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Egocentrism & its Relationship with Academic Adaptation among University students
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The research aimed to identifying :

  1. Egocentrism of the university students .
  2. Academic adaptation of the university student.
  3. Differences in Egocentrism according to the both variable ( Gender and Specialization ) of the university student.
  4. Differences in academic adaptation according to the both variable ( Gender and Specialization ) of the university student .
  5. The Contribution of academic adaptation to Egocentrism of the university student .

The sample of the research consisted of ( 400 ) students.      
Tow instruments have been used in this research ; first : Egocentrism Scale constructed by the researcher consisted ( 42 ) items . The characteristics of psychometric form Validity have been verified, t reliability has been verified by test retest. The Correlation Coefficient  was  ( 0,73 ). internal consistency of ( Alpha Cronbach ) was ( 0,85 ). Second: was the Scale of academic adaptation which constructed by the researcher consisting of ( 56 ) items . reliability by test retest were verified. The correlation coefficient ( 0,77 ), the method of ( Alpha Cronbach was ( 0,79 ).
The following statistical means  was using :(Chi-square test, one sample T- test, Two independent sample T-test, Alpha Cronbach   Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Two way analysis of variance with interaction, Scheffee test & Regression analysis. The Research find the following results:             

  1. The students of the university enjoy high level of Egocentrism.
  2. The students' of the university enjoy high level of  academic adaptation .
  3. There is no differences in the Egocentrism and due to the Gender, study  specialization, interaction  between the Gender and study specialization.
  4. There are differences in the Gender in the academic adaptation, and there are differences in the study Specialization in favor of humanitarian of females. and no-differences in the interaction among them.,
  5. There are no relation of Statistical significant between Egocentrism and academic adaptation.
  6. There are no statistically significant academic contribution to adapt the egocentrism among university students.    

      The researchers has presented a number of  recommendations and suggestions.


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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Modeling and analysis of an <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si7.svg"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> epidemic model with nonlinear incidence and general recovery functions of <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si8.svg"><mml:msub><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Quantum Theory of Atom in Molecules Investigation Trinuclear Ruthenium: DFT Approach
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The topological indices of the "[(µ3-2, 5-dioxyocyclohexylidene)-bis ((2-hydrido)-nonacarbonyltriruthenium]” were studied within the quantum theory of atoms in the molecule (QTAIM), clusters are
analyzed using the density functional theory (DFT). The estimated topological variables accord with prior
descriptions of comparable transition metal complexes. The Quantum Theory of Atom, in molecules
investigation of the bridging core component, Ru3H2, revealed critical binding points (chemical bonding)
between Ru (1) and Ru (2) and Ru (3). Consequently, delocalization index for this non-bonding interaction
was calculated in the core of Ru3H2, the interaction is of the (5centre–5electron) class.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Computer-based plagiarism detection techniques: A comparative study
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Plagiarism is becoming more of a problem in academics. It’s made worse by the ease with which a wide range of resources can be found on the internet, as well as the ease with which they can be copied and pasted. It is academic theft since the perpetrator has ”taken” and presented the work of others as his or her own. Manual detection of plagiarism by a human being is difficult, imprecise, and time-consuming because it is difficult for anyone to compare their work to current data. Plagiarism is a big problem in higher education, and it can happen on any topic. Plagiarism detection has been studied in many scientific articles, and methods for recognition have been created utilizing the Plagiarism analysis, Authorship identification, and

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the Grimms: Going Against Patriarchy in Singh’s Movie Mirror Mirror
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Many cinematic adaptations were produced for the Grimms’ “Little Snow-White” (1812) including Mirror Mirror movie (2012), the contemporary version adapted by Taresm Singh. Singh’s version was able to depict the modern reality of women and went against patriarchy by embracing feminist ideologies of the fourth-wave feminism. Therefore, he challenged the ideologies of the mainstream cinema dominated by the patriarchal élite’s capitalist mode of production that still adhere to the stereotyped patriarchal image of women’s ‘victimization,’ ‘objectification’ and ‘marginalization,’ which did not represent women’s modern reality anymore. This paper, however, is a qualitative study aimed to prove that the femini

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Consumer Subjective Values and their Reflection on Fashion Design: وسن خليل إبراهيم
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This paper deals with the subjective reflections of consumer values ​​on fashion design. The   consumer self is determined by the consumer's idea of ​​himself, according to the intellectual, spiritual and social values, and these values ​​take their intellectual reflection in the form of material values ​​that the consumer finds in fashion design. These values ​​are based on considerations between what is intellectual represented by the values ​​of the consumer, and what is material determined by the fashion design, which also proceed from values that are visible or implied in costume design, such as the function, beauty and symbol. The   consumer self gets its material image represented in the

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 08 2022
Journal Name
قضايا سياسية
الشخصانية في الفكر السياسي الغربي المعاصر: جان لاكروا انموذجا
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برزت الشخصانية في حقبة تاريخية كان فيها العالم و اوربا وفرنسا تشهد انتهاء حقبة حضارية امتدت من نهاية القرون الوسطى حتى اوائل القرن العشرين تميزت بكونها رأسمالية التركيب، ليبرالية المنهج، وبرجوازية القيم، جاءت الشخصانية ليس فقط محاولة للإجابة عن حقبة جديدة ولادة حضارة جديدة لاتزال غامضة المعالم فحسب انما ايضا كرد على المدرسة الماركسية المادية والوجودية الملحدة محددة هدفها الابعد بإعادة صنع النهضة

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
مجلة البحوث التربوية والنفسية
تطوير الاداء الاداري لرؤساء الاقسام العلمية في جامعة واسط في ضوء وظائفها الادارية
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تطوير الاداء الاداري لرؤساء الاقسا العممية في جامعة واتسط في ضوء وظائفيا الادارية د ا رسة ميدانية ىدفت تطوير الاداء الاداري لرؤساء الاقسا العممية في جامعة واسط في ضوء وظائفيا الادارية وت بناء استبانة تكونت 410 وعمى مجموعة مف الخب ا رء مف عمداء ومعاونيف :/ مف = 8 فقرة اذ ت تطبيقيا خلاؿ العا الد ا رسي 4109 اساتذة ورؤساء اقسا باستخدا اسموب دلفي بواقع جولتيف وباعتماد نسبة اتفاؽ 1<% وكاف عددى 81 خبي ا رً وتوصمت الد ا رسة الى

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Alternatives Scenarios for Transportation During The Morning and Evening Peaks (The Entrances of The Jadiriya Complex Study Case) "A Planning Vision"
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The research aims to develop alternatives to transportation at the entrance to the Educational City (University of Baghdad) during the morning and evening peaks, which result from of the traffic congestion at the entrances to the educational city (the University of Baghdad), and affects the emotional, functional, and social performance of the whole city, and leads to hotbeds of confluence and congestion at the entrances in the morning and evening peaks. This movement was measured on the ground for pedestrians and vehicles. Some criteria were adopted to determine the density of road length to the area and density of roads for the number of users and the rate of the area served by roads. The research reviews the experiences of some

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
The effect of silver nanoparticles on braf gene expression
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The recent studies suggested the possible toxicities or genetic alterations associated with biological and medical applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The current research is directed to see if AgNPs administration can lead to some changes in expression of BRAF gene in selected body organs tissues. Fifty-six male of musmusculs (Balb/C) mice from the animal house of Al-Nahrain Centre of Biotechnology were used. These animals were divided randomly to seven groups (eight mouse in each group), one of these groups represented the control group, three groups were subjected to different doses of AgNPs (0.25, 0.5and 1 mg/kg of body weight) for one week, and the remaining three groups were subjected to three different doses of AgNP

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 30 2007
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Plagiarism in Theses and Dissertations: Methods of Detecting and Avoiding
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The present study aims at identifying the styles, procedures of Iraqi universities to avoid plagiarism and evaluate these steps, also to evaluate the form prepared by the Directory of Scientific Supervision and Evaluation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The study uses documentary style, 150 teachers in the following colleges (Education Ibn Rushd, Languages and Arts) in university of Baghdad whom already used the aforementioned list were the sample of the study and they asked to give their opinions about the list.The study consists of five sections, first one deals with general view, second explains plagiarism and its types, shapes and reasons,third tackles with ways of detecting plagiarism, its programs, consequences

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