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Anger in Kindergarten Children as Seen by Teachers
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Anger is one of the problems of scientific importance that psychologists and education scientists are interested in, especially societies and educational environments, because if a child’s anger continues to develop into violence, then it becomes an unusual behavior, and an indication of the child's lack of adaptation to his family and his environment (Moses, 2013: 4)                                                                                            

 The outward expression of anger can be found in facial expressions, body language, physiological responses, and sometimes in public acts of human aggression or from wild animals (Desmond, 1967: 34)


The current research aims to identify:

  1. Measuring anger among kindergarten children.

In order to achieve the aims of the research, the researcher built an anger measure to measure anger in kindergarten children, and it consists of three areas, first area: (the subjective emotional aspect) from item (1) to item (11), and the second area: (the physiological aspect) from item (12) to item. (19), the third area: (the apparent, external aspect) from item (20) to item (31). The total number of the anger measure in all its areas is (31) items, the teacher answer it ,the measure were presented to a group of arbitrators of experts and specialists in educational and psychological sciences, measurement and evaluation, kindergartens and fine arts of 18 experts to demonstrate the validity of the measure items and their suitability for children. The researcher extracted the apparent validity of the measure.

The researcher extracted a number of psychometric properties of the measure by using the T-test for two independent samples (T-test) and the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the Chi-square test and the Kolmogrove - Smirnov. As for the stability, it was extracted by retest method (0.95) and stability Alpha Cronbach of (0.97).

The research found that kindergarten children suffer from a state of anger... Based on these results, of anger... Based on these results; the researcher reached a number of appropriate recommendations and suggestions.


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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between Growth and Economic Reformation in Iraq: Post 2003
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There were many ideas and opinions on the linkage between growth and economic reform  in both developed and developing countries. The relationship is, of course, existed. Therefore, this research comes to analyses it in the Iraqi economy. This study is based on a hypothesis that the economic reformation in Iraq leads to lag level of growth with the of high rates of inflation. However, the study is designed to be included five sections. It found a positive relationship between the economic reformation and slowing of economic growth, in which the specified hypothesis is not fit to the economic reality in Iraq after 2003                  &

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 13 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Translating Emotions in Dracula's Horror Fiction into Arabic: A Cognitive Appraisal
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This paper aims to add to the growing body of cognitive translation studies that deal with the translation of emotions and the factors of evaluating the translation process-oriented. Cognitive appraisal is one of the tokens that includes three paradigms of assessing the performance of translation, it can be addressed from the perspective of emotions, intuitions, and individual styles of the SL and the method of transfer into TL. The study hypothesized that translators create a similar emotional charge due to their mental capability to build the same emotional effect in the TL audience. The study also proposed that the applicability of cognitive appraisal is a valuable method of evaluating the translation process, as pertinent to TPR. The

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Identify the Critical Risk Factors at the Tendering Phase in Iraq
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Risk factors can be considered unique in construction projects, especially in tendering phase. This research is directed to recognize and evaluate the importance of critical risk factors in the tendering phase related to Iraq’s construction project. As a rule, construction projects are impacted by risk factors throughout the project life cycle; without identifying and allocating these risk factors, the project cannot succeed. In this paper, the open and closed questionnaires are used to categorize the critical risk factors in tendering phase. Research aims to recognize the factors that influence the success of tendering phase, to determine the correct response to the risk’s factors in this research article, (IBM, SPSS, V23) package has

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The general requirement and the disagreement of the fundamentalists in it
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

In this research, I will deal with the significance of the imperative and the disagreement of the fundamentalists in the general requirement by dividing it into an introduction and two sections. , and the appropriate indication.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium in Acidic Medium using Amino Acid (Methionine)
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  Corrosion behavior of aluminium in 0.6 mol. dm-3 NaCl solution in acidic medium 0.7 was investigated in the absence and presence of different concentrations of amino acid, methionine, as environmentally – friendly corrosion inhibitor over temperature range (293-308)K. The investigation involved electrochemical polarization method using potentiostatic technique and optical microscopy, the inhibition efficiency increased with an increase in inhibitor concentration but decreased with increase in temperature. Results showed that the inhibition occurs through adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the metal surface and it was found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Some thermodynamic parameters ∆. and activation ener

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Groundwater Simulation and Wells Distribution at Qazaniyah City in Diyala Governorate
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In recent years, there is more interest in water sources availability, including groundwater due to an increase in demand for water because of the increasing population in the world, and the water recedes due to climate change also. Therefore, the study of groundwater has required more attention. The aim of the present study is to establish a MODFLOW model in the groundwater modeling system software to simulate the movement of groundwater in the Turssaq alluvial fan which is located in the Qazaniyah city, east of Diyala Governorate. The solid model was used to define the aquifer in the study area. Using the GIS software, mapping and preparing the data needed to create a conceptual model were carried out. The data of the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection of line shape parameters in normal and abnormal biological tissues
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Doppler broadening technique is suggested to monitor the development of tumours. It depends on the sensitivity of positronium (Ps) annihilation parameters to the sub- microstructural changes in biological tissues. This technique uses high resolution HpGe detector to measure the lineshape parameters (S and W) in normal mice's mammary tissues and adenocarcinoma mammary tissues as a function of tumour growth. The results demonstrate that the central parameter (S) decreases and the wing parameter (W) increases as the tumour grow. It is found that the S parameter changes considerably with the distribution of voids which are affected by the tumour development. Therefore the present technique can successfully be employed to monitor the developm

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bionics-Based Approach for Object Tracking to Implement in Robot Applications
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In this paper, an approach for object tracking that is inspired from human oculomotor system is proposed and verified experimentally. The developed approach divided into two phases, fast tracking or saccadic phase and smooth pursuit phase. In the first phase, the field of the view is segmented into four regions that are analogue to retinal periphery in the oculomotor system. When the object of interest is entering these regions, the developed vision system responds by changing the values of the pan and tilt angles to allow the object lies in the fovea area and then the second phase will activate. A fuzzy logic method is implemented in the saccadic phase as an intelligent decision maker to select the values of the pan and tilt angle based

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Style and the jump in industrial product design - a comparative study
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Find cares studying ways in the development of industrial products and designs: the way the progressive development (how typical) and root development (jump design), was the aim of the research: to determine the effectiveness of the pattern and the jump in the development of designs and industrial products. After a process of analysis of a sample of research and two models of contemporary household electrical appliances, it was reached a set of findings and conclusions including:1-leaping designs changed a lot of entrenched perceptions of the user on how the product works and its use and the size and shape of the product, revealing him about the possibilities of sophisticated relationships with the product, while keeping the typical desi

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of Battered Woman in Selected Iraqi Caricatures
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The present paper is a qualitative descriptive study. It aims to examine the macro-cultural schemata addressing the concept of violence against women in Iraq from a cognitive linguistic point of view. To meet this objective, a number of Iraqi social caricatures have been selected from two popular and active Iraqi caricaturists, Odeh Al-Fahdawi and Nasser Ibrahim. The selection and the analysis of data have been achieved following the validity and reliability procedures and the ethical considerations. To meet this objective, Sharifian’s Model (2011) of Cultural Schemata has been adopted in data analysis. The study has concluded that the macro-cultural schemata regarding the concept of violence in the selected panels reveals that violenc

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