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The Effectiveness of a Program in Developing Awareness of the Criteria for Judging Electronic Educational Materials Among Students of Teaching Diploma at Dhofar University
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The study aims to develop the awareness of the criteria for judging electronic educational materials among students of educational qualification at Dhofar University over spreading the Corona pandemic through a program based on mini-educational units. The study was applied to (18) students studying Teaching diploma at Dhofar University for the academic year 2020-2021, and their number. They were chosen intentionally. The study resulted in reaching a list of criteria for judging electronic educational materials, roughly (18) criteria in the selection themes and (15) criteria in the use theme. The level of awareness of the sample members with the criteria for selecting and using electronic educational materials and the effectiveness of the program in increasing awareness of students with standards recorded low levels. The study came out with a set of recommendations: holding training courses for students of the Teaching diploma and student teachers in the various disciplines of education through adopting the current criteria. Including these criteria through studying the educational teaching diploma and the bachelor of education. Adopting the current program in all disciplines in the department of education. Thus, we can make good use of it in light of the Corona pandemic.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
apply Six Sigma in improving the quality of projects added expert system )Applied research(
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Construction projects need methods and techniques to ensure the level of quality and commensurate with the level required and documented in the project contract. The quality of the project is affected by the quality of the inputs and accompanying procedures in the construction of the project.

Al-Rumaitha residential project found that the quality of the concrete for the ceilings in the research sample (the roof of the third floor of buildings A25 and A26) and (roof of the second floor of buildings A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32 and A33) and roof of buildings A15 and A16 A19)) is not the required quality level.

The idea of the research came after the need to improve the performance o

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Aesthetics of Color Rhythm in the Guiding Poster: خليف محمود خليف -معتز عناد غزوان
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The idea of rhythm is basically associated with movement, as it is a regular frequency of movement combining between unity and change. Rhythm can be defined as a repetition of a certain element. Rhythm has a major role in the guiding poster which we are today in dire need for in light of escalation of coronavirus pandemic and its dire repercussions on entire international community, as the current research highlights the aesthetics of color rhythm in the guiding poster to confront coronavirus pandemic.

The spread of this invisible unknown horror preoccupied the world in different fields of scientific and human knowledge to the extent that man today has started looking for effective medical solutions to put an end to this pandemic

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Effect of Organizational Power Top Management Resources in Building Core Competencies: Analytical Research
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The problem of the current research as the Iraqi Drilling Company suffers from the many challenges facing its work as a result of the current conditions in Iraq and the subsequent changes in the policies of the State Which left an impact on its activities and objectives, which created pressure on the importance of an organizational power capable of diagnosing the core competencies and development and maintain them to contribute to the raising and success in the performance of the company. The researchers adopted the method of analytical research and adopted the questionnaire as a main tool in the collection of research data and information . It was distributed to a community of (140) individuals from the low mana

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Decisive Answers: A Pragmatic Linguistic Study
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The current research is concerned with studying the decisive answers which are considered quick and conclusive. These answers can effectively interrupt the opponent's argument and close the dialogue.This research is concentrated on deliberative methodology focusing on the decisive answer's activity and ending them through several completing and argument sides. This research consists of an introduction and three parts, the current introduction is focused the light on the concept of decisive answers and its uses in literature and the scarce of speech, and how to consider it with one dialogue description,that dialogue constitute by ? The first part is concerned with those answers through the deliberative methodology and classifying decisive

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Metaheuristic Approach to the C1S Problem
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Given a binary matrix, finding the maximum set of columns such that the resulting submatrix has the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P) is called the Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) problem. There are solution approaches for it, but there is also a room for improvement. Moreover, most of the studies of the problem use exact solution methods. We propose an evolutionary approach to solve the problem. We also suggest a related problem to C1S, which is the Consecutive Blocks Minimization (CBM). The algorithm is then performed on real-world and randomly generated matrices of the set covering type.  

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Applications of contemporary feminist theory and its role in international relations (Singapore as a Model)
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Since the emergence of the science of international relations as an independent academic scientific field,  various theories and trends have appeared and have tried to understand and explain the international reality and give a clear picture of what is happening within the international system of interactions and influences and the search for tools for stability and peace in international relations. Among these theories is the feminist theory, which is a new intellectual trend on the level of international relations theories,  which tried to give an explanation of what is happening in world politics and in international relations in particular. The main issue that feminist theory is concerned with is the lack of women’s subordination

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Recruitment of Persons in Terrorist Organizations, his Techniques, his Methods - UAE Law as a Model
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This study aims to investigate the nature of the recruitment of people into terrorist organizations that have spread in international societies, this phenomenon that did not arise out of a vacuum, but rather that it has its causes and its intellectual, psychological, political, and social motives, as well as economic and educational motives. These reasons may be intertwined with each other, so today we are facing an important and dangerous issue launched by terrorist organizations, by recruiting certain people, who are carefully selected and according to specific specifications, taking advantage of their social and family problems, the class differences they suffer from in their societies, and their desire for revenge, for their feelings

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
بررسيترجمه‌آيات مشابه در قرآن کريم (با توجه به ترجمه غلامعلي حداد عادل) Translation of the same verses of the Holy Quran
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در قرآن کريم آياتي وجود دارد که يک يا چند بار به صورت کاملا مشابه در يک سوره و يا چند سوره، تکرار شده است. يکي از مسائل مهم در ترجمه قرآن کريم، ترجمه اين‌گونه آيات است، از آنجا که مشابه بودن اين آيات از روي حکمت الهي است، مترجمان نيز بايد در ترجمه خود اين مسأله را رعايت کرده و براي آيات مشابه ترجمه‌اييکسان ارائه کنند. از طرفي ممکن است تفاوت در ترجمه، مفهوم آيه را نيز تحت تأثير قرار دهد و براييک آيه مشابه دو مفهوم

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Role of peptidoglycan in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcus saprophyticus in mice
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The pathogenicity of S. saprophyticus was studied in mice. A group of white mice were injected transurethrally using a catheter with S. saprophyticus S67 cell suspension in a concentration reached 109 CFU/ml. concomitantly, the role of its peptidoglycan in the pathogenicity was studied by injecting another group of mice with 0.3 mg/0.2 ml of partially purified S. saprophyticus S67 peptidoglycan extract. After autopsy, kidneys and urinary bladder showed several histopathological changes both in cells and peptidoglycan injected mice, included: hydropic degeneration, glomerulus shrinkage, congestion of renal vessels, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and dekeratinization in urinary bladder.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Applying Trade-off Curve to Support Set-Based Design application at an Aerospace Company
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Companies compete greatly with each other today, so they need to focus on innovation to develop their products and make them competitive. Lean product development is the ideal way to develop product, foster innovation, maximize value, and reduce time. Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE) is an approved lean product improvement mechanism that builds on the creation of a number of alternative designs at the subsystem level. These designs are simultaneously improved and tested, and the weaker choices are removed gradually until the optimum solution is reached finally. SBCE implementations have been extensively performed in the automotive industry and there are a few case studies in the aerospace industry. This research describe the use o

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