Abstract [email protected] Background: Acute Traumatic Stress Disorder (ATSD) might be complicated by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Psychological First Aid (PFA) said to be helpful to reduce the possibility of reduction of ASD and PTSD symptoms. PFA is simple procedure to deliver help & support to victims, may be by some one close to him, quietly and professionally. Iraq has and is still experiencing, continuous traumatic stresses. ATSD is especially seen in war such as during the Gulf War, Embargo and nowadays under the current American occupation. With the extreme shortage of recourses and the given late priority to psychological problems and intervention have disastrous consequences on the psycho-social wellbeing of people. Aims: To construct: 1. ATSD Scale (ATSDS) and 2. PFA Program (PFAP) to be used by careers. Using the null hypothesis, it was expected that there will not be significant reduction in ATSD symptoms after the implementation of PFAP. Methods: ATSD Scale was constructed using a 256 population from of both sexes with an age range 15-54 years. Diagnosis based upon DSM-IV criteria for ATSD classification. 10 female patients (23-54) year were treated individually by debriefing as part of the PFAP. Suitable and randomly referred patients were treated over; 12 biweekly sessions, for 45 minutes each session for the period from June 2003- September 03. Outcome: Both ATSD and ATSDP proved to be valid and reliable. Using Will- Coxon’s Rank Signal Test; PFAP for ATSD was effective in reducing the ATSD symptoms significantly. This result was compatible with the literature. Further studies are recommended to use; larger samples and a follow up period, as well as application of PFAP in group setting might prove to be more cost effective in massive traumatic crises and casualties like war. Keys: Acute, Aid, Debriefing, Disorder, First, Iraq, Post, Psychological, Stress, Traumatic, Treatment, War.
Britain found itself at the end of the nineteenth century in front of many obstacles within Europe, it is to hold the coalition Russian Franco in 1894, and what form of threat to the interests of Britain in its colonies outside Europe, as well as the development of other European countries in military and economic aspects such as Germany and the United States and others. As she was defying the fleet of Britain, Germany, and the last has a naval fleet was able to protect all the way Britain and its colonies throughout the nineteenth century
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Since the end of World War II, the United States of America began to look at the Gulf States and Iraq due to the possession of huge quantities of oil, after taking the American oil depletion in order to tighten control over the oil of these countries, has pursued various means, political and military, in the framework of its strategy So that it could achieve this control, which focused on control of production and prices, for the conviction that those who control oil impose control over the political decision of the countries of the world.
لقد أدت التطورات العلمية والتقنية وتطبيقاتها العملية في مختلف ميادين الحياة بشكل عام وميدان التربية والتعليم بشكل خاص إلى ظهور تغيرات في البناء التعليمي وطرائق التدريس بصيغتها الحديثة التي تنسجم في مجملها وروح العصر مما دعى المؤسسات التربوية والتعليمية وبإيعاز إلى الباحثين والمهتمين بهذا الميدان الى ضرورة متابعة الاتجاهات الحديثة ونواحي التجديد لمحتوى العملية التعليمية فيما يتعلق بالمجالات المعر
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This study illustrates the impact of non-thermal plasma (Cold Atmospheric Plasma CAP) on the lipids blood, the study in vivo. The lipids are (cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and triglyceride) are tested. (FE-DBD) scheme of probe diameter 4cm is used for this purpose, and the output voltage ranged from (0-20) kV with variable frequency (0-30) kHz. The effect of non-thermal atmospheric plasma on lipids were studied with different exposure durations (20,30) sec. As a result, the longer plasma exposure duration decreases more lipids in blood.