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Equality in Islamic Thought

The concept of equality in Islamic thought emanates from the unity of human entity that does not breach the concept of equality in itself and it should take differentiation among people as means for development and growth not as excuse for injustice and discrimination. Islamic thought has left all the prevailing norms of differentiation such as (weakness and strength, economic and social position, gender, color, and social class). Islamic thought has underscored the quality of people of different race, race, color, and language which was not familiar in those civilizations before the emergence of Islam such as (Egyptian, Persian, roman civilization). It was common to divide people into different social classes. The aim of Islam is to keep equality as the predominant criterion in dealing with people who have equal duties and rights and no one is better than others but in done activities.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women

To cite the short stories of Kathrine Mansfield, all contain characters who are
revealed through their own thoughts. In her stories, the world is always seen through
the eyes of her characters in the form of points of view presented to the readers
through the characters' minds. This way of revealing characters and figuring out the
world, through the presentation of the characters' thoughts, is linked to the 'stream of
consciousness.' Kathrine Mansfield has been compared with Virginia Woolf in
particular in that both writers used the thoughts and the points of view of their
characters as material for their work through the stream of consciousness.
According to Leech and Short (1981), there are five linguistic techn

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women


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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Neurosis of Blackness and Psychological Trauma in Edward Albee's The Death of Bessie Smith

      Edward Albee, as a playwright, indicates that art should be useful and have a message. Therefore, his work foregrounds and critically examines issues concerning the Neurosis of Blackness and psychological trauma. Albee uses cruelty of racism in reflecting psychological trauma and emotional abuse of American black identity in his plays. Race, social inequality, and gender still sustain to engender controversy audience consciously. Racial discrimination is one of the major issues that affect the American Society. Albee challenges and exposes the presumptive dreams of equality of American society and institutional racism. Therefore, one of the main problems of the twentieth century in America is skin color. It

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Educational and Psychological perceptions of Ibn Khaldun Thought Educational and psychological view s in The Thought of Ibn Khaldun Descriptive

The research aims to identify the effect of Ibn Khaldun educational perceptions on modern science and comparing it with the modern-educational thought as well as exploring the educational perceptions of ibn Khldun by coming cross (the introduction of ibn Khaldun and some other references). In addition to identifying the effect of psychological perceptions of geographical context on people habits and behaviors, the researcher intends to identify the thoughts that relate to methods of teaching and the requirements of learning and teaching, and finally, identifying the psychological thoughts that relate to educational psychology and parapsychology. The study concluded that the purposes of educational aims of Ibn Khaldun are to give a chance

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities

Feminism is a diverse set of social theories, political movements and ethos driven by women's causes. Feminists and feminists agree that the ultimate goal is to eliminate the forms of gender-related oppression It should be noted that feminism originated at the beginning as an emancipation movement aimed only at lifting the injustice and suffering of European women, but over time evolved and crystallized to form an independent thought in itself swimming against all the universals known to humanity in the relationship between male and female nature This study posits a hypothesis that the feminist movement is characterized by multiple and varied trends, different in its analyzes of the causes of women's oppression, but all agreed on the need t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Marriage sermon in Islamic jurisprudence

Because it is obligatory for every Muslim to pay attention to the jurisprudence of his religion in order to achieve goodness thereby

He is guided to the paths of light.

One of the most important topics of Islamic jurisprudence is marriage. Because it relates to the life of every member of society, the engagement is one of the prerequisites for marriage, and whatever is related to what is important is important. It also contains many matters and details, so we wanted to write a study in it that understands its tasks so that the Muslim is aware of his religion.

And let him stay away from situations and customs that contradict our true religion. We have adopted approved books that are widely circulated among the majo

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
What the Authority and the state in Ali Alwardee thought

This paper has been taken out of a PhD dissertation titled "features of the political of Ali Al-Wardi" by the student Nahid Jaber Hassan .It was supervised by assistant professor Dr. Amer Hassan Faiyadh. Ali Al-Wardi (1913-1995) is a brilliant Iraqi Scientist. He wrote many scientific books. He created so many en lighted societal thoughts. Concerning the political affairs, Al-wardi presented opinions concerning the Iraqi Society based on the tri-concepts (The individual to be a good citizen, the society to be civic and the state to be modern). This paper is concerned with the uncovering of the concepts of authority and the state in the thinking's of Ali alwardi .He considered those variables as the basis of the tri-dimensional political

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Sponsorship of widows in Islam

The research addressed the problem of widows that increased recently enormously. The researcher also referred to the perspective of Islam that gave a significant attention for both widows and orphans as powerless groups. Some straightforward example were presented to reflect the actual difficulties that encounter these groups as well as the author proposed number of appropriate ways that mitigate their psychological and physical sufferings such as: the provision of convenience jobs, and the legislation of rule that save their rights. Moreover, the researcher addressed the importance of marrying widows and what these challenges that encounter polygamy in Arab societies, the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy, and discussing all the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The will In the Islamic concept

I often read in Islamic jurisprudence in all chapters as much as possible from divine success, time and health, and everything I read in any of the chapters of jurisprudence, I see divine light, eternal wisdom, and a constitution that does not accept error and alteration, as I looked at the great jurisprudential treasures and this enormous wealth, A person finds in himself helplessness in front of this law, how clear, easy, and accurate it is, and it contains permanent good for man, as it is a religion of mercy, benevolence, and goodness, and among these chapters of jurisprudence is the jurisprudence of the commandment. Of the reasons, in the will, the person has had the opportunity to make up for what he missed of doing good that a pers

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Crisis Mangement Strategy Conceptual framing according to the Islamic perspective

The research concern about the conceptual framework of crisis in the strategic view has become to mean opportunity to change not threat only. The research explains the multi stages of crisis & its characteristics that are difference from catastrophe and disaster. We rely on two criteria of classification of crisis (predictability & influence possibilities). Also there are sub crises with the main crisis; the important one is the Maida Crisis which is related with the informational dimension & the Psychological Crisis which is related with the Human dimension or the victim management. The current research aimed to develop crises management strategy according to Islamic perspective based on model of ( Augustine, 1995).&

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