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تحليل محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول المتوسط على وفق مكونات المعرفة
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هدفت الدراسة الى تحليل محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط على وفق مكونات المعرفة الرياضية (المفاهيم الرياضية , التعميمات الرياضية, المهارات الرياضية والمسائل الرياضية )

وتفرعت منه الاسئلة الاتية :

مانسبة المفاهيم الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة المهارات الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة التعميمات الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

مانسبة التمارين والمسائل الرياضية المتضمنة في كل فصل من فصول كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول متوسط  وللكتاب ككل ؟

واستخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لملائمته لطبيعة هدف البحث .

اعتمدت الباحثة النسب المئوية والتكرارات لتحديد مكونات المعرفة الرياضية المتضمنة في محتوى كتاب الرياضيات للصف الاول المتوسط واستخدمت معادلة ( Holiste) لحساب الثبات التحليل بين الباحثة ونفسها عبر الزمن وبينها وبين باحث اخر .

وقد توصلت الدراسة الى النتائج الاتية : نسب المفاهيم الرياضية (13,53%) وبتكرار (70) مفهوم من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل. نسب المهارات الرياضية (21,09%) وبتكرار (109) مهارة من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل . نسب التعميمات الرياضية (7,15%) وبتكرار (37) تعميم من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب كله . نسب التمارين والمسائل الرياضية (58,23%) وبتكرار (301) تمرين ومسألة رياضية من مجموع مكونات المعرفة الرياضية للكتاب ككل .

وفي ضوء نتائج الدراسة اوصت الباحثة تطوير كتب الرياضيات للمرحلة المتوسطة بحيث يحقق محتواها الاهتمام بتدرج البناء الرياضي واهمها المفاهيم الرياضية التي هي اللبنات الاساسية لهذا البناء .

واقترحت الباحثة دراسة مدى التعرف على مطابقة مكونات المعرفة الرياضية في كتب الرياضيات للمرحلة المتوسطة على وفق معايير المجلس القومي لمعلمي الرياضيات  ( NCTM)


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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investment in Human Resources According to the Requirements of Work Markets in Iraq
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Investment in Human is one of the best and most important investments as it is renewed and developed resource over time in comparison with depleted material resources. Human resources is considered the part of the population that could be employed economically to contribute in increasing production energies as it is the support pillar of the society and have great energies that construct the society and raise of nations as well as he is distinguished with characteristics of ambitions to freedom.

Iraq is one of the countries that has large number of population in age of work and production and reduce in age dependent classes (children and old people).This dynamic in population led to step

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
تقيد القضاء الدستوري بضابط الضرورة القصوى وفق أسلوب الدفع الفرعي
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The constitutionality Review of laws is restricted by a set of controls, including the officer of non-exercise of control only when absolutely necessary, and compliance is achieved when the sub-payment terms, which are the seriousness of the sub-payment and the need for direct personal interest, And it is not so, unless the payment is serious and achieves a personal interest directly to one of the parties to the original case. It is also necessary to comply with the submission of the constitutional action within the specified time for the countries that require such as Egypt.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Critical Stylistic Analysis of the Ideological Positioning in Some Selected Poems by John Donne
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This paper deals with the ideological positioning of the English poet John Donne in a selected poems of his i.e Holy Sonnet X, as regards the theme of death found therein. The researchers adopt an emerging branch of stylistics, called Critical Stylistics, as proposed by Jeffries (2010) in order to uncover the ideologies of the author regarding the topic concerned and how linguistic choices are used to slant ideas. The model is comprised of ten tools of analysis which, upon being applied to the selected data, have shown how the poet exploits language resources in order to pass his ideology and influence his readers. In this paper, the workings of only one tool are presented as applied to a certain portion of the data.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? A MEDIA CONCEPT: (Socio-Cultural Linguistic Analysis)
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It is easy to talk about democracy, but it is difficult to practice. We talk about postmodernism, but difficult to be embodied in the ground. Yet, the age of democracy and modernity at the same time prompted the researcher to try to find a media concept for it. It does not mean that this concept has not yet formed. But the rooting of democracy and the approaching of states and groups towards it, made it necessary to by studied again.

The relationship between democracy and the media has made them look like one concept. The existence of one is linked to the existence of the other. The reality is only a linguistic formulation, but the social and cultural aspect is related to democracy origin

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of composite variance of experiments carried out according to design Latin box
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We know that the experiments which conducted by latin square in one location or in one period (season), but there are many cases that need to conduct the same experiments in many locations or in many periods (seasons) to study the interaction  between the treatments and locations or between the treatments and periods (seasons) .In this research we present  an idea for  conduct  the experiment in several locations and in many period (seasons) by using LSD , it represent  acontribution in the area of design and analysis of experiments ,we had written. we had written (theoretically)  the general plans, the mathematical models for these experiments, and finding the derivations of EMS for each component (

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis of the Inconsistent Structural-Semantic Aspects in the Plays of A.N. Ostrovsky: Несогласованные Определения В Пьесах А.Н. Островского: Структурно-Семантический Аспект
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     The study aims at analyzing the inconsistent structural and semantic aspects found in the plays of N.A Ostrovsky. The analysis, that includes all the linguistics schools of thoughts in modern Russian language, is performed chronologically to clarify all the ambiguities that the Russian language learners may face. Such difficulties lie in the use of inconsistent aspects with complete declarative sentences and adverbial clauses. Hence, it constructs a new sentence category that consists of secondary clause and its syncretism semantic.

     The study illustrates the wide scope of both studying the sentence inconsistent

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use the method of parsing anomalous valueIn estimating the character parameter
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In this paper the method of singular value decomposition  is used to estimate the ridge parameter of ridge regression estimator which is an alternative to ordinary least squares estimator when the general linear regression model suffer from near multicollinearity.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
حول أسلوب تحليل التغاير المتعدد باستخدام تصميم قطع منشقة
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Analysis of Covariance consider to be quite important procedure to reduce the effect of some independents factors before going through the experiment.

By this procedure we can compare variances causes from the difference between treatments and error term variance of they are equals or less than consider to be not significant, otherwise if is significant.

We carry on with this comparison until we find the greatest covser for the significant variance flam the treatments.

There are methods can be used like least significant difference method, Duncan method and Turkeys' w-procedure and Student Newman.

Key Word: Analysis of variatio

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
In Silico Analysis of Regulatory Elements of the Vitamin D Receptor
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Vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a nuclear transcription factor that controls gene expression. Its impaired expression was found to be related to different diseases. VDR also acts as a regulator of different pathways including differentiation, inflammation, calcium and phosphate absorption, etc. but there is no sufficient knowledge about the regulation of the gene itself. Therefore, a better understanding of the genetic and epigenetic factors regulating the VDR may facilitate the improvement of strategies for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with dysregulation of VDR. In the present investigation, a set of databases and methods were used to identify putative functional elements in the VDR locus. Histone modifications, CpG I

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Knowledge Management in Small Project Management Afield Study in Oxygen Ahli Plant in Iraq
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       Most of the literature on the management and application terkzat waved the last period on large organizations was the negligence  of  knowledge management in small organizations where research aims to find out knowleddge management, small projects  In oxygen Ahli plant in Iraq, and the fact the role of knowledge management in small projects from the standpoint of employees in order to achieve this used production method results.  The results showed that knowledge management has a role in the high level of productivity during the years 2010-2013. The results showed that knowledge management has a role in the high level of productivity during the years 2

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