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Psychological stress in unemployed individuals and its association with well being
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The aim of this study is to detect the level of psychological stress among unemployed individuals and the level of their wellbeing by finding the correlation between these two variables.

          The research sample consisted of (99) people who are currently unemployed and registered at the Ministry of Labor Affairs.

Schafer (1996) scale for psychological stress was used and alongside Ziout's (2012) scale for wellbeing.

          The results of the research showed an inverse relation between being unemployed and having wellbeing.

          Therefore, the researcher recommends in the importance of finding appropriate job according to the level of unemployed people, in order to social, economic and psychological goals that can serve individuals and community.

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Consider speech science in light of its purposes
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Considering the science of speech in the light of its purposes is an accurate scientific study that looks at it from its reality in which it originated, and its topic that it dealt with and its goals that it sought, and it follows its main course in the directions of approving the belief and inferring it, and repelling the objections to it, and this study comes to show the realism of the science of speech in its emergence Its subject and method, since its launch was from the reality of the Islamic nation and based on its intellectual needs, so its presence was necessary in the life of the Islamic nation because of its role in facing the challenges faced by the Islamic faith, and the dangers it was exposed to as a result of the intellectu

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 24 2023
Journal Name
Migration Letters
Imaginative Interconnection and its Relationship to Spatial Thinking Among Preparatory School Students in Mathematics
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Decision-making and its relationship to some basic offensive skills in female students’ basketball
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هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على درجة اتخاذ القرار وعلاقتها ببعض المهارات  الأساسية الهجومية بكرة السلة للطالبات ، اذ يعد اتخاذ القرار قدرة الفرد على التوصل لحل مشكلة اعتراضية أو موقف محير، وذلك باختيار حل من البدائل الموجودة أو المبتكرة، وهذا الاختيار يعتمد على المعلومات التي جمعها الفرد حول المشكلة وعلى القيم والعادات والخبرة والتعليم والمهارات الفردية وتمتاز لعبة كرة السلة بوجود الكثير من المواقف المتغ

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Erotic and its epistemic connotations in the Iraqi theatrical text: علي كريم حسون الركابي
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  eroticism formed a basic focus in contemporary studies and caused a problematic clash in terms of terminology, as some interpreted it by pornography and another interpreted it as aesthetic, so this research came to seek to decipher this terminological clash, and to be known as erotech in terms of cognitive significance, Accordingly, the research culminated in four chapters. The first chapter (Methodological Framework) talks about the research problem that came according to the following question: “How is the erotic act built in the theatrical text and what are the epistemic connotations that express its subjectivity? Then followed by the importance of research and the need for it, then the objective of the research, and the boun

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Innovative Thinking and its Representations in Interior Space Design: علاء الدين كاظم منصور الإمام
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        The current research studies the innovative thinking system in the field of the interior design, and the extent of the possibility of activating its work mechanisms as a strategy for the redesigning principle according the variables of the contemporary social thinking. The research aims at revealing the nature of the thinking criteria and requirements that provide strategic values that guide the interior designer and the architect to organize the mechanism the act of designing. It also contributes in dealing with the design product through activating its ability in innovation and redesigning.

       The research consists of the concept of innovation, the&nbs

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The actor's Body Language and its significance in Iraqi Theatre Show: نوار علي محمد
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  The theatrical show has gone through a lot of changes where the actor was the most significant factor in all the theatrical shows since the very beginning of the art of acting by the Greeks until the present day. The actor went through many stages that employed his tools in different ways. The body in the theatre had a great importance because it is the perceived physical element that creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The actor's body had a special language that carries different meanings and creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The audience can decipher the codes of that body, thus, the researcher found the compatibility and differe

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research - Granthaalayah
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With the advancement of modern radiotherapy technology, radiation dose and dose distribution have significantly improved. as part of Natural development, interest has recently been renewed by treatment, especially in the use of heavy charged particles, because these radiation types serve theoretical advantages in all biological and physical aspects. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with Bone Tissue were calculated by using Zeigler’s formula and SRIM software, also the Range for this particle were calculated by using Mat lab language for (0.01-1000) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Social Graphic Design and its Reflection in Combating Drug Abuse: محمد عباس مظهر الزيدي
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Social graphic design is the design that realizes the role and responsibility of the designer in society, and the use of graphic design in bringing about social change, especially as it is a professional contribution that plays an important role in the behavioral development of societies, and through the above, the researcher found a logical justification for his research problem, which is summarized by the following question: (What is the concept of Social Graphic Design and its implications in the fight against drug abuse)
While the two objectives of the research were identified in defining the social graphic design and its effect on combating drug abuse, and the theoretical framework was divided into two topics, the first study dea

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
Journal Name
meta and its dimensions in the designed bio-formation - virtual reality environment - a model
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This study revolves around the rapid changes of science and a comparison of the formal and practical aspects and the reason behind summoning the changes and their types, which are subject to the influence of the recipient. This transformation represents formal and intellectual production cycles and formal functional generation that is subject to the goals of the system of multiple differences at the level of time and place. It meets the needs and the request for change, but access to it comes through multiple systems and portals that are different from the normal and the usual, so this study was called (meta and its dimensions in the designed biological formation (virtual reality environment - a model). The research seeks to find solutio

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Forensic accounting role in governance and its impact on the quality of accounting information
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That the structural changes in the environment, business and finance and the spread of business and the diversity of transactions between economic organizations and breadth of a commercial scale in the world have left their clear on the need to keep up with the accounting for these variables as one of the social sciences affect and are affected by the surrounding environment because of the various economic and social factors, technical, legal and others.

As a result of these variables emerged a new field of accounting called Forensic Accounting, which involves the use of expertise of multiple pour in the end to the accounting profession, where the Forensic Accounting cover a large area of ​​disciplines including strengthening

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