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Constructing a Scale of Emotional Adjustment among Kindergarten Children
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The aim of the current research is to construct a scale of emotional adjustment for kindergarten children and to set a standard for its evaluation. To achieve this, a scale consisting of (19) items was prepared. The mother of the child answered by adopting the method of self-report, which is expressed in the form of reporting terms, as each item represents a situation in the child's life and each situation has three alternatives to answer that represent various responses to the mentioned situation. One of the alternatives represents the emotionally adaptive response, which is given a degree (3), the second response expresses the emotional adjustment partly that took the degree of (2), and the third response expresses the weakness of emotional adjustment, which took the degree (1). The psychometric characteristics of the scale were verified in terms of validity and reliability by presenting the scale to a number of specialists in childhood and psychology to verify the validity of the scale items logically. The validity of the construction indicators were also verified by extracting the discriminatory power of the items and the validity of the items (the relationship of the item score to the total score) after applying it to a sample of kindergarten children whose number reached (400). As for the reliability of the scale, it was estimated by using the Alpha Cronbach equation that it recorded (0.83). A standard for evaluating emotional adjustment has been set within three ranges: the range (19-31) shows poor emotional adjustment. The range (32-44) shows moderate emotional adjustment. The range (45-57) shows high emotional adjustment. Finally, the researcher recommended using the tool, which has constructed in the current research for identifying the adjusted & unadjusted emotional children by the specialization of childhood & psychological health as endeavor to reduce the emotional adjustment on them.


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 02 2021
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Spectroscopic Investigation of Charge Transfer Complex And Adsorption of Nitrondye with Curcumin(1) Onmodified Attapulgiteclay
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A charge transfer complex formed by interaction between nitron as electron donor with curcumin(1 ) as electron acceptor in ethanol at the temperature of theroom to form a colored complex. The optimum conditions of complex formation were investigated by Univariate method. The linearity range of complex was (3.124– 53.11) μg.mL-1 at 442 nm with molar absorptivity (1858.33), Sandell's sensitivity (0.1681μ, and with a correlation coefficient (0.9935). Both modified attapulgite and modified attapulgite – complex have been characterized by using , FTIR, SEM, AFM, and XRD. Theadsorption behaviourof complex onto the modified attapulgite has been researchedthrough the variation of the parameters like the adsorbent weight, p

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Enhancing the Structural Analysis of Rc Piled - Raft Foundation by Actual Behaviour of Supporting Piles
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Abstract<p>This paper presents a numerical analysis of the piled-raft foundation (PRF) based on the actual behavior of supporting piles. The raft was modeled as a thin plate, while the piles were modeled as springs in different ways. This research also aims to propose an analytical model of piles based on actual behavior at fieldwork. The results proved that the structural behavior of raft member can be improved through utilizing the actual behavior of supporting piles. When the piles were modeled as non-linear stiffness springs, settlements and bending stresses of raft foundation were reduce marginally as compared with those obtained from piles with linear stiffness springs.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal audit of spending units and its impact on the efficiency of the federal budget
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The role of internal control is based on the effectiveness of the budget through an analysis of the reality of the budget in the research sample as it was studied in the preparation and preparation stages and the implementation stage. The sample showed that the sample did not comply with what is stated in the Ministry of Finance publication of instructions and ceilings. In the process of preparing and resulting from the occurrence of deviations in large proportions both in the discussion of the Ministry of Finance or when implementation as a low rate of implementation and the absence of allocations for some items, although there is a need for them as well as the transfer of large proportions of transfers both up or down and the purpose o

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
Longevity of hope, its causes, effects, and treatments in light of the Qur'n and Hadith
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This study came to show the importance of long hope and its extent on human life, and I found that through the research, the majority of the scholars did not address this topic separately, and did not explain the travails of this situation and the worldly problems it causes to its owner, and the consequences that fall upon it in the hereafter. Most of the studies inside of the books consisted of a simple presentation of this problem and an explanation of the remedies that came to us from the Qur'an and the hadiths and the Sunnah, and on the sayings of the imams of guidance (may the best prayers and peace be upon them), and on the chosen companions and followers, may God be pleased with them, but the length of hope does not stop At a certain

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraq's foreign policy and the regional context, the input of instability and mechanisms of normalization
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Iraq has suffered since 1991 from international sanctions imposed on it by the dictatorial regime that existed at the time, invading Kuwait, which led to the decline of the status of Iraq and the isolation of international and regional (Arab) and clear Iraq as a strange entity living within its regional environment, after April 2003 did not change much In fact, there were no signs of détente before the Arab League summit in Baghdad in 2011, and the signs of a break in the stalemate in inter-relations over the past years have become evident. Disruption and refraction was not high (Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey, Syrian Arab Republic, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait). Each side is governed by perceptions about Iraq, es

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Different Diets on the Biology of Fig Moth Ephestia cautella (Walk.) (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae)
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Results indicated that different diets significantly affected the development and survival of fig moth Ephestia cautella (Walk.) in laboratory . Egg incubation was ranged between 3.9 and 4 days , while egg production means were (130.5 , 126, 118.9 , 68 , 60.8 and 58) eggs frwed . Hatching percentages were (79.87% , 80.2% , 75.7% , 75.1% , 74.9% and 75%) on diets containing dates , ground wheat fig. raisin , currant and dryapriocot , respectively . Results of this study showed that the shortest generation period was obtained when insects were reared on diet containing ground wheat , while the longest generation period was record for insects reareded on dates.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Influence of fly ash on the volumetric and physical properties of Stone Matrix Asphalt Concrete
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Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is a gap-graded asphalt concrete hot blend combining high-quality coarse aggregate with a rich asphalt cement content. This blend generates a stable paving combination with a powerful stone-on-stone skeleton that offers excellent durability and routing strength. The objectives of this work are: Studying the durability performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture in terms of moisture damage and temperature susceptibility and Discovering the effect of stabilized additive (Fly Ash ) on the performance of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) mixture. In this investigation, the durability of stone matrix asphalt concrete was assessed in terms of temperature susceptibility, resistance to moisture damage, and sensitivity t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
E3s Web Of Conferences
Impact of Ozone Used-Alone and Coagulation Aid Treatment on The Reduction of Trihalomethanes Components
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The whole research paper examines the impact of ozone as either a just use-alone and coagulation benefit, mainly upon the reduction of dissolved organic carbon from the water with a moderate rate of DOC 10.75 mg/land CaCO3 calcium hardness 300 mg/l. A raw water sample has been taken from the Tigris River (Baghdad, Iraq) was being adopted in research work. The performance of ozone therapy has been assessed by calculations of DOC, DOC quantities, UV254, as well as total trihalomethane (TTHM). Research findings have shown that with 0.9 mg O3/mg DOC ozone use-alone, approximately 60% UV254 reduction and approximately 28% DOC reduction will occur.DOC fractionation analysis indicates that within the water samples, ozone could alter the co

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The Relations Of Design And The Role Of It Making The Idea For Fashion Design
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