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Constructing a Scale of Emotional Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
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The aim of the current research is to construct a scale of emotional adjustment for kindergarten children and to set a standard for its evaluation. To achieve this, a scale consisting of (19) items was prepared. The mother of the child answered by adopting the method of self-report, which is expressed in the form of reporting terms, as each item represents a situation in the child's life and each situation has three alternatives to answer that represent various responses to the mentioned situation. One of the alternatives represents the emotionally adaptive response, which is given a degree (3), the second response expresses the emotional adjustment partly that took the degree of (2), and the third response expresses the weakness of emotional adjustment, which took the degree (1). The psychometric characteristics of the scale were verified in terms of validity and reliability by presenting the scale to a number of specialists in childhood and psychology to verify the validity of the scale items logically. The validity of the construction indicators were also verified by extracting the discriminatory power of the items and the validity of the items (the relationship of the item score to the total score) after applying it to a sample of kindergarten children whose number reached (400). As for the reliability of the scale, it was estimated by using the Alpha Cronbach equation that it recorded (0.83). A standard for evaluating emotional adjustment has been set within three ranges: the range (19-31) shows poor emotional adjustment. The range (32-44) shows moderate emotional adjustment. The range (45-57) shows high emotional adjustment. Finally, the researcher recommended using the tool, which has constructed in the current research for identifying the adjusted & unadjusted emotional children by the specialization of childhood & psychological health as endeavor to reduce the emotional adjustment on them.


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 14 2009
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 7 (1)‏
Effect of foliar sprays with Copper and Zinc in the vegetative characters of citrus rootstocks‏
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 19 2021
Journal Name
Plant Archives 21 (1), 1463-1469‏
Effect of addition of organic fertilizer and rootstock in Lemon transplants exposed to water stress‏
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Publication Date
Sun Aug 15 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
Review On Elucidation Of The Risk Factors Associated With The Prevalence Of Coccidiosis In Buffaloes
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The research was performed in order to investigate the prevalence of Eimeria spp in buffalo. Coccidiosis, is a common livestock disease include water buffaloes and nothing is known about the most pathogenic species of Eimeria. Since the highest prevalence of oocyst shedding and incidence of disease occurs in buffalo calves less than one year of age. The omnipresent occurrence and negative effects of the infection on health and buffalo growth output are taken into account. Therefore, both farmers and veterinarians should pay greater attention to infections with Eimeria spp. And there is little analysis of data reported in Iraq and the world regarding Eimeria infection in river buffalo spp.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of risk selection policy for life insurance on the prodectivity of iraqi insurance company
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The life insurance companies need a sound system to use it in selecting Insurable risks so they can avoid or reduce possible losses that may be insured to a minimum levels , But the application within IRAQI INSURANCE  COMPANY reflects that it still depends on a traditional ways in the procedures used to select that risks .

                 This  research represents an attempt to put acceptable suggestions about developing a system for selecting insurable risks which used now by iraqi insurance company by recognizing the risks of life insurance , determining kinds of risks which can difined as normal and upnormal risks , rectification of the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Impact of using Double Layers Perforated Liners on the Acoustic Treatments of the Combustor Systems
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The response of the combustor’s liner to the air-flow that passes through it is the key reason for the combustion chambers noise, hence the instabilities of those chambers that decreases the mechanical efficiency of such sections, by increased its mechanical vibrations, which increases the failure rate created during originating of the cracks spreading by the shakes producing by the series of high-level frequencies. Accordingly, any work debating the impact of the context of liners in the combustion chamber can provide grasping for the combustion noise generated by the undesirable vibrations, and benefits the industrial firms to design an ideal production procedure which increases the lifespan of the combustor. The goal of this work is

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Determination of the Optimum Conditions for Removal of Congo Red Dye by Peroxidase Enzyme Plant
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The pollution producing from textile industries effluents is growing since the years, due to at discharged lots of it in water without treatment. The resulting effluent is colourful, highly toxic, and poses a significant environmental hazard. This problem can be solved by using enzymic biological treatment, where the Congo red dye was used with concentrations (100,200,300,500) mg /L, pH values (3,4,5,6,7,8), and variable temperatures (25,35,45)°C, the best removal of Congo red (CR) dye  under optimum conditions for degradation was at  concentration of 100 mg/L, at (pH 6, 25 °C) with efficiency of 99.85 % using the peroxidase enzyme extracted from red radish plant, while the removal percentage decreased when increase dye concentration

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
In-Vitro evaluation of load-deflection characteristics and force levels of nickel titanium orthodontic archwires
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Background: Nickel-titanium (NiTi) archwires have become increasingly popular because of their ability to release constant light forces, which are especially useful during initial alignment and leveling phase. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the load–deflection characteristics of four commercially available NiTi archwires. Materials and methods: 200 NiTi 0.014, 0.016, 0.018, 0.016x0.022 and 0.019x0.025-inch nickel–titanium archwires from four different manufacturers (3M, Ortho Technology, Jiscop and Astar) were tested. The load-deflection properties of these archwires were evaluated by a full arch bending test in both palatal and gingival directionsat 37°C temperature using a universal material t

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Studying the effect of temperature and treating time on some physical properties of carbon black
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Samples prepared by using carbon black as a filler material and phenolic resin as a binder. The samples were pressed in a (3) cm diameter cylindrical die to (250)MPa and treated thermally within temperature range of (600-1000)oC for two and three hours. Physical properties tests were performed, like density, porosity, and X-ray tests. Moreover vicker microhardness and electric resistivity tests were done. From the results, it can be concluded that density was increased while porosity was decreased gradually with increasing temperature and treating time. In microhardness test, it found that more temperature and treating time cause more hardness. Finally the resistivity was decreased in steps with temperature and treating time. It can be c

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese vision of US rapprochement with Taiwan in the administration of President Joe Biden
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The recent escalation in Southeast Asia showed that the region is on the verge of political and economic crises through the United States and its allies imposing economic sanctions against China, and a military escalation that may begin with China’s invasion of Taiwan, especially since two-thirds of the American forces in the world are located in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

The United States claims that it is ready to defend the island of Taiwan in the event of the start of Chinese military operations, but the reality shows that the United States supports Taiwan militarily by equipping it with modern weapons to defend itself. Supporting Taiwan economically by engaging it in trade agreements with US allies in the r

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