Considers births illegal for children (illegitimate) phenomenon of negative social phenomena in our society where it's dangerous and the superiority of gravity on other social phenomena Calanhrav, homelessness and other due to poor drainage energies and sexual dysfunction in the value system among its actors and is characterized by the absence of social conscience and a lack of morality and the weakness of the system human-reliance among others.
The morality is the obvious difference between humans and animals. Wade this to say social scientists, while human social animal they said no that he has morals and values do not exist in other organisms so well that births illegal is a crime rejected by all religions and societal situation and especially the Islamic religion also addressed by the law postural each force has been used expressions and names through the stages of history They were described Ballqtae Because this label bearing inferiority look diminish the humanity and degrade the stature and mind in front of others, that label has replaced the words (of unknown parentage) and this is what it marched Iraqi legislature as well as the Iraqi street, he rejected the term (annexation) or (adoption), saying only Bastalah (annexation) and this is the policies included in the following laws:
1- Social Welfare Act No. 126 of 1980.
2- Juvenile Welfare Law No. (76) for the year 1983.
3- Personal Status Law for the year (1980)
And the fact that illegitimate children are considered a victim due to the disposal of certain individuals and for humanitarian considerations and legitimacy have been allocated to them social actors in Iraq are cared for and continue the process of Tencothm socially in foster families and the families of artificial socially in order to compensate tenderness or hunger family, both patriarchal and matriarchal there can man living alone after his birth only hours this requires little need for family intervention for those who have to feed them, drink and hygiene in the case of the loss of the family to be the intervention of some individuals in an organized or disorganized to to feed them, .... etc.
This is called the German sociologist (Renee Koenig) first birth first birth stage, birth biological Koenig and sees the rebirth of any birth and the formation of social and cultural personality of the child and be more dangerous than the first birthday () Due to the anonymity identity of the families of those born illegally and the need of the child to the family not they must be placed in foster families or in institutions or families Iwaiah artificial. The family socialization process them and care for them to be the future generation and to contribute to the development and reconstruction process in order to not become a burden on the process of social development and evolution.