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The Effectiveness of a Training Program for Children with Autism and their Mothers Based on the Picture Exchange Commination System to Confront Some of Basic Disorders for these Children
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The current research aims to examine the effectiveness of a training program for children with autism and their mothers based on the Picture Exchange Communication System to confront some basic disorders in a sample of children with autism. The study sample was (16) children with autism and their mothers in the different centers in Taif city and Tabuk city. The researcher used the quasi-experimental approach, in which two groups were employed: an experimental group and a control group. Children aged ranged from (6-9) years old. In addition, it was used the following tools: a list of estimation of basic disorders for a child with autism between (6-9) years, and a training program for children with autism and their mothers, they were prepared  by the researcher. The results revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the members of the experimental and control groups in the post-measurement on the Questionnaire of Basic Disorders in Autistic Children in favor of the members of the experimental group. In addition, there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group members in the pre and post-measurements on the Disorders Questionnaire on the basic characteristics of autistic children in favor of the post-measurement. There were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group members in the post and tracer measurements on the Questionnaire of Basic Disorders in Autistic Children. The study recommended training mothers on the Pictures exchange program, and various training programs that seek to develop the skills of their children, and how to apply them with autistic children, as well as expanding the adoption of the use of the Pictures exchange system in centers for children with autism. It suggested conducting studies similar to the current study, dealing with the effect of using training programs based on positive behavior support, and its impact on reducing abnormal behaviors.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Simulation Recording of an ECG, PCG, and PPG for Feature Extractions
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Recently, the development of the field of biomedical engineering has led to a renewed interest in detection of several events. In this paper a new approach used to detect specific parameter and relations between three biomedical signals that used in clinical diagnosis. These include the phonocardiography (PCG), electrocardiography (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG) or sometimes it called the carotid pulse related to the position of electrode.

Comparisons between three cases (two normal cases and one abnormal case) are used to indicate the delay that may occurred due to the deficiency of the cardiac muscle or valve in an abnormal case.

The results shown that S1 and S2, first and second sound of the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimum design of stiffened square plates for longitudinal and square ribs
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For a given loading, the stiffness of a plate or shell structure can be increased significantly by the addition of ribs or stiffeners. Hitherto, the optimization techniques are mainly on the sizing of the ribs. The more important issue of identifying the optimum location of the ribs has received little attention. In this investigation, finite element analysis has been achieved for the determination of the optimum locations of the ribs for a given set of design constraints. In the conclusion, the author underlines the optimum positions of the ribs or stiffeners which give the best results. 

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study Reinforcing and Applied Load of Wear Rate for Epoxy Composites
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This research studies Reinforcing and applied load of  Wear Rate for Epoxy composites contains from epoxy resin (Ep) as a matrix material and reinforced by Gawain red wood flour , Russian white wood flour , glass powder and rock wool fibers , with volume fraction (20%) for all samples in lab conditions.  by using the load (10,20 ,30 ,40) Newton of iron disc for testing  time(10) minute, and the results have shown that the reinforcing of epoxy resin led to decrease  wear rate for all samples except the hybrid composites reinforced earth glass powder , that the wear rate values  decrease  from   (22×10-9g/cm) to (4×10-9g/cm) of composite material(Ep+R.W.F) and thus(Ep+W.W.F)   at la

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 18 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Construction of Semiconductor Laser Range Finder for Target Designation
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The aim of this research is to design and construct a semiconductor laser range finder
operating in the near infrared range for ranging and designation. The main part of the range finder is the
transmitter which is a semiconductor laser type GaAs of 0.904 mm wavelength with a beam expander,
and the receiver with its collecting optics. The characteristics of transmitter pulse width were 200ns and
threshold current 10 Amp. and maximum operating current 38 Amp. The repetition rate was set at 660 Hz
and maximum output power about 1 watt. The divergence of the beam was 0.268o. A special computer
code was used for optimum optical design and laser spot size analysis and for calculation of atmosphere

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Mechanical and Thermal Behavior for Epoxy Reinforced by Fibers
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In this study, epoxy was used as a matrix for composite materials, with E-glass fiber, jute and PVC fiber which was woven roving fiber, as reinforcement with volume fraction (Vf= 30%). There are two of prepared types of epoxy non reinforced, epoxy reinforced with E-glass, jute and PVC fibers including study of mechanical tests (Impact test, Bending test) different temperature and thermal conductivity and calculating the temperatures coefficient at different temperature. Results show that elastic modulus at rate values decrease to the increase of temperature and the impact strength, impact energy and thermal conductivity increase with increase temperature.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 29 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Mechanics And Engineering
Unified Methodology for Strength and Stress Analysis of Structural Concrete Members
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Abstract<p>In this paper, a methodology is presented for determining the stress and strain in structural concrete sections, also, for estimating the ultimate combination of axial forces and bending moments that produce failure. The structural concrete member may have a cross-section with an arbitrary configuration, the concrete region may consist of a set of subregions having different characteristics (i.e., different grades of concretes, or initially identical, but working with different stress-strain diagrams due to the effect of indirect reinforcement or the effect of confinement, etc.). This methodology is considering the tensile strain softening and tension stiffening of concrete in additio</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics
Fabrication and characterization of CoxMn0.25−xMg0.75Fe2O4 nanoparticles for H2S sensing applications
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Evaluation of RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 for Real Time Applications
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In this modern Internet era and the transition to IPv6, routing protocols must adjust to assist this transformation. RIPng, EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3 are the dominant IPv6 IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocols). Selecting the best routing protocol among the available is a critical task, which depends upon the network requirement and performance parameters of different real time applications. The primary motivation of this paper is to estimate the performance of these protocols in real time applications. The evaluation is based on a number of criteria including:  network convergence duration, Http Page Response Time, DB Query Response Time, IPv6 traffic dropped, video packet delay variation and video packet end to end de

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Study of Fractal Optical Modulator for Infrared Transmitted Signal
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The optical modulator was designed by using iterated function

systems (IFSs) by IFS Construction Kit program. The modulator was inserted into the optical system using ZEMAX optical design program. In this program, it is assumed that the modulator is made from one of Ø¢ the infrared transmitting materials. Eight materials at room temperature were used in this study; these are IRTRAN materials, Si, and Ge for the range of 3-9 l-lm.

Systems were evaluated and analyzed by using different criteria,

including spot diagram, modulation transfer function, and point spread function. The effect of optical modulator change with the chang of Ø¢ its material results in focusing of functions and frequencies as requ

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Evaluation Properties and PNA Analysis for Different Types of Lubricants Oils
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A study of characteristics of the lubricant oils and the physical properties is essential to know the quality of lubricant oils. The parameters that lead to classify oils have been studied in this research. Three types of multi-grades lubricant oils were applied under changing temperatures from 25 oC to 78oC to estimate the physical properties and mixture compositions. Kinematic viscosity, viscosity gravity constant and paraffin (P), naphthenes (N) and aromatics (A) (PNA) analysis are used to predict the composition of lubricants oil. Kinematic viscosity gives good behaviors and the oxidation stability for each lubricant oils. PNA analysis predicted fractions of paraffin (XP), naphthenes (XN),

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