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Measure the fear of some natural phenomena among children Riyadh
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One of the most frightening to children ages pre-school entry , Are those concerns about natural phenomena such as (The darkness, the sound of thunder, lightning and light, and rainfall, and storms) These natural phenomena are not familiar to the child , It may have a surprise when he/ she sees , And others intimidated , The affects of panic and fears that may lead him some psychological injury symptoms.

The fear of the dark, of the most common concerns associated with the child in his daily life , As the children's fear of the dark is reasonably fear that makes him a natural to live in the unknown  , We can not identify what around him and is afraid of something collision,  Or injury from something challenged, The exaggerated fear of the dark memories of its association with scary Ogress and goblins and the jinn and thieves , It Phobia is not based on the basis of realistic, It is difficult to adjust or get rid of it and control it. This kind of fear makes the child concerned and troubled, And what interests fear are things that weave his imagination, As a result of stories and anecdotes that crop them to them, Or as a result of his observation of the fear and the other adult and those with him in the house . As the parents' fear of the dark infect him by suggesting, As well as the sabotage practiced by the parents and siblings and adult caressing manner and especially at night.

From the above it can sum up the problem of the current search the following question:-

- What is the level of fear of  some natural phenomena with kindergarten children?

Through the above it can be released importance of research of the following:

1- The current research (within the limits of science researcher) from the few descriptive field research dealing with the fear of the some natural phenomena of the children of the kindergarten.

2- - The current research provides an important tool (the fear of some natural phenomena), which may help researchers or curriculum designers in conducting research and studies to address this problem the children kindergarten scale.

3-  The study, the first attempt (within the limits of science researcher), which dealt with the measurement of the some natural phenomena of fear in a child kindergarten, after knowing the number of previous studies.

The current research aimed to: -

  1. measure the fear of some natural phenomena of the kindergarten child.

2- Know the differences in the fear of some natural phenomena of the kindergarten children by sex (males - females), and the stage (kindergarten - Pre-school).

In order to achieve the goals of the research, it has been building a scale to measure the fear of some natural phenomena of the children of the kindergarten, which was extracted validity and reliability to him, and in doing analysis of data obtained by a researcher through the answers to the kids was reached as follows: -

1- That the sample in general suffer from fear of physical manifestations compared to the average premise.

  1. that females suffer from fear of the physical manifestations of more than males, and children suffer in stage (preliminary) stage more than children (kindergarten).

As the researcher after receiving the results to provide a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Meanings Mentioned in the Quran - objective study
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Praise be to God, who has seen uniting the wonders of manufactures, and pronounced Pthamidh oddity Alambdoat, and swam his creation in different languages, Glory is not equal to one in the earth and the heavens, praise Him, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner certificate towering branches, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger sent swage Arab government balance, and clearest statement, and the highest residence and Ohllagha words, and Oovaha Zmama, he pointed the way and advised the creation, and the month of Islam, breaking idols, and showed provisions, uncle Balanaam, God separated blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and the God of the good and virtuous and his compani

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Identificatio n Of Key Factors Affecting Waste Management In Life Cycle Of The Construction Project By Using Delphi Technique
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The problem of generated waste as a result of the implementation of construction projects, has  been aggravated recently because of construction activity experienced by the world, especially Iraq, which is going through a period of reconstruction, where construction waste represents (20-40%) of the total generated waste and has a negative effect on the environment and economic side of the project. In addition, the rate of consumpted  amounts of natural resources are estimated to be about 40% in the construction industry, so it became necessary to reduce waste and to be manage well. This study aims to identify the key factors affecting waste management through the various phases of the project, and this is accom

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Mon Aug 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Effect of Super Oxidized Water Mouthwash on the Level of IL 1? in Gingival Crevicular Fluid for Patients with Gingivitis Randomized Clinical Trial
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Background: One of the most predominant periodontal diseases is the plaque induced gingivitis. For the past 20 years, super-oxidized solutions have be..

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Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study the effect of gamma Irradiation on the Superconducting Properties of HgBaSrCa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>8+δ</sub>
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2010
Journal Name
Mustansiria Dental Journal
Traumatic dental injuries of the permanent incisors and its relation to malocclusion in patients attending the pedodontic clinic in College of Dentistry, Baghdad University
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Fri Apr 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Issues In Business And Government
The effect of developing insurance marketing methods on performance of insurance companies (An applied research in the two Iraqi general and national insurance companies)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Semiotic Transformations in Scenography of the Iraqi Theatre Show "The Play of Ali Al-Wardi and his Opponent- A Model": باسم محمد احمد حسن
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      Semiotics has been through wide experiences in various human sciences, especially in the fields of poetry, novel and myths. But its interest in the theatre and drama was much less and unique despite the richness of the theatrical connection as it is a probable field for the semiotic investigation which may require the semiotic approach in dealing with the theatrical and dramatic show during the two processes of: structural construction and deconstruction starting from a set of overlapping and interconnected texts inside the show, which can be limited in the text, then it would be difficult to semiotically cover all these complex and tricky texts. The theatre in its structural and aesthetic construction is c

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of the anterior loop of the mental nerve incidence and extension in different age groups in Sulaimania city using digital panoramic imaging system
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Background: The anterior loop of mental nerve is commonly described as that part of the neurovascular bundle that transverses anterior and inferior to the mental foramen only to loop back to exit the mental foramen. The aim of the study is to evaluate the incidence and extension of anterior loop of mental nerve by using digital panoramic imaging system to avoid nerve damage during different surgical procedures in dentistry. Materials and Method: Panoramic image was taken for all 400 patients and stored in the computer. Then Horizontal and Vertical for the anterior loop extension when exist was measured and recorded in a special case sheet prepared for each subject. Results: Results indicated that out of 400 patients there were only 25 pat

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Organizational Agility according to Strategic Planning Directions A case study in the Ministry of Commerce / General Company for the trade of cars and machinery
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This research aims at the possibility of rationalizing business organizations according to the strategic planning directions which have been developed to deal with many problems faced by business organizations, including the General Company for Automobile and Machinery Trade which was chosen as a research society, and several research problems were diagnosed, including an increase in the numbers of employees who constitute hidden unemployment, lack of work in the system of job specialization, and the organizational structure which is the non-application of the company to a modern administrative model. The importance of the research is that the company being investigated is a pioneer in its field of work and seeks to achieve custo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the fungus Metarhizumanisopliae (Metchnikoff) Sorokin and actelic insecticide in the protection of bean seeds packaged in bag from infection by cowpea beetle
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this study was perform to defined the effect of fungus Metarhiziumanisopliae Sorokin with concentrations 5x101, 5x103 and 5x105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide with concentration 0.001% in in rate of germinate treated string bean seeds also study effect of packed bags in two different type: jute and polypropylene bags which treated with fungal suspension pervious mention and insecticide in rate infested the string bean seeds packed in it.Results of the study showed the following: Lower rate of weight loss of cowpea seeds appear in poly propylene bags 4.41, 5.95% after six months of treatment with 5x 105 spore/ ml and Actelic insecticide respectively compared with 15.08% to control treatment. The fungal concentrations and insecticide not

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