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Mental Fatigue among University Teachers
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The current research aims to measure the level of mental fatigue among the teachers of the University of Baghdad, as well as to measure the significant differences according to the variable of mental fatigue in terms of male and female teachers, specialization (humanitarian, scientific), and title (professor, assistant professor, lecturer). To achieve these current goals, a random sample of (300) teachers from University of Baghdad was selected for the academic year 2019-2020. To measure the mental fatigue, the researcher developed a tool to measure the variable included (56) items. The research revealed that the study sample is mentally tired, the female sample is more mentally tired than males, there are no statistically significant differences according to the variable of specializations (humanitarian and scientific), while there are significant differences with respect to the scientific title and in favor of the title of professor, as the title of professor is more mentally tired than the titles of assistant professor and teacher and that the title of assistant professor More tired of my mind than the title of teacher. As for the interaction between gender, specialization and scientific title, there is no statistically significant. According to the results reached by the researcher, she presented a number of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions mentioned in the fourth chapter.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of The Round Robin Strategy in Logical Thinking the Fourth in Chemistry
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The study aims to identify the impact of the round-robin strategy on the logical thinking of fourth-year middle school students in chemistry. Two groups were employed:  an experimental group consisted of (30) students who were taught according to the round-robin strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students who were taught according to the traditional method. The researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control by preparing the visual thinking test tool, which consists of (20) multiple-choice items, it was applied as a post-test on the research sample. The result showed that there was a statistically significant difference in favor of the experimental group, which was taught according to the Round Robin s

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
A study of the level of skill self-esteem and some aspects of attention (acute - focus - diversion) and their relationship to the performance of the spiking and serve among young tennis players
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The purpose of this paper is to identifying the level of skill self-esteem of the young tennis players in the Governorate of Baghdad, identifying some aspects of attention (acuteness, concentration, and diversion of attention) among the young tennis players of the Baghdad governorate, and identify the skills of serve and serve spiking in tennis by young tennis players in Baghdad governorate. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the correlative relations style for its suitability and the research problem. the research sample was chosen in a deliberate way from the youth team players in tennis for the Governorate of Baghdad and the participants in the 2021-2022 sports season, whose number is (20) male players and (4) young playe

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2022
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جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات
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أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات

Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Difficulties Facing the Schools of Challenge and Resilience and their Relationship to Motivation towards School Work for Its Workers in Hebron Governorate
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The current study aims to examine the level of problems faced by university students in distance learning, in addition to identify the differences in these problems in terms of the availability of internet services, gender, college, GPA, interactions, academic cohort, and family economic status. The study sample consisted of (3172) students (57.3% females). The researchers developed a questionnaire with (32) items to measure distance learning problems in four areas: Psychological (9 items), academic (10 items), technological (7 items), and study environment (6 items). The responses are scored on a (5) point Likert Scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Means, standard deviations, and Multivariate Analysis of Vari

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The extent of theatrical and musical arts contribute to the diagnosis And treatment of psychological problems Inmates of
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 The research aims to identify the extent to which the theatrical and musical arts contribute to diagnosing and treating psychological problems among the residents of children’s villages in Jordan, and the methodologies adopted by the theatrical and musical arts to achieve this. It moves on to prove the theory that theatrical and musical arts have an impact on improving the psychology of the residents of children’s villages in Jordan by reviewing the theories and opinions that address the subject from a scientific point of view proven by experiences and expertise. The research took place in the period between (2019-2020), and the spatial limits came within the (SOS) children's villages in Jordan. The importance of the research is to

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using Rational Judgment Strategy in Teaching Science on the Developing of Scientific Thinking at the Male Students of Intermediate Second Grade
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The study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using rational judgment strategy in teaching science to develop scientific thinking for second-grade students. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental approach based on (the pre/post designing) of two groups: experimental and control. As for tools: a test of scientific thinking prepared by the researcher that proved its verification of their validity and reliability. The test applied on a random sample of (66) students, divided into two groups: (34) experimental, and (32) control. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-application of the scientific thinking test, In each skill separately, and in the total skills. The study recommende

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
أثر المنشطات العقلية في أستراتيجيات التعلم و الدراسة و أنماط المعرفة الفيزيائية لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Science
أثر شكل سبعة المعرفي في اكتساب المفاهيم الفيزيائية و فهم طبيعة العلم لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العام
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a strategy (fahs) in the development of grammar skills of a sample of secondary school Female Students in Saudi Arabia
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The aim of the present research is to measure the degree of strategic effectiveness (fahs) in the development of grammar skills of high school students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to achieve the goal of the researcher the researcher used the semi-experimental approach; On ten arbitrators specializing in grammar, morphology, curricula and methods of teaching the Arabic language. After confirming the validity of the guideline, the researcher prepared an achievement test consisting of (22) paragraphs of the type of short answer and multiple choice. The researcher trained a teacher to apply the strategy to the experimental research sample using the (screening) component of (30) students, and the same parameter taught the control sampl

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر أنموذج برونر في تنمية التفكير الناقد لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانية كلية التربية الأساسية في مادة الأدب
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التعريف بالبحث

اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :.

           اللغة وظيفة اساسية الا وهي التواصل ولقد زدادت الحاجة في هذا العصر الى تعلم اللغات والاحاطة بها اكثر من اي وقت مضى يوصفها الاساس الذي يعتمد عليه في تعلم المواد الاخرى .

         فاللغة اداة التفكير ونشر الثقافة في بلدان كثيرة مثل بلاد الاندلس التي اشرقت منها الحضارة في ا

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