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The predictive Ability of Admission Criteria and Student Performance Level in Master Programs in College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University
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Most universities in the world are largely committed to creating credible and transparent admission standards that provide justice in admission and have the ability to predict students' performance in their chosen programs. Hence, this study aimed to reveal the predictive ability of the acceptance criteria for the level of performance of master's students in the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University. Quantitative data were collected from (115) students' admission documents for those accepted in the postgraduate programs for the academic year 2019-2020, and GPA data was collected from students’ transcripts for the fall semester of 2019. Qualitative data were also collected from the interviews that were conducted with focus groups of (27) graduated students from various disciplines. SPSS software was used for analyzing quantitative data while NVivo software was used for qualitative data. The results of multiple regressions revealed the ability of the interviews to predict the students' GPA in the master’s program. Study results also showed there are many strengths and weaknesses related to the admission exam and interview standards since they measure applicants' ability in the specialization of knowledge and their personal characteristics. The study provides a set of recommendations such as developing admission criteria by introducing non-traditional criteria represented in the applicant's portfolio and job performance.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Employing Leadership Practices in Educational Institutions According to the Organizational Structure of DNA
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DNA, as the basis of every living cell, is one of the most important and influential scientific discoveries. This research aims to identify and compare the organizational DNA to the leadership practices of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman and to reveal the similarity between principals’ leadership practices and the structure of DNA. In addition, it intends to identify any statistically significant differences between the responses of the participants due to the study variables: gender, job title and experience. A questionnaire was designed and data were collected from a randomly selected sample composed of (100) teachers in the Sultanate of Oman. The study found limitless diversity in the characteristics of DNA of leadership

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Three Spirurid nematodes: Amidostomoides acutum (Lundahl,1848) Seurat, 1918, Epomidiostomum uncinatum (Lundahl,1848) Seurat, 1918 and Tetrameres sp. Creplin,1846 were isolated from the stomach (provenrticulus and gizzard) of the shoveler Anas clypeata from central Iraq. A brief description, morphometric and meristic characters for the nematodes were provided.Incidence of the three nematodes discussed with pertinent literatures.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Visual Exciter of Theatrical Techniques in the Iraqi Theater Show: شيماء حسين طاهر
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The theatrical show consists of theatrical techniques that form the space to display the play that may form conscious visual effects about the receiver. The current search included the (Research problem) which is the immediate question ((What makes the theatrical techniques dazzling and visually exciting in a certain theatrical show?))
It also included (the importance of research) by highlighting the importance of theatrical techniques and the mechanism of contrast.
It also identified the visual stimulus of theatrical techniques in the theater show.
It also included the (research limits), which were temporally determined by the period (1990-1998) and spatially, the Iraqi theater shows (Baghdad), in which theatrical techniques c

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Association of Myasthenia Gravis with HLA class II Antigens in Iraqi Patients
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The nature and intensity of the association of myasthenia gravis (MG) with distinct human leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes differ between ethnic populations, so this study determined the association of HLA class II antigens with myasthenia gravis (MG) in Iraq.The study included Iraqi patients diagnosed with MG and two control groups the first of 54 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus patients and the second of 237 subjects as a normal control group. The test used was microlymphocytotoxicity test.The work was done in the Teaching Laboratories/Medical City/Baghdad.Results: positive associations were observed (etiological risk factors) as follows: 1. HLA-DR locus showed one positively associated allele when compared to healthy control and th

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This paper deals with a preliminary survey helminth parasites of the black partridge. Francolinus francolinus arabistanicus in Baghdad area, middle of Iraq. It was found that the bird was infected with the cestodes Cotugnia digonopora and Raillietina tetragona with infection rates of 61.9% and 4.8% respectively, and the nematodes Heterakis gallinarum and Paroneoccrca rouss-lotti with infection rates of 4.8% and 19% respectively. Some important measurements, distribution and occurrence according host-sex of each parasite were provided along with some remarks on parasites biology.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Seasonal Optimum Tilt Angle of Solar Panels for 100 Cities in the World
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Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source. This energy can be converted directly into electricity using solar panels. The fixed tilt solar panels are the most practical and the most widely installed throughout the world. Optimum tilt angle calculation has the advantage that it does not use expensive solar trackers. This research calculates the seasonal optimum tilt angle of solar panels for 17 cities in Iraq and 83 cities in 83 countries distributed around the world. Solar Panel Angle Calculator program was used in calculating the optimum tilt angles from vertical. The optimum tilt angle varies between 6° and 112° throughout the year. This angle for winter, spring/ autumn and summer seasons are found to be between

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling the Contamination of Soil Adjacent to Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the concentrations of some heavy metals in Mohammed AL-Qassim Highway in Baghdad city for different distances by using the polynomial interpolation method for functions passing from the data, which is proposed by using the MATLAB software. The sample soil in this paper was taken from the surface layer (0-25 cm depth) at the two sides of the road with four distances (1.5, 10, 25 and 60 m) in each  side of the road. Using this method, we can find the concentrations of heavy metals in the soil at any depth and time without using the laboratory, so this method reduces the time, effort and costs of conducting laboratory analyzes.

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Publication Date
Sat May 08 2021
Journal Name
Social Science And Humanities Journal
The impact of accounting for material flow costs in reducing costs: Exploratory study
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Rapid and continuous developments and changes in the modern business environment in all areas of economic, environmental, social, technology and communications push economic units to search for modern methods and methodologies to produce products at low cost as well as produce products that meet the wishes of customers in terms of quality and environment to maintain their market position, and accounting for the costs of the flow of materials is one of the most prominent environmental management accounting techniques capable of providing information to help produce

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Jigsaw Strategy on Learning Spiking in Volleyball for Sophomore Students
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The research aimed at designing teaching program using jigsaw in learning spiking in volleyball as well as identifying the effect of these exercises on learning spring in volleyball. The researchers used the experimental method on (25) students as experimental group and (27) students as controlling group and (15) students as pilot study group. The researchers conducted spiking tests then the data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that the strategy have a positive effect in experimental group. Finally, the researchers recommended using the strategy in making similar studies on other subjects and skills.

Publication Date
Fri May 24 2013
Journal Name
American Journal Of Pharmacological Sciences
The Effect of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients is Reduced by Tea Consumption
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