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Evaluating the Science Experts Program at the Specialized Institute for Professional Training for Teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in Light of the Kirkpatrick Model
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This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the E-learning system, to identify the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in the governmental schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire containing four different feedback patterns: reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were verified in terms of validity and reliability. Among the most prominent findings of the study: were that reinforcement feedback was the most frequently used feedback pattern from the teachers of the first cycle, and informative feedback was the least used. Also, there were statistically significant differences between the teachers in the degree of use of feedback patterns attributed to the variables of specialization and teaching experience, while there were no statistically significant differences between the teachers in the degree of use of feedback patterns due to the in-service training in the field of classroom assessment and the 2-way interactions between the variables. The study concluded with a set of recommendations and suggestions, including emphasizing the importance of female teachers employing different feedback patterns for students in the process of continuous assessment and conducting more studies on different feedback patterns and their effectiveness at various educational levels and subjects. The general level of the impact of the science experts program was very good from the graduates’ point of view. The results also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the means of graduates’ degree of satisfaction with the training program due to the variables of gender, training cohort, and years of experience. There were also no statistically significant differences between the means of the graduates’ ratings on the impact of the training program due to the variables of gender and training cohort. The study ended with a set of recommendations for developing the program and suggestions for future research studies. The most important recommendations are:

Increase the number of field visits and continuing communication with graduates. The certificate obtained by graduates should have academic weight and the subjects taken in the training program should be equivalent to the master’s topics. Activating the professional learning communities in more effective ways to share experiences between teachers. Assign specific dates for teachers' training in the school calendar. Focus on improving the practical skills of teachers and not only theoretical parts.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Knowledge and Attitude of Family Doctors Regarding the Provision of Psychological Health Care in Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad Al-Karkh
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Background: Mental health is integrated into PHC as a strategy of WHO to fill the gap in mental health treatment. Part of this strategy needs a level of task shifting so that mental health care is provided by different level of PHC workers and not only specialists such as psychiatrists and psychologists.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitudes of family doctors regarding the provision of psychological health in PHCC and if there is an association between the certificates of these family doctors and their Knowledge and attitudes to psychological health.

Subjects and Methods:  A cross-sectional descriptive study with analytic elements was conducted in 8 famil

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Comparative Evaluation of Using Intranasal Desmopressin, Parenteral Diclofenac or their Combination in the Management of Acute Renal Colic Pain in Iraqi Patients
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         There is a suggestion that an antidiuretic hormone-induced decrease in diuresis might contribute to the rapid relief of the acute pain in renal colic. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of desmopressin nasal spray compared with diclofenac given intramuscularly in patients with acute renal colic. The study included 75 patients randomized into three different groups; group A received desmopressin (40 μg, nasal spray), group B diclofenac (75 mg) intramuscularly and group C, both desmopressin and diclofenac. Pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (a 10-cm horizontal scale ranging from `no pain' to `unbearable pain') at baseline, 10, 20 and 30 min after administering t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Filamentous Bacteria Streptomyces sp. in Reduction of Some Nutrients Concentrations in AL- Restomia Waste water Treatment Plant, Baghdad -Iraq
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The role of filamentous bacteria represented by Streptomycessp was studied as biological treatment for activated sludge AL- Restomia treatment unit in Baghdad city. The result shows reducing in phosphate concentration where apprise in started entrance the treatment unit 12.083 mg/L fast the unit stages reached to 8.426 mg /L where nitrate concentration apprises 3.59 mg/l and ending in 2.43 mg/L The concentration of ammonia apprises 1358 mg/L and reached to 140 mg/L. also the TDS concentration reduced from 1426 to 1203 mg/L where nutrient which represented (SO4, Mg, Ca, Na, K) reduced by range 30.883- 23.337 , 194- 121 , 440- 321 , 109.03- 101.53 and 16.85- 15.4mg/L respectively COD reduce from427.263- 82mg/L with absorbance0.018- 0.027

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The study of some physical and chemical characteristics in drinking water treatment plant of Jurf Al- Sakar subdestric in Babylon governorate, Iraq
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Some physical and chemical characteristics of Jurf Al- Sakar drinking water plant in Babylon governorate have been studied. Seven locations for this plant were selected. These were the drinking water treatment plant source on Euphrates River before entering the plant, precipitation, filtration and collection tanks, and also after leaving the plant at distances of one meter, 4 and 8 km. The samples were collected bimonthly from October, 2002 to August, 2003. Some results match with the national and international standard characters while the other characters (Turbidity, total hardness, calcium, nitrate, phosphate and the biological oxygen demand values) were not match. The present study showed that drinking water treatment plant is undrinka

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Relation-ships of neonatal septicemia with the mean serum levels of IL-8 and IL-1 in three large hospitals in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Salinity mapping model and brine chemistry of Mishrif reservoir in Basrah oilfields, Southern Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Investigating of Charge Transfer in Cu/F8 Using Donor-Acceptor Model due Quantum Transition
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in this paper, we study and investigate a simple donor-acceptor model for charge transfer formation using a quantum transition theory. The transfer parameters which enhanced the charge transfer and the rate of the charge transfer have been calculated. Then, we study the net charge transfer through interface of Cu/F8 contact devices and evaluate all transfer coefficients. The charge transfer rate of transfer processes is found to be dominated in the low orientation free energy and increased a little in decreased potential at interface comparison to the high potential at interface. The increased transition energy results in increasing the orientation of Cu to F8. The transfer in the system was more active when the system has large driving for

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mathematical model of optical amplifier using nonlinear stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in optical fiber
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We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident We demonstrate the results of a mathematical model for investigation the nonlinear Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), which can be employed to achieve high optical amplifier. The SBS is created by interaction between the incident light and the acoustic vibration fiber. The design criteria and the amplification characteristic of the Brillouin amplifier is demonstrated and discussed for fiber Brillouin amplifier using different pump power with different fiber length. The results show, high Brillouin gain can

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 06 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Effect of hunting cooperation and fear in a food chain model with intraspecific competition
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Taking into account the significance of food chains in the environment, it demonstrates the interdependence of all living things and has economic implications for people. Hunting cooperation, fear, and intraspecific competition are all included in a food chain model that has been developed and researched. The study tries to comprehend how these elements affect the behavior of species along the food chain. We first examined the suggested model's solution properties before calculating every potential equilibrium point and examining the stability and bifurcation nearby. We have identified the factors that guarantee the global stability of the positive equilibrium point using the geometric approach. Additionally, the circumstances that would gu

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On θ-Totally Disconnected and θ-Light Mappings
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        In our research, we introduced new concepts, namely *and **-light mappings, after we knew *and **-totally disconnected mappings through the use of -open sets.

Many examples, facts, relationships and results have been given to support our work.

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