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إنتاج المعرفة واكتسابها لدى طلبة كليات العلوم التربوية في بعض الجامعات الأردنية الرسمية
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This research attempts to propose production and acquisition of scientific knowledge among the students of educational science faculties in some universities Governmental Jordanian (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta). In addition to sources of educational gained in some of the Governmental Jordanian universities (Yarmouk, Jordan, Muta), and to propose the necessary socio-cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, using developmental screening method, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: The reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production, which is represented in the study design tool (questionnaire), which consisted of 4 scales, scale: the reality of the acquisition of knowledge / reality of the production of knowledge / social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production / cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production.

It was to ensure the stability of the measurements using the equation of Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients ranged between standards (0.80-0.94), the sincerity of Vtm standards measured by factor analysis, and then analyze the data using arithmetic averages, standard deviations, and analysis of variance of all members of the study population overall totaling (194 (of faculty members in educational science faculties in some Governmental Jordanian universities, namely: (Yarmouk University, Jordan, Muta).

The search had reached several conclusions, including: that the application of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members was a fair degree, the results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was to a large extent.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university experience, the application of the cultural dimensions of the acquisition and production of knowledge in education science faculties in the Governmental Jordanian universities from the point of view of faculty members which was moderately.

Results did not show statistically significant differences for the variables of the university and the experience, to approve the proposed social dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation transactions to measure paragraphs, delete paragraphs saturated each less than (0.4), therefore shall be deleted and the approval of the proposed cultural dimensions of knowledge acquisition and production based on the factor analysis which showed saturation for all transactions except for paragraphs one paragraph saturated to a lesser extent (0.4) and therefore must be deleted.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Video Games on Intermediate Students’ Academic Achievement
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The study attempts to identify 1) the habits of playing video games among students, 2) the effect of playing video games on students’ academic achievement, 3) the statistically significant differences among students in regard of (gender, time of playing video games, number of hours). To this end, a five-likert scale questionnaire included four questions was applied to (250) male and female students chosen randomly from the second-intermediate stage at Al-Karakh side secondary schools. The findings revealed that students play games only on holidays and less than an hour daily, which means playing games does not affect their academic achievement. Additionally, the findings found there is a significant difference between male and female i

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاخفاقات المعرفية وعلاقتها بأساليب معالجة المعلومات وحل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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       The present research aims to know :

 The level of Cognitive failures, information processing styles, and the problem-solving among the university students ,so it is aims to know the contribution of cognitive failures on the information processing styles and problem-solving, the research sample was (400) males and females student  from the University of Wasit chosen randomly from both gender and for the study of the morning and evening .So  these scales had been used as a research tool (failures cognitive scale ,the scale of information processing styles , and the scale of problem solving) , and by using the statistical m

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Self-Efficacy and its Relation to the Cognitive Assessment for the Daily Disturbances for the University of Baghdad Students
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The current research tackles the self-efficacy and its relation to the cognitive assessment for the daily disturbances for the University of Baghdad students. Two criteria have been adopted to achieve the objectives of the research. The sample of this study consists of 200 male and female students who were chosen randomly. The data were analyzed statistically, revealing that the university students owned their own self-efficacy as well as a cognitive assessment for the daily disturbances and they recognized them as self-threatening. The results also indicated the existence of a prediction activity in the field of the cognitive assessment to the daily disturbances selection. In light of the acquired results, the study recommends the neces

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Performance difficulties of Sharif Muhiyddin Haider’s musical works among Oud students
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This research focuses on the difficulties that face Oud's students' in the performance of Sharif Muheyddin Haider musical works. In addition, this research suggests solutions to overcome these difficulties for make it easier to play Haider's musical works. This research also addressed important topics of great relevance the title, problem and the research's aims. Moreover, Procedures of this research adopted the descriptive approach (content analysis) to attain the research's aims. Furthermore, results and discussions where covered, and conclusions of the appropriate academic solutions were achieved to overcome the performance difficulties of Haider's musical works among Oud's students'. At the end, the research presents a set of recomme

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
المجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية
الخبرات الصادمة وعلاقتها بالسلوك الفوضوي لدى عينة من طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة
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هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن العالقة بين الخبرات الصادمة والسلوك الفوضوي لدى طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة فضال عن التعرف على الفروق بين الطلبة في الخبرات الصادمة والسلوك الفوضوي على وفق متغير النوع )الذكور- اإلناث(، تألفت عينة الدراسة من )185( طالباً وطالبة، وتم تطبيق مقياسا الدراسة على العينة- مقياس الخبرة الصادمة ومقياس السلوك الفوضوي وهما )من إعداد الباحثان(، وقد أسفرت نتائج الدراسة عن: - إن طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة أظهر

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Big five personality factors and relationship the Academic procrastination among Baghdad university students
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The aimed of the research was recognize the Big five personality factors and Academic procrastination among Baghdad university students, recognized differences between the gender according to   Big five personality factors and Academic procrastination , to recognized differences between specialization (scientific, human), and to recognize the relationship Between the variables of the research, and the extend of contribution Big five personality factors in Academic procrastination , to achieve these aims , Adopt scale to measure the Big five personality factors for (John Danahue & Kentle) , As we as the preparation of scale Based on An amber of previous scales to measure Academic procrastination, After processing the data st

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
بناء اختبار القدرة على التفكير الإبداعي اللفظي لدى طلبة جامعة بغداد
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على الرغم من إن الابداع والمبدعين وخصائصهم العقلية والشخصية تعد من المفاهيم المهمة والشائعة في الحياة بمجالاتها كافة، ففي الوقت الذي نجد فيه العديد من الدراسات والمقالات العربية والاجنبية التي تناولته بشكل او باخر، لكنها جميعها اعتمدت على المقياس الخاص بالتفكير الابداعي لمؤسسه الاول تورانس منذ عام (1967)، متجاهلة التغيير والتطور المعلوماتي ولا سيما في الانترنيت والحاسوب وما افرزه هذا من مفردات شاعت وتداول

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
الجمعية العراقية للدراسات التربوبة والنفسية
مهارات الاشغال اليدوية لتنمية التفكير الابداعي لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى معرفة المهارات الفنية والأشغال اليدوية لتنمية مهارات التفكير الإبداعي لدى طلبة قسم التربية الفنية، تضمن البحث عرضاً لمشكلة البحث وأهميته وحدوده، وتحديد المصطلحات، وفي الفصل الثاني الإطار النظري ، إذ جاء المبحث الأول على المهارات وأنواعها، والمبحث الثاني على الأشغال اليدوية والتفكير الإبداعي، وفي الفصل الثالث إجراءات البحث ومجتمع البحث وعينته، ثم الأداة والصدق والوسائل الإحصائية، و

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral identity and its relationship to social affiliation among university students Exposed to shock pressure
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The current research aimed to identify the level of moral identity and social affiliation among students exposed to shock pressures, as well as to reveal the relationship between these variables. To achieve these objectives, the researcher adopted the diagnostic tool for the measure of post-traumatic stress disorder (PDS-5) scale (Foa, 2013) translated to Arabic language by (Imran, 2017). The researcher also adopted the moral identity scale built by (Al-Bayati, 2015) and the measure of social affiliation built by (Al-Jashami, 2013), which were applied to a random sample of (200) male and female students chose from al Anbar University. They were exposed to shock pressures. The results of the research showed that the sample has an average

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Beliefs and Their Relationship to Self-Organized Learning Strategies at the Preparatory Stage
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The study aims to identify the level of cognitive beliefs, as well as to identify the level of self-organized learning strategies among intermediate school students. The study also aims to identify the differences in the level of self-organized learning strategies among intermediate school students in term of gender, branch (scientific, literary). In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher designed a scale to measure the cognitive beliefs. As for the scale of self-organized learning strategies, the researcher adopted a scale of (Pintrich et al. 1991), which was translated by (Izzat Abdelhamid, 1999) , For self-organized learning strategies, the sample consisted of (400) students from the research population, whic

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