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The Problems of Teaching Computer Material Concerning Fourth Grade Students’ Point of View of in the Department of Computer College of Education for Women / University of Baghdad
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The aim of the research is to identify the problems of teaching computer material concerning fourth grade students’ point of view in the computer department in the College of Education for Women by identifying the statistically significant differences between the answers of female students to problems in the field of school administration and in the field of teaching computer subject included the sample of research On (39) of (50) students and (78%) From the fourth grade students in the department of computer who had achieved the theoretical part in the first semester and the assembly application in the second semester in the schools of Baghdad city for the academic year (2018-2019). In order to verify the two objectives of the research; a closed questionnaire was set . It consisted of (37) paragraphs addressing the problems of teaching the subject of Computer science. Then (17) paragraphs reflecting problems related to the field of administration. And (20) paragraphs reflecting problems in the field of teaching the subject on the triangular scale (yes, no, I don't know). The questionnaire is presented to a group of experts specialized in the field of teaching methods, measurement, evaluation and computer to determine its suitability for application, The stability of the resolution determined using half-hash method where it reached (0.60) which is a good stability factor, the resolution was applied to the fourth graders in the department of computer immediately after the end of the period of the assembly application to identify the most important problems encountered during that period in Baghdad City Schools. After the use of repetitions and percentages and square Kai it was recognized that the most important problems suffered by computer teachers in the Baghdad City Schools and according to the importance are: lack of internet and Assisting books in school, lack of weekly hours to teach the subject, lack of computer books, The belief that computer material is secondary material in the school, the lack of sufficient computers in the school laboratory In the field of teaching the subject, the most important problems are the lack of the net in the teaching of the subject, the lack of training students on the use of computer skills, lack of interest in field visits related to the computer ,the use of traditional teaching method A set of recommendations and proposals related to the current research field are concluded...                                                                          

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Annals Of The Romanian Society For
Relation Study between Chromogranin a and Other Clinical Biomarker in Iraqi Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency Undergo Treated Via Recombinant Growth Hormone
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Growth hormone deficiency is a condition that occurs when a limited volume of growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland since growth hormone deficiency causes growth delays, short stature, and overall physical development delays. symptoms differ based on the age at which they occur .Aim of this study Estimating the level of growth hormone serotonin ,IGF-1 and Chromogranin A before and after with treatment recombinant growth hormone and It is the first study in Iraq that sheds light on the relationship between Chromogranin and other variables ( somatostatin, IGF-1,GH) ,also the prediction of Chromogranin A as a newly biochemical marker in children with growth hormone deficiency. In this study, 30 samples were collected from children

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agriculture And Biology
Dietary Replacement with Food Waste and Black Soldier Fly Larvae Supplementation Improved Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Intestinal Microbial Population in Broilers
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This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of conventional ingredients replacement with alternative ingredients on growth performance, carcass quality, nutrient digestibility and intestinal microbial of broilers. One hundred twenty Cobb500 broiler chicks were randomly assigned to four diets. Corn, soybean meal and fish meal were replaced with rice waste, meat and bone waste and black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) at 0, 10, 30 and 50% to form four treatments. Body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and digestibility of crude protein and fat were improved in broilers fed the replacement diets. Feed intake was not affected by the treatments suggesting that the replacement diets were well accepted by the chicken. Escherichia coli was decre

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Relationship Study Between Total Length with Otolith Length and Thickness in Two Fish Species: Coptodon zillii (Gervais,1848) and Cyprinus carpio” (Linnaeus,1758)
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Abstract<p>This study aimed new indications that may clarify the relationships between the total and standard lengths, and the length of the otolith, as well as the thickness and weight of these bones compared to the body weights of two different species of invasive fish in the Iraqi aquatic environment, the common carp <italic>Cyprinus carpio</italic> of the Cyprinidae family, and the common Tilapia. <italic>Coptodon zillii</italic>, from the Cichlidae family. The results showed that the otolith were not related to some of the vital characteristics of the studied fish, and there were differences in the correlation coefficient between some vital measurements with high signifi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 24 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Selected salivary constituents, physical properties and nutritional status in relation to dental caries among 4-5 year’s old children (Comparative study)
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Background: Tooth decay is still one of most common diseases of childhood, child’s primary teeth are important even though they aretemporary. This study was conducted to assess the physiochemical characteristic of saliva among caries experience preschool children and compared them with caries free matching in age and gender. Then an evaluation was done about these salivary characteristics to dental caries and evaluated the relation of body mass index to dental caries and to salivary variables. Materials and method: After examination 360 children aged 4-5 years of both gender. Caries-experiences was recorded according to dmfs index by (World Health Organization criteria 1987) during pilot study children with caries experience was di

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Frontiers In Physiology
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) in Human Lung Microvascular Endothelial Cells Controls Oxidative Stress, Reactive Oxygen-Mediated Cell Signaling and Inflammatory Responses
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Three Dimensional MHD Simulationof Comet Hale-Bopp Tail
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The interaction between comet Hale-Bopp tail with the solar wind is investigated in the present paper using magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation, which accounts for the presence of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). The simulation is based on three-dimensional Lax-Wendroff explicit scheme, providing second-order accuracy in space and time. The ions produced from the nucleus of the comet will add considerable effects on the microstructure of the solar wind, thus severely altering its physical properties. The present simulation focuses on careful analysis of these properties by means of simulating the behavior of the comet Hale-Bopp’s tail at 1 AU from the sun. These properties include the changes of the plasma density,

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الاحصائية
نمذجة السلاسل الزمنية التي تنتجها اجهزة الاحصاء الدولية وانتاج قيم تنبؤية لمتخذ القرار حالة دراسية : التنبؤ بالمساحة المزروعة لمحصول الذرة الصفراء في العراق للفترة (2015-2020
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تنفذ أجهزة اإلحصاء الدولية ومنها الجهاز المركزي لإلحصاء في العراقإحدى أجهزة وزارة التخطيط، تقوم بإجراء مسوح سنوية ودورية لإنتاج مؤشرات تقييم وتقويم أنشطة القطاعات الاقتصادية المختلفة. يتيح هذا الكم الهائل من البيانات بشكل سلسل زمني لهذه الأجهزة إنتاج مؤشرات جديدة، بما في ذلك القيم التنبؤية لمؤشرات رئيسية تستخدم في إعداد الخطط طويلة وقصيرة المدى. في عام 2015، قامت مديرية الإحصاء الزراعي في الجهاز المركزي للإ

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 08 2023
Journal Name
لفتح للبحوث التربوية والنفسية
نمیة القوة الانفجاریة باستخدام تدریبات الأثقال بطریقة الصعود والھبوط وتأثیرھا في تحسین بعض المتغیرات البیوكینماتیكیة والأداء الفني لمھارة قفزة الیدین الأمامیة على جھاز منصة القفز الحدیثة
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من خلال ملاحظة الباحثتين الميدانية لمستوى الأداء الفني لمنتخب ناشئات القطر بالجمناستك لمهارة قفزة اليدين الأمامية على جهاز منصة القفز الحديثة لاحظن وجود مشكلة تكمن في ضعف هذا الأداء والذي يؤثر على بعض المتغيرات البيوكينماتيكية لهذه المهارة مما يؤدي إلى عدم أداء المهارة بالشكل الصحيح ، وتعزو الباحثتان ذلك الضعف إلى قلة الدفع بالرجلين والذراعين . لذا ارتأت الباحثتان إجراء هذا البحث الذي يهدف إلى تنمية القوة

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 20 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The habitat type and food availability always influence the population size of many
organisms. Bird’s feeding pattern should be abstracted to complete avian community structure
data. The agronomy main research farm of Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
is a well-managed multi-crop agro-ecosystem which provides a suitable ground for ecological
research. In a multi-crop farmland, the association of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Linnaeus,
1758, with the Indian mustard Brassica juncea (L.) Czernajew, 1859 crops have been
recorded for the first time while hovering only on this field. A flock of Barn swallows was
recorded in 32 field visits while flying continuously over the Indian mustard field after

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical investigation on heat transfer enhancement and turbulent flow characteristics in a high aspect ratio rectangular duct roughened by intersecting ribs with inclined ribs
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In this study, the effect of intersecting ribs with inclined ribs on the heat transfer and flow characteristics of a high aspect ratio duct has been numerically investigated. The Relative roughness pitch (P/e) is 10 and the Reynolds number range from 35,700 to 72,800. ANSYS (Fluent-Workbench 18.0) software has been utilized to solve the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with the Standard k-ε turbulence model. Three ribbed models have been used in this study. Model 1 which is a just inclined ribs, Model 2 which has a single longitudinal rib at the center with inclined ribs and Model 3 which has two longitudinal ribs at the sides. The results showed that the heat transfer rate has been enhanced when the int

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