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Environmental Stress and their relationship to self-rebellion for Preparatory Stage Students
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The Present research aimed at identifying:   

1- The level of environmental stress among preparatory students

2- The level of self-rebellion  among preparatory students

3- The correlation between the two variables of research (environmental stress and self-rebellion) and the extent to which the independent variable contributes to the variable of the middle school students

The current research has determined the students of the fifth stage of the preparatory stage and all the branches in the departments of education in Baghdad province the morning study for the academic year 2020-2021     

          Theoretical framework: Current research reviewed theories adopted in building and interpreting the results  

In order to carry out the research goals, the researcher did procedures as follows:

1-  Building a measure of environmental stress based on the theory  (Hans saley 1956)

2- Building a measure of self-rebellion adopting a theory (J.W.Brehm1966)

  The psychometric characteristics were used with the two scales where the apparent honesty of the two scales was extracted, and the discriminatory strength of the paragraphs and the relationship of the paragraph degree to the total grade of the field and for both scales and each individually after applying the two measures to the sample of statistical analysis of (200) students from the stage Preparatory and stability extraction for both measures and individually in ways: half-fragmentation and vakronbach and retesting and the above measures were applied to a sample of preparatory students and reached (200) students during the period from 5 - 29 /1/2021

The following results have been reached   

  1-The results of the research showed that preparatory students suffer from significant environmental stress compared to the hypothetical average of the scale.  

2-The results of the research showed that the students of the preparatory school are practicing self-rebellion.             

  3-The results showed a positive correlation between environmental stress and self-rebellion and a contribution to increasing student self-rebellion. The researcher has made some recommendations and suggestions

The researcher submitted some recommendations and suggestions

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Quality and cost characteristics of tourist
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The tourism services provided in the hotel organizations are a set of material and moral elements that represent tourist attractions that are offered to the guests in order to satisfy their needs and desires are accommodation, food, drink and other facilities to reach the satisfaction and satisfaction of guests.Where these tourist services need a mechanism to ensure their quality by working to identify and calculate the costs of these services properly and accurately with the attempt to referendum and reduce the waste and loss to reduce these costs while providing the finest types of tourism services by calculating the cost of production and the administration seeks to reduce Non-essential activities through hotel activities that add val

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Evaluation of Cefixime Nanocrystals
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Drug nanocrystals are nanoscopic crystals of the parent compound with dimensions less than 1 µm. A decrease in particle size will lead to an increase in effective surface area in the diffusion layer, which, in turn, increases the drug dissolution rate. Drug nanocrystals are one of the most important strategies to enhance the oral bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs.

Cefixime is the first member of what is generally termed the third generation orally active cephalosporins. These third generation cephalosporins are distinct from the older β-lactam antibiotics in their intensive antibacterial activity against a wide range of gram-negative bacteria.

The aim of this study is to prepare nanocrystals of cefixime as a caps

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Rationality and Freedom in Islamic Thought
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Abstract Rationality and freedom are fundamental elements of Western modernity. Although modern and contemporary Islamic thought has established its intellectual foundations on the fundamentals of intellectual thought that are at the core of its Islamic intellectual system, at the same time many of its intellectual products have been a response In spite of the fact that this Islamic intellectual response stands out from Western modernity as a negation or a positive attitude. The Islamic intellectual response differed in determining its position on Western modernity, depending on the nature of the historical stage that was The Islamic nation, as well as the nature of the challenge posed by Western civilization to other nations and other c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
π-Armendariz Rings and Related Concepts
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In this paper we investigated some new properties of π-Armendariz rings and studied the relationships between π-Armendariz rings and central Armendariz rings, nil-Armendariz rings, semicommutative rings, skew Armendariz rings, α-compatible rings and others. We proved that if R is a central Armendariz, then R is π-Armendariz ring. Also we explained how skew Armendariz rings can be ?-Armendariz, for that we proved that if R is a skew Armendariz π-compatible ring, then R is π-Armendariz. Examples are given to illustrate the relations between concepts.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Shorthand and Implicit in Graphic Design
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 Reduction represents a form of artistic abstraction to express things with formal symbols that suggest the content of the idea, as the beauty of the design artwork cannot be unique in the form only, but in revealing its meaning as well. He resorts to shorthand to express the content of his idea related to design necessities and needs to achieve a specific function whose role is crystallized through the form that follows the function. The importance of the research was also represented in: Benefiting workers and scholars in the field of design with regard to shorthand and implicit in graphic design. The aim of the research: to identify the relationship between implicit meaning and reduced forms in graphic design. And the aesthetic of fo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Boubaker Wavelets Functions: Properties and Applications
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This paper is concerned with introducing an explicit expression for orthogonal Boubaker polynomial functions with some important properties. Taking advantage of the interesting properties of Boubaker polynomials, the definition of Boubaker wavelets on interval [0,1) is achieved. These basic functions are orthonormal and have compact support. Wavelets have many advantages and applications in the theoretical and applied fields, and they are applied with the orthogonal polynomials to propose a new method for treating several problems in sciences, and engineering that is wavelet method, which is computationally more attractive in the various fields. A novel property of Boubaker wavelet function derivative in terms of Boubaker wavelet themsel

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fractional Hartley Transform and its Inverse
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The Hartley transform generalizes to the fractional Hartley transform (FRHT) which gives various uses in different fields of image encryption. Unfortunately, the available literature of fractional Hartley transform is unable to provide its inversion theorem. So accordingly original function cannot retrieve directly, which restrict its applications. The intension of this paper is to propose inversion theorem of fractional Hartley transform to overcome this drawback. Moreover, some properties of fractional Hartley transform are discussed in this paper.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 03 2004
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Heritage and Art Creativity in architecture
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 04 2004
Journal Name
5th Scientific Conference Of Engineering College In University Of Baghdad, 25th -27th Of February, Baghdad, Iraq
Technology and lighting in interior Design.
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 17 2021
Journal Name
Infectious Diseases
<i>Candida albicans</i> and Abortion
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An abortion that occurs spontaneously is known as a miscarriage. Various effectors associated with abortion such as Genetic and uterine anomalies, Endocrinopathy, immunological dysfunctions, infectious agents, environmental contaminants, psychogenetic elements, and endometriosis. Maternal infections considered the main reason for pregnancy wastage in females with Bad Obstetric History (BOH). Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that can grow as yeast or filamentous cells and considered one of the limited species of the Candida genus that cause humans candidiasis. It is an opportunistic fungus that responsible for mucosal infections in the mouth and genital tract. Excessive growth of C. albicans will follow with Vulvovaginal candid

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