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الاخفاقات المعرفية وعلاقتها بأساليب معالجة المعلومات وحل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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       The present research aims to know :

 The level of Cognitive failures, information processing styles, and the problem-solving among the university students ,so it is aims to know the contribution of cognitive failures on the information processing styles and problem-solving, the research sample was (400) males and females student  from the University of Wasit chosen randomly from both gender and for the study of the morning and evening .So  these scales had been used as a research tool (failures cognitive scale ,the scale of information processing styles , and the scale of problem solving) , and by using the statistical means as T- test for one sample , T- test for tow independent samples ,and person correlation  ,the research reached to the results indicates  that the college students  have cognitive faller but it isn’t has statistical significant, and they  tend to use the strategic style , and the have the ability to solve problems , So the cognitive faller had contribution on cognitive procedure styles and  it had a contribution on problem solving. Through the search results was reached some of the recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الوحدة النفسية وعلاقتها بالأفكار اللاعقلانية لدى طلبة الجامعة المستنصرية
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Suffering of modern man in all societies of psychological problems, social, economic and professional as a result of the evolution of massive technological and rapid disable individual from pursuing it as well as changes caused to human values​​, and these problems psychological problem of loneliness, the loneliness psychological state unique to the human from other organisms because of having social system, affected by and affects it, any defect may occur in the ties that bind man to other children of sex or any change occurs in the social system, reflected on the individual, and the resulting disruption in the social nature syndrome among individuals, what breeds they have the feeling of is

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
خرائط أساليب التعلم لدى طلبة الجامعة وعلاقتها بالتحصيل الدراسي
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أولاً: مشكلة البحث:

للتربية دوراً أساسياً في تكوين الإنسان ليصبح قادراً على الإسهام الحضاري، ودفع عجلة التنمية إلى الأمام. وينظر للتربية حالياً بأنها عملية توثيق الصلة بين الناشئ والبيئة في ظروف معينة تعينه على النمو في الاتجاه المرغوب فيه. ويأتي الجانب المعرفي في مقدمة جوانب النمو، فهو المسؤول عن بناء شخصية الفرد وأسلوب تفكيره (سعيد، 1989، ص28). فضلاً عن كونه الخاصية الراقية عند الإنسان التي

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mindfulness and Its Relation to Self Regulated Learning Among University Students
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Mindfulness is considered a process to draw an image of the active event and to creat new social varieties which leaves the individuals open to modernity and to be sensitive towards the context. in contrast, when individuals act with less attention, they need to be more determined concerning the varieties and events of the past . and as a result , they become unaware of the characteristics that creat the individual condition .The problem of the current study is represented in asking about the nature of the possible relationship between mindfulness and self-regulated learning within specific demographic frame of an importantsocial category represented in university students where no previous researches nor theories have agreed on the natu

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Emotional Innovation and Its Relation to Foresight, Meditation, and Constructive Thinking among University Students
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The study aims to examine the emotional innovation, constructive thinking, foresight, and meditation among university students. Besides, attempts to explore the relationship between emotional innovation and constructive thinking, the relationship between emotional innovation and foresight, and meditation, the relationship between constructive thinking and foresight, and meditation, finally, the relationship among emotional innovation, constructive thinking, foresight, and meditation of university students regarding the variables of gender and major. A total of (400) students were selected as a sample for the study. The results revealed that university students have a high level of emotional innovation that induce them to take positive ro

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral identity and its relationship to social affiliation among university students Exposed to shock pressure
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The current research aimed to identify the level of moral identity and social affiliation among students exposed to shock pressures, as well as to reveal the relationship between these variables. To achieve these objectives, the researcher adopted the diagnostic tool for the measure of post-traumatic stress disorder (PDS-5) scale (Foa, 2013) translated to Arabic language by (Imran, 2017). The researcher also adopted the moral identity scale built by (Al-Bayati, 2015) and the measure of social affiliation built by (Al-Jashami, 2013), which were applied to a random sample of (200) male and female students chose from al Anbar University. They were exposed to shock pressures. The results of the research showed that the sample has an average

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mono-Multi Vision and Its Relationship to Psychological Rebellion and Personality Traits of University Students
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The current research seeks to identify mono-multi Vision and its relation to the psychological rebellion and personality traits of university students. To achieve this aim, the researcher has followed all the procedures of the descriptive correlational approach, as it is the closest approach to the objectives of the current research. The researcher has determined his research community for Baghdad University students for the academic year 2019-2020. As for the research sample, it was chosen by the random stratified method with a sample of (500) male and female students. In order to collect data from the research sample, the researcher adopted a mono-multi-dimensional scale

(Othman, 2007), the researcher designed a psychological r

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المعتقدات المعرفية لدى طلبة المدارس الثانوية للمتميزين
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The current search is determined by the students of the preparatory stage in the talented schools in the province of Baghdad Rusafa Educational Directorates (first, second, third) and Educational Directorates Karkh (first, second, third) of both sexes(male, female)and for fourth, fifth and sixth classes.

            The researcher reviewed a number of theories that addressed the variables of the research, and to achieve the objectives of the research, The researcher used the foreign measure (Schommer) to measure the Epistemological Beliefs, which is to be finalized (49) items. The researcher translates the research and extract sincerity translator has

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Reflective Judgment of University Students
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This research aims at identifying the level of Reflective Judgment for University students in term of gender and stage. To this end, the researcher used Khaleel's scale (2016) for the Reflective Judgment. The scale was administered to the sample of the study which is (200) male and female level first-fourth university students. The results have shown that university students are on the level five of the Reflective Judgment, and the first-stage students have reflective judgment more than fourth-stage students. In the light of these results, the researcher has come with a number of recommendations and suggestions.     

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Communicative Competence of University Students
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The current research aims to identify the communicative competence of university students, to identify the levels of communicative competence among university students and which of these levels are more common, and to identify the significance of differences in communicative competence among university students according to the variables of gender and specialization. The study population consisted of (782) male and female students, as the statistical analysis sample was limited to (400) male and female students to extract the psychometric properties of the current research tool. The study sample included (382) male and female students at the University of Baghdad who were chosen by the stratified random

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Identification Party of University Students
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The Political loyalties of the individual considered as the most important democracies through direct psychological identification in a particular party. The political parties regarded as the important elements and the foundations of the democratic system. They have effective interaction between the voters and the government institutions. The aim of the current research is to identify the quality of Islamic, the Civilian parties, and the most preferred for students. also, the research attempt to identify the level of identification  party that the  university students have, and the difference of identification party  according to the gender (male, female), the difference of of social class (upper, middle, poor). The sample

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