The aim of the present research is to construct a model to evaluate the software engineering subject in the third grade department of Computing, in colleges of education. Then, evaluating the software Engineering subject from the view point of staff members by applying the constructed model, and in order to achieve the second aim of the present research the researcher has to find answers to the following questions:- 1. What is the presence of the proposed evaluating model fields, which was prepared by the researcher for the third grade Soft Ware Engineering subject from the view point of staff members? 2. What is the presence of the items for the proposed evaluating model, which was prepared by the researcher for the third grade Soft Ware Engineering subject from the view point of staff members? To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher used as a population of her research all the department of Computing staff members who taught Soft Ware Engineering subject for the current academic year 2014-2015 and the previous years, as well as the specialist who were presence at the meeting of the sect oral Committee in colleges of education for Iraqi Universities (Baghdad, Al-Mustansiriya, Diyala, Al-Iraqia, ThiQar ,Basrah, Hamdania, and Mosul), Totaling (58)staff members, The researcher has chosen intentionally four universities (Baghdad, al-Mustansiriya, Diyalaand al-Iraqia) to be the sample of her research. The researcher used a descriptive approach, and in order to prepare a list of items that are essential for the evaluating model as a first draft, the researcher has depended on previous studies in the field and on the opinions of (20) experts engaged in teaching distributed in colleges of education at Baghdad and al-Mustansiriya universities, through spreading an open ended questionnaire includes six questions, to propose what is suitable to be included in the evaluating model, The first list included the following six fields The list of items was distributed to a sample of (15), then the researcher gave them enough time to check each item and removing or adding what is suitable for the model to become in its final draft which included (125) items,The researcher followed up with (10) ten experts Delphi style throughout three rounds to reach the final form of the evaluating model, and there was a complete agreement among them ,The researcher applied the evaluating model in its final form among (40) staff members, and giving them enough time to answer. Answers were later analyzed statically by using a number of statistical methods and checked the results using (SPSS),It has been found that staff members agree on the achievement of all of the six evaluating model fields in software engineering subject and an achievement of (115) of the evaluating model items with percentage of (%92),The results showed an achievement of the subject aims and methods of teaching and students evaluation, It showed the marginalization of the applied side and focus on theory in all areas whether aims or content and even teaching methods and activities, evaluation, and the shortage of modernizing and developing the syllables section compatibility with showed few inclinations and interests of students.
The university professor is the main theme in the educational process, then we must have prepared attention and study, it is the upper hand in achieving the objectives of education and a factor of development of society and its development factors that set it up and increase the efficiency of the duties of universities and development centers and through that evaluation is essential process and Zerorah to improve his performance, especially if they're the evaluation process from the standpoint of their students
research goals
The current research aims to identify:
1. identify the effectiveness of teaching the University of Tikrit from the standpoint of their students
2. to identify the differences in
على الرغم من تحقق ثورة هائلة وطفرة نوعية في مجال تكنلوجيا الاتصالات في دول العالم الا ان بلدنا كان محروما من التمتع بهذه التقنيات الحديثة في ظل النظام السابق, وبعد سقوط النظام ووجود بحبوحة من الحرية، دخلت الكثير من هذه التقنيات الى العراق ومنها الموبايل والانترنيت وغيرها من وسائل الاتصال المتطورة.
ويقول (Smith & Fletcher, 2001) في كتابهما Inside Information
... Show MoreThe study aims at knowing the actual uses of instructional technology in teaching history subject in the colleges of education for humanities from the college staff members' perspectives and their attitudes towards it. The sample of the study consisted of (24) instructors from the Colleges of Education for the Humanities, the College of Basic Education- Haditha and the College of Education for Women, the study used the descriptive method, and the questionnaire was consisted of (50) items, and the psychometric properties of the instrument of the study were extracted. The researchers used the appropriate statistical means to analyze the data, and the results of the study showed the following: the teaching staff attitudes towards the use of
... Show MoreEducation specialists have differed about determining the best ways to detect the
talented. Since the appearance of the mental and psychological measurement movement, some
scholars adopted intelligence ratios as a criterion to identify the talented and others went to
rely on the degree of academic achievement. Each of these two methods has its own flaws and
mistakes and a large number of talented children were victims of these two methods.
Therefore the need to use other scales for the purpose of detection of talented children
appeared because they provide valuable information which may not be obtained easily
through objective tests and these scales are derived from consecutive studies of gifted andtalented children
This study is aim to :
- Put a standard to evaluate the altruistic behavior in kindergarten children.
- Know level of the altruistic behavior in the kindergarten children according to their mother "s points of view.
- Know the level of the altruistic behavior in the kindergarten children according to their teacher "s points of view.
- The differences in the level of altruistic behavior in kindergarten children between their mothers & teachers points of view.
The sample consists of (120) children of kindergarten children in Baghdad. The researcher has built a to
... Show Moreأهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :
الحمد لله رب العالمين القائل (( وانك لعلى خلق عظيم )) (سورة القام :4) وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد القائل " انما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الاخلاق " مسند احم: رقم الحديث 8595.
ان الاهتمام بالمشكلات السلوكية من اهم ركائن التربية والتعليم وتأتي تأتي اهميتها من ان التعيم يعين التغيير في سلوك الفرد نحو الافضل تحت تأثير الظروف والخبرات والمعارف والمهارات ال
... Show MoreThe purpose of the current research is to identify the most important problems that primary school students suffer from inside and outside the classroom from the point of view of their teachers. A sample of (100) male and female teachers was chosen from the Rusafa\ second Directorate for the academic year (2018-2019). The research tool was prepared after reviewing literature related to the issue of problems and difficulties facing students or students in the school stage and even at university. The researcher reached several results that were discussed in the fourth chapter, with a set of conclusions based on the results of the research, and come up with several recommendations and suggestions.
أهمية البحث ومشكلته:- تعد الطفولة من أهم المراحل العمرية في حياة الإنسان اذ يكون فيها الطفل غضاً من النواحي الجسمية والعقلية والنفسية، شديد القابلية للتأثر بالعوامل المختلفة المحيطة به الأمر الذي يبرز أهمية السنوات الخمس الأولى في تكوين شخصيته بصورة تترك طابعها فيه طيلة حياته. ومن أهم سمات هذه المرحلة نمو القوى العقلية والجسمية والنفسية، ومن جوانب نمو الطفل العقلية هي المفاهيم ا
... Show Moreهدفت الدراسة الحالية الى التعرف ما اذا كان هناك تقبل اجتماعي للتلاميذ بطيئي من قبل اقرانهم العاديين؟ وكذلك معرفة ما اذا كان هناك فروق ذات دلالة في التقبل الاجتماعي بين افراد عينة الدراسة على وفق المتغيرات الاتية:
أ- العمر (9-13)
ب- الجنس (ذكور –اناث)
ج- المرحلة الدراسية
د- الحالة الاقتصادية (جيدة –متوسطة –جيدة جدا)
ولغرض تحقيق اه
... Show MoreThe study aims at identifying the morphological and psycho-socio-economic qualities wished to be in a life partner among a sample of Palestinian youth. The total sample was (231) and consisted of (83) male and (148) female students. Each student presented a detailed report on the qualities he/she wished to be in life partner. The study used the descriptive approach and content analysis method. The validity and stability of the analysis were calculated. The results showed eight qualities in both groups: physical, psychological, emotional, social, intellectual, familial, economic and academic. Female students were found to have more variations than male students in terms of the qualities preferable in the life partner. Male students
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