content of science textbook at the elementary level, according to the dimensions of sustainable development for the academic year (2015-2016). To achieve this goal has been to build a list with dimensions of sustainable development to be included in science textbooks in primary school, after seeing the collection of literature and research and studies, as has been reached to the list of the dimensions of the three sustainable development and social, economic and environmental in the initial image consisted of (63) the issue of sub-divided the three-dimensional, the menu and offered a group of arbitrators and specialists in curriculum and teaching methods, and thus the menu consiste

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 08 2018
Journal Name
دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس
اتجاهات مدرسي ومدرسات المدارس الثانوية نحو تدريس التربية الجنسية وتطبيقاتها التربوية
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هدف البحث الحالي إلى تعرف اتجاهات مدرسي ومدرسات المدارس الثانوية نحو التربية الجنسية والتعرف على أثر متغير الجنس (ذكور، إناث) في تكوين اتجاهات تدريس التربية الجنسية في التعليم الثانوي فضلا عن تعرف التطبيقات التربوية للتربية الجنسية في المدارس الثانوية، إذ أن التربية الجنسية واحدة من أهم فروع التربية في الإسلام، وهي ذات أهمية في نشر الوعي الديني والصحي والتربوي والاجتماعي والثقافي في المجتمع من خلال تقديمه

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 07 2017
Journal Name
مجلة الاستاذ للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
التربية السياسية عند الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وتطبيقاتها التربوية
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رمي البحث الحالي إلى تعرف التربية السياسية عند الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتطبيقاتها التربوية، ليكون أسوة ومثالا حيا يقتدي به في العمل السياسي على مختلف الأصعدة، وللعمل على خلق جيل من الشباب قادر على مواجهة الغزو الثقافي الذي قد يسلبهم حقوقهم في بلدهم من غير وعي، وقد تمثلت حدود البحث الحالي بالسنة النبوية في عهد الرسول محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) للفترة الزمنية من ولادته الرسول إلى وفاته. ومن أهم نتائج السي

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مدى ممارسة الأستاذ الجامعي للادواره التربوية والبحثية وخدمة المجتمع بصورة شاملة
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Any survey for the reality of the higher education in Iraq would show the defects that the education suffers from, especially those connected to the role of the college teacher.  Concerning teaching styles, they are still those common traditional ones, with clear negligence of the developed technological styles. As for the scientific research, it is very rare to find researches that deal with social problems. It is clear that there is an almost a total separation between universities and social organization.

Therefore, the current study aims at identifying the extent to which the teachers of the colleges are performing their role in the educational, scientific, and social services domains thoroughly.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية البداية الرصينة .. الانجاز العلمي والبحثي .. آفاق المستقبل
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لا شك إن مهمة التوثيق التاريخي والعلمي لأية مؤسسة أكاديمية،تعد من المهام الأساسية التي تقوم على تحقيق هدفين متلازمين،الأول الحفاظ على الجهود المثابرة التي بذلها الرواد الأوائل خلال مراحل التهيئة والإعداد والتأسيس والانطلاقة الأولى،وعدم نسيان تلك الجهود العلمية والبحثية والإدارية المتميزة،والثاني تحفيز العاملين في هذه المؤسسة ودفعهم للمضي في عملية التطوير والارتقاء المستمر بمستوى الأداء العلمي و

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Adoption of multi – model Assignment Fuzzy to find Optimizing for the use of internet line in the Ministry of Science and Technlogy
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We have provided in this research model multi assignment  with  fuzzy function goal has been to build programming model is correct Integer Programming fogging  after removing the case from the objective function data and convert it to real data .Pascal triangular graded mean using Pascal way to the center of the triangular.

The data processing to get rid of the case fogging which is surrounded by using an Excel 2007 either model multi assignment  has been used program LNDO to reach the optimal solution, which represents less than what can be from time to accomplish a number of tasks by the number of employees on the specific amount of the Internet, also included a search on some of the

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Teaching Practices of Science and Mathematics Teachers Based on the National Framework for Future Skills in the Omani School
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The research aims to identify the level of effectiveness of the teaching practices of science and mathematics teachers in light of the national framework for future skills in Omani schools. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive approach, as he designed a note card consisting of (30) phrases distributed on three axes: basic skills, practical skills, and technical skills. After verifying the validity and reliability of the tools, they were applied to a sample of (116) teachers. The results of the research revealed that the level of effectiveness of the teaching practices of mathematics teachers has recorded a medium degree with a mean (3.05). The results a

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