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Social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers
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          The she/teacher is considered one of the basics of the educational process for its essential role in education and teaching the kindergarten child, thus  its lack to construct social relations in side the kindergarten environment working in it regarded one of the shortcoming factors she is suffering from which should be manipulated, because it could effect its enthusiasm to work in the kindergarten according to what has mentioned, the researcher presents the following objective:-


  • Identifying level of social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers via the test of the following hypothesis:-
  • Zero hypothesis:- There is no difference of statistic significance for the mean for the kindergarten's marks o n social enhancement criterion and  hypothesis mean at  level of significance(05.0)

For measuring the environmental mastery level, the two researchers  construct  instrument to measure social enhancement for the kindergarten teachers, and the research sample consisted of(20) she/ teachers, and the results of the current research have demonstrated  the existence of weakness in the level of the social enhancement for the she/ teachers and according to the results, the researcher has presented a number of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effective Computational Methods for Solving the Jeffery-Hamel Flow Problem
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In this paper, the effective computational method (ECM) based on the standard monomial polynomial has been implemented to solve the nonlinear Jeffery-Hamel flow problem. Moreover, novel effective computational methods have been developed and suggested in this study by suitable base functions, namely Chebyshev, Bernstein, Legendre, and Hermite polynomials. The utilization of the base functions converts the nonlinear problem to a nonlinear algebraic system of equations, which is then resolved using the Mathematica®12 program. The development of effective computational methods (D-ECM) has been applied to solve the nonlinear Jeffery-Hamel flow problem, then a comparison between the methods has been shown. Furthermore, the maximum

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Dec 03 2021
Journal Name
2021 4th International Conference On Advanced Communication Technologies And Networking (commnet)
Methodology for Predicting the Optimum Design of Radio-Electronic Devices
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 25 2022
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Study the properties of Cu2Se thin films for optoelectronic applications
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Copper selenide (Cu2Se) thin films were prepared by thermal evaporation at RT with thickness 500 nm. The heat-treating for (400 &500) K for the absorber layer has been investigated. This research includes, studying the structural properties of X-ray diffraction (XRD) that show the Cu2Se thin film (Cubic) and has a polycrystalline orientation prevalent (220). Moreover, studying the effect of annealing on their surface morphology properties by using Atomic Force Microscopy AFM. Optical properties were considered using the transmittance and absorbance spectra had been recorded when wavelength range (400 - 1000) nm in order to study the absorption coefficient and energy gap. It was found that these films had allowed direct transitio

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Scopus (10)
Crossref (4)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Mar 12 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of ProcessVariables for MillingSculptured Surfaces on Surface Roughness
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Increasing the variety of products that are being designed with sculptured surfaces, efficient machining of these surfaces has become more important in many manufacturing industries. The objective of the present work is the investigation of milling parameters for the sculptured surfacesthat effecting of surface roughness during machining of Al-alloy. The machining operation implemented on C-TEK CNC milling machine. The influence of the selected variables on the chosen characteristics have been accomplished using Taguchi design approach, also ANOVA had been utilized to evaluate the contributionsof each parameter on proc

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
N3, N749 dyes effect on the TiO2 for optoelectronic applications
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The present work aimed to study effect of (N749 & N3) dyes on TiO2 optical and electrical properties for optoelectronic application. The TiO2 paste prepared by using a doctor blade method. The samples were UV-VIS specterophometricall analyzes of TiO2 before and after immersed in dyes (N749 & N3). The results showed absorption spectra shift toward the visible region due to the adsorption of dye molecules on the surface of oxide nanoparticles. It is seen that the Eg determined to give a value of 3.3eV for TiO2 before immersing in dyes, and immersing in dyes (N749 & N3) are (1.4 &1.6 eV) respectively. The structural properties (XRD), (FTIR) and (SEM) for the sample prepared were investigated and (J-V) characteristics was stu

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Structural imbalance of Iraqi trade balance for the period (2014_1994)
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     The use of economic resources enjoyed Iraq by especially oil resources, which constitute the main source of financial revenue, would the economic surplus outside the oil sector increases by mobilizing and rallying the labor power and turn it into an access capitalism, , was the cause of "the inaction of the productive sectors of the economy, made the investment planning process and even investment in human capital was not rationality with the increasing number of unemployed, particularly certificates and specializations high campaign, direction of the government towards market liberalism after 2003 through the, was focused not follow a clear economic policies, and the absence of planning

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Structural systems and expressional function for Airport Terminals' buildings
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The research deals with the structures of the contemporary travelers' buildings in particular, and which is a functional complex installations where flexibility, technical and stereotypes play an important role as well as the human values These facilities must represent physiological and psychological comfort for travelers. TThose are facilities where architectural form plays a distinguished role in reversing the specialty and identity of the building. Hence the importance of the subject has been in forced, as a result for the need to study these facilities and to determine the impact and affects by the surrounding environment, to the extent of the urban, environmental, urban, social, and psychological levels. The importance of the resea

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating the Crop Coefficient for Cherries Plants in Michigan State
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Crop coefficient for cherries was evaluated by measure the water consumption in Michigan State to find its variation with time as the plant growth. Crop coefficients value (Kc) for cherries were predicated by Michigan State University (MSU) and also by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) according to consume of water through the season. In this paper crop coefficients for cherries are modified accordingly to the actual measurements of soil moisture content. Actual evapotranspiration (consumptive use) were measured by the soil moisture readings using Time Domain Reflectometers (TDR), and compared with the actual potential evapotranspiration that calculated by using modified Penman-Monteith equation which depends on metrological statio

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Choose the best model for building life tables in Iraq
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Demography or population studies or demography is the science that is based on the different characteristics of the population scientific study, and represent a population studies principled way to understand the population of society, in addition to verification of the population in a given area determine the reason for the increase or decrease this number from the previous statistical As these studies estimate future trends for the occurrence of demographic change in terms of birth, death and migration That the registration of deaths of paramount importance narrated that way can the demographic reality of the population analysis, and coverage of the health authorities' needs and enable government institutions of decision-making

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electronic diagnostics system for the analysis of laser beam profile
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In this work the analysis of laser beam profile system ,using a two dimensional CCD (Charge Coupled Device) arrays, is established. The system is capable of producing video graphics that give a two dimensional image of laser beam. The video graphics system creates color distribution that represent the intensity distribution of the laser beam or the energy profile of the beam. The software used is capable of analyzing and displaying the profile in four different methods that is , color code intensity contouring , intensity shareholding, intensity cross section along two dimension x-y, and three dimensional plot of the beam intensity given in the same display.

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