Intelligence is the production of nervous system function and it's contents memory and creative thinking and understanding and other processes. It's a general cognitive ability and it's a concept. It's essential for good judgment and reasoning, there's an argument about definition of intelligence, is it one ability or multiple abilities. Multiple intelligences theory presented by (Gardner 1983) view intelligence as composing from six types of intelligences: (1) linguistic. (2) mathematical. (3) visual – spatial. (4) musical. (5) bodily – kinesthetic. (6) personal. Present research has reached to several conclusions. Most important one is that multiple intelligences theory is based on the conception of distinct varieties of intelligences not just one intelligence and this theory has large role in education process.
The issue of epistemology is one of the theological issues that were and still is a relentless pursuit of knowledge, knowing the true knowledge of certainty. Therefore, it formed a main focus because of its great importance expressing the deep desire of the human soul to explore the self and reality and answer all the questions that it may raise. Knowledge is the highest function. For man to exist.
Therefore, the establishment of epistemology was general in knowledge, a characteristic that was distinguished, as it is an ancient and renewed subject that is still being raised and raised, although there are many methods of treating it and sacred solutions to it. To finally prove its potentia
... Show MorePerhaps the issue of media and the press, especially one of the most common topics that people deliberate and deal with permanently and continuously. An issue of such significance has pushed researchers to put the following question, “Is it possible to live without media?”, “Can people ignore the newspaper, radio, TV, or the other communication means?”
The answer is very simple. It is difficult for civilized society to overtake information, or dispense with circulation, at the individual or collective level. Yet, the question of how to make the media and how it determines its content still requires extensive media experience; and knowledge of the social structure and its relations; and ac
... Show Moreالتعددية الثقافية هي مفهوم يتعلق بالمجتمعات التي تضم ثقافات عده، أو العالم الذي يتضمن ثقافات متنوعة؛ فالتعددية هي التنوع الثقافي والفكري؛ وبالتالي هي عنصر إثراء للإنسانية وأساس لوجودها؛ فالتعددية الثقافية تتضمن القبول بالثقافات والافكار الانسانية كلها، وإفساح المجال أمامها للمشاركة في بنا ء الثقافة والفكر العالمي؛ وهكذا فإنها تتمثل في التسامح مع الثقافات والافكار المختلفة الاعتراف بالهويات والخصوصيات
... Show MoreAtherosclerosis is the most common causes of vascular diseases and it is associated with a restriction in the lumen of blood vessels. So; the study of blood flow in arteries is very important to understand the relation between hemodynamic characteristics of blood flow and the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
looking for the physical factors and correlations that explain the phenomena of existence the atherosclerosis disease in the proximal site of LAD artery in some people rather than others is achieved in this study by analysis data from coronary angiography as well as estimating the blood velocity from coronary angiography scans without having a required data on velocity by using some mathematical equations and physical laws. Fif
... Show MoreThe current research aims to provide a philosophical and knowledge framework to explain the issue of organizations dealing with Paradox phenomena by focusing on five main aspects. The first deals with the concept of paradox, and the second aspect deals with the types of forces paradox. While the third aspect regards subject of the philosophy of paradox in organization theory and the fourth side deals with methods of solving the paradox. Finally, the last side is exposed to the subject of the paradoxes of the three provided by the study (L
... Show Moreتعد ظاهرة النخبة من اهم الموضوعات التي يعنى بها دارسو العلوم السياسية، اذ تشكل هذه الظاهرة محور نشاطات الجماعة السياسية، وبالرغم من تباين النظريات المتعلقة بتفسير وجود هذه الظاهرة ونشأتها، فان هناك اتفاقا على ارتباط هذه الظاهرة بتوزيع القوة داخل المجتمع الانساني فبعد ان كانت هذه الكلمة )النخبة( تستخدم في القرن السابع عشر لوصف سلع ذات تفوق معين امتد استعمالها فيما بعد ليشمل الاشارة الى فئات اجتماعية متفوقة ك
... Show MoreThe researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h
... Show MoreEvery era characterizes with its thought and life philosophy , where Muslims left behind them educational and intellectual heritage we should proud of it because it reflects the image of past and lights the way of present and future path where we should make use of it to fit with our statuesque and contemporary issues because we don’t know about it but little as result of ignorance or imitation of the western culture.
It’s wrong to regard heritage from the past but aphasia of Islamic and Arab genies that its roots tracing back to past and extending to future .
Islamic Arab educational thought regards one of the ric
... Show Moreالتعددية السياسية بين الرفلض والقبول دراسة نظرية لأبرز الاتجاهات الاسلامية المعاصرة