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Effect of Exemplar of Wettli On Acquiring Grammatical Concepts Among Basic 7th Class Female Students in Kurdish Language Grammar
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The current paper aims at knowing the effect of  Exemplar of Wettli On Acquiring Grammatical Concepts Among Basic 7th Class Female Students in Kurdish Language Grammar.

The current paper is confined to a sample of  Basic 7th Class Female Students-  Khaniqin –belonged Morning schools for the academic year 2014-2015 . The sample amounted 50 female students  distributed on two sections ( A,B) . Section A represented  experimental group ( 24) female  students  studied according to the exemplar of ( Wettli) and (B) represented control group (26) female students who have studied with traditional method. The researcher has qualified between these two groups  based on coefficients ( age, intelligence,  marks of the first course).  The scientific subject has been determined by  many grammars subjects in the book (( Zaman Waa Dah Bi Kurish) decided to be studied in basic 7th class. The researcher has formed behavior goals  and has prepared  teaching plans  sufficient for these two groups; she has also prepared a test to acquire  grammatical concepts  , composing of  30 items by which the teacher has taught  the two groups. By the end of the experience,  tool of  research has been applied  on students of both groups. After analyzing the result statistically by using T-test  for the two independent samples , the results have indicated the progress of experimental group studying Grammar Subject according to the method of ((Wettli))  over the control one.


The researcher has placed  a set of recommendations and suggestions that are valid for research.   

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استعمال الحاسوب في تحصيل طالبات الصف الخامس الاعدادي في مادة تلاوة القرآن الكريم
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مشكلة البحث:-

                     ان التربية الاسلامية كانت وماتزال تدرس بطرائق لاتتناسب مع ما توصل اليه البحث العلمي في الميدان التربوي في الوقت الحاضر ومن اجل النهوض بهذه المادة وتطويرها لابد من اتباع الطرائق الصحيحة والمناسبة لتدريسها واعطائها حقها في حسن الاعداد وحسن العرض , لذا تطلب البحث عن احدث الاساليب والطرائق التي تثير اهتمام الط

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measurement of double-thinking among university students
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Current search targeted to:
  1 - Measurement of double-thinking among university students.
  2 - Identify the significant differences in the degrees of double-thinking members of the sample according to the variables of sex (male - female), specialty (I know - a human).
      To achieve the objectives of the research chose researcher samples from the community of the first search for statistical analysis, has reached 400 students, and the second sample of the application of the final, has reached (480) students were selected randomly with simple check of equal value, and the researcher building a search tool double think, After the completion of the scale-building measures think

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم النفسية
اثر انموذج التفكير النشط في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط لمادة العلوم وتفكيرهم البصري
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ان الهدف من هذا البحث هو التعرف على أثر انموذج التفكير النشط في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط لمادة العلوم و تفـكيرهم البصري. تكونت عينة البحث من (58) طالباً، يتوزعون بين مجموعتين احدهما تجريبية و اخرى ضابطة. تم اعداد اداتين مقننتين احداهما لقياس التحصيل والاخرى لقياس التفــكير البصري، وبعد تطبيق تجربة البحث والحصول على البيانات، التي تمت معالجتها احصائيا باستخدام البرنامج الاحصائي(SPSS)؛ كشفت النتائج عن تفوق

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر اسلوب القصة المبتورة في تحصيل تلاميذ الصف السادس الابتدائي في مادة التعبير التحريري
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The current research aims to identify the impact of the amputated story style in the collection of sixth graders in elementary in the written expression subject.

The researcher, intentionally, chose Al-Ameen primary hybrid school which belongs to the directorate of education in Baghdad / Karkh first.  The number of people of the sixth grade three classes. The researcher chose the two classes randomly to represent one of the experimental group, the number (32) pupils (male and female) have studied the expression subject by the amputated story style. Other control group, the number (32) pupils studied according to the traditional method.

The researcher prepared the lesson plans and presented to the experts, the researc

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Increasing need for day after day to find ways and innovative means of
helping to educate and give children the skills of different kind, has found a
researcher on the subject of hats, six room to give children language skills
through the experience of field reconnaissance conducted on the three
children found that language skills improved, he decided to make these study.
Objectives of the study:
Understand the differences between the experimental group first (the way the
debate) and second (six caps) depending on the test post administration.
to identify the language skills of the second group according to the pre and
post test
Differences between males and females in the second group (Six Hats)
Search T

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 15 2022
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
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The article attempts to provide the theoretical fundamentals for the semiotic component of lacunae in a language. The definitions of the following notions have been represented: 1) lacunarity as a complex phenomenon that works in the modes of language, speech and speech behaviour; 2) lacuna as a gap, an empty space, which lacks something, which may be characteristic of a written work. The author of the article considers the main classes of lacunae, among which are: 1) generic lacunae, which reflect the absence of a common name for a class of objects; 2) species lacunae are the absence of specific names, names of individual types of objects or phenomena; 3) intralingual lacunae are found within the paradigms of one language; 4) interlanguage

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Discussion of Language and Poetry in A.R. Ammons's Garbage
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  A.R. Ammons's  Garbage is a unique poem in all measures, starting from the title to the subject matter of the poem.  Though it discusses the ecological repercussion of waste management, the long poem is written to shed light on the correlation between language\poetry and garbage. The paper argues that in his examination of language\poetry and garbage as both reflectors of human life and experience, Ammons claims that redemption is possible through both language and garbage by scrutinizing human experience whether low or high, mundane or sacred. This paper tries to examine Ammons's  efforts to use the farfetched metaphor of garbage to discuss language and poetry-writing.  

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Publication Date
Fri May 24 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Religion
The Effect of the Independent Learning Strategy on the Achievement of Grammar Subject for Students of the College of Islamic Sciences
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The present analysis targets to recognize the influence of the separate teaching approach on the accomplishment of grammar for scholars of the College of Islamic Sciences. The target of attaining this target led the investigations developing the subsequent null theories: 1. No statistically substantial variance is happened at the consequence level of 0.05 between the mean scores of the scholars in the investigational category who learnt consistent with the separate learning approach and the mean scores of the scholars in the control category who learnt in the conventional method in the accomplishment test. 2. No statistically substantial variance has been observed at the consequence level of 0.05 in the mean differences between the

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Aug 24 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of using fryer strategy on the achievement and systemic thinking of intermediate second-class students in the chemistry subject
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The objective of this research is to identify the effect of Using Fryer strategy on achievement and systemic thinking in the subject of chemistry of second class intermediate school students. The sample of research consisted of 59 students in one intermediate school in Baghdad/Iraq, split into two groups; experimental and control. The scientific material of the study is related to Chapters II and III of the Science Book for the second Intermediate School for the Year (2019-2020). The scientific test is composed of 25 test items whilst the second instrument for research related to systematic thinking test consisted of 12 items. The results of the research showed that the use of Fryer's chemistry-teaching strategy has increased achievement an

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 23 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
Effect of Using Fryer strategy on the achievement and systemic thinking of intermediate second class students in the chemistry subject.
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The objective of this research is to identify the effect of Using Fryer strategy on achievement and systemic thinking in the subject of chemistry of second class intermediate school students. The sample of research consisted of 59 students in one intermediate school in Baghdad/Iraq, split into two groups; experimental and control. The scientific material of the study is related to Chapters II and III of the Science Book for the second Intermediate School for the Year (2019-2020). The scientific test is composed of 25 test items whilst the second instrument for research related to systematic thinking test consisted of 12 items. The results of the research showed that the use of Fryer's chemistry-teaching strategy has increased achieve

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