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Toward a theoretical model of the terrorist personality and differentiation from psychopathic personality

The current theoretical research targeted to construct a model of terrorist personality and its differentiation from psychopathic personality . Several assumptions or theories of perspectives of psychopathic personality have been compared with the terrorist personality studies that concerned . The suggested theoretical  model is interrupting the terrorist personality . The conclusions , discussions are mentioned. Finally, recommendation is suggested .

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Extraction model to remove antibiotics from aqueous solution by emulsion and Pickering emulsion liquid membrane

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2016
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters

Publication Date
Mon May 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluation Of The Activity Of Aqueous And Alcoholic Extract And Essential Oil Of Eucalyptus incrassata Toward Some Biological Characteristics Of The Water Mold Saprolegnia ferax

The study was conducted to evaluate the antifungal activity of the aqueous and
alcoholic extract and the essential oil of E. incrassata leaves toward some biological
characteristics of the water mold S. ferax. Chemical analysis of the plant leaves using HPLC
showed the content of several active compounds included 1,8-Cineole, Terpineal, Citronellal,
Phellendrene and Citiric acid.
Treatment of the fungus growing on solid media containing different concentrations of
the extracts showed significant gradual decrease in radial growth with the increasing
concentration, and the effect varied with the different extracts.
Treatment of the fungus grown in distilled water on sesame seeds with different

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi public's uses of digital television and cinema sites ( A field study ): Research extracted from a master's thesis

The research problem revolves around the Iraqi public's use of digital television and cinematic websites، and their importance to the academic study and society، as it examines the public's relationship with these websites، usage habits، and the reasons for their interaction with them. And for the prevalence of this phenomenon of use، it was necessary to address the intensity، intentionality، and timing of use to theoretically root the subject of the study، which is one of the modern studies in Iraq and the Arab world. The survey approach، where the research was based on the theory of uses and gratifications that confer positivity and activity on the mass media audience.

     The researchers designed

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
Journal Name
The Journal Of Immunology
Resveratrol improves a murine model of asthma through alterations in the gut microbiome
Abstract<p>Asthma is a condition characterized by bronchial spasms, inflammation, and mucous hypersecretion which leads to difficulties in respiration. Asthmatic patients are usually presented with recurrent attacks of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath which could be life-threatening. More than three million cases of asthma in the United States are diagnosed annually. Resveratrol, a polyphenolic stilbene, is known to be useful in controlling asthmatic attacks via different molecular mechanisms within the lung epithelium and infiltrating immune cells. However, few studies mentioned the effect of resveratrol on the microbiome in ovalbumin-induced asthma mouse model. In this study, we ind</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of ethnicity in contemporary American political thought Jerry Mueller, a model ...


تشير نظريات علم اجتماع المعرفة الى ان ظهور مفهوم معين او سقوطه لايتم بمحض الصدفة، بل نتيجة تفاعل مجموعة من العوامل الثقافية والسياسية وحتى الاقتصادية ومن هنا فأن ظهور مفهوم الاثنية كان محصلة عوامل كثيرة خصوصاً بعد ان اصبح موضوع الاثنية في العقود الاخيرة من القرن الماضي وبداية القرن الواحد والعشرين محور نقاش رئيس في ميدان البحث الاجتماعي والسياسي، ليس في

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Developing a Model to Estimate the Productivity of Ready Mixed Concrete Batch Plant

Productivity estimating of ready mixed concrete batch plant is an essential tool for the successful completion of the construction process. It is defined as the output of the system per unit of time. Usually, the actual productivity values of construction equipment in the site are not consistent with the nominal ones. Therefore, it is necessary to make a comprehensive evaluation of the nominal productivity of equipment concerning the effected factors and then re-evaluate them according to the actual values.

In this paper, the forecasting system was employed is an Artificial Intelligence technique (AI). It is represented by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to establish the predicted model to estimate wet ready mixe

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Judicial tools in the development of civil law rules ( France as a model )

Despite the principle of separation of powers brought by the French Revolution, which entrusted the task of drafting legislation and its amendment to the legislative authority and the task of settling disputes and settling them in the judiciary. However, since that date, the French judiciary has played a major role in the development of French civil law (In spite of all the economic and social developments that have taken place in French society throughout these years) since its promulgation until February of 2016, the date of the Legislative Decree No. 131 of the year 2016 A modification is the largest in the history of the French Civil Code (which was the judicial precedents in which a significant impact), was assisted by the French judic

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Estimation of a Parallel Stress-strength Model Based on the Inverse Kumaraswamy Distribution


 The reliability of the stress-strength model attracted many statisticians for several years owing to its applicability in different and diverse parts such as engineering, quality control, and economics. In this paper, the system reliability estimation in the stress-strength model containing Kth parallel components will be offered by four types of shrinkage methods: constant Shrinkage Estimation Method, Shrinkage Function Estimator, Modified Thompson Type Shrinkage Estimator, Squared Shrinkage Estimator. The Monte Carlo simulation study is compared among proposed estimators using the mean squared error. The result analyses of the shrinkage estimation methods showed that the shrinkage functions estimator was the best since

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2020
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Physics
Theoretical Simulation of Backscattering Electron Coefficient for SixGe1-x/Si Heterostructure as a Function of Primary Electron Beam Energy and Ge Concentration

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the backscattering electron coefficient for SixGe1-x/Si heterostructure sample as a function of primary electron beam energy (0.25-20 keV) and Ge concentration in the alloy. The results obtained have several characteristics that are as follows: the first one is that the intensity of the backscattered signal above the alloy is mainly related to the average atomic number of the SixGe1-x alloy. The second feature is that the backscattering electron coefficient line scan shows a constant value above each layer at low primary electron energies below 5 keV. However, at 5 keV and above, a peak and a dip appeared on the line scan above Si-Ge alloy and Si, respectively, close to the interfacing line

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