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Reflective Mercifulness and its Implications for Social Cohesion / field study in Baghdad Governorate
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Mercifulness is a trait of civilization, humanity, and a moral value in society, because it has an impact on social life and its role in spreading interdependence, joint liability, and solidarity among people. Mercifulness means spreading mercy, synergy, sympathy, and cooperation. Generally, a society that enjoys strong ties tends to have a kind of stability and development, as well as, is able to face the economic, political, and security crises. Conversely, a weak society leads to weak social cohesion and weak community infrastructure that is more vulnerable to social, economic, and political instability. Thus, this is the aim of the research that has used a social survey method applied to a sample of respondents who have reached (300) respondents distributed on both sides of Karkh and Rusafa of Baghdad. The vast majority of respondents believe that sectarianism is the most dangerous phenomenon that Iraq witnessed after 2003. Hence, the research emphasized fighting extremist and extremism ideology by encouraging and strengthening kinship ties and family ties as it contributes to strengthening social construction and increases social cohesion. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Melodic and Rhythmic Construction of Monologues in Iraq
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The research studies the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of monologue, in addition to how it was transferred from the Arab homeland to Iraq and   reviewed its most prominent performers, as well as a review     of the monologue types and their propagation in the Arab homeland such as comical, dramatic, and political and guidance monologues. 

The methodological framework included: the problem of the research, the importance of the research and the objective of the research which is to uncover the melodic and rhythmic structure of the monologue in Iraq.   The limits of the research included the objective limit tackling the  art of monologue and the spatial limit which is Baghdad

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Intent in the Holy Quran (meanings and connotations)
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The most honorable of science was what was related to the book of God, the Almighty, the Constitution of this nation and the way of its guidance and method of advancement there is no life except for him and safety only by its application and it is no secret to the competent studies of the importance of the subjective studies in the Koranic studies to address issues of great importance enlighten the path of the nation and revive From here comes the importance of the topic covered by the research, which is "Intent in the Holy Quran meanings and semantics", and this topic features features that made it worthy of writing, including the importance of clarifying theories of Qur'anic character of a systematic nature, such as the theory of inten

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The aesthetic and communicative " dimensions in t.v photo"
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T.V photo in modern shows has emerged with special characteristics and signs that have developed in cope with the development of medium and technique. This leads to adding a variety of aesthetic dimensions which are capable of attracting audience because of its communicative elements that have an important role in increasing of T.V show Watching. As a result, the research is limited to methodological Framework as the problem. The problem of the research deals with emerging the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo. The major question is (what are the aesthetic and communicative dimension of T.V Photo?). The research aims at finding out the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo in modern artworks. The significance of the research on the presented

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Depleted Uranium And use an American in Iraq
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اليورانيوم المنضب واستخدامه امريكياً في العراق

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 17 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human values and principles in the three religions
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The laws of the three religions tend to extend the rules and foundations of coexistence, and this is achieved in achieving the values and principles that these laws have nourished in all societies.

Our research deals with a major problem that has broken out in our societies, namely (disturbing the balance of values and behavioral standard between people), and perhaps one of the greatest causes of the problem is to move away from the correct divine discourse and sound approach, as well as corruption of common sense and the violation of its rules and found principles in the hearts of people.




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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
In-betweenness and Liminal Selfin Amiri Baraka's Dutchman
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This study deals with the thems of "in-betweeness" in the modern Afro-American Drama, drawing upon the accumulated literature of the colonial and postcolonial studies. In-betweeness appears in these studies under the canopy of the terms mimicry, hybridity and liminality which refer to a transformative, in-between state of being. It also refers to themutual relations holdingbetween man and his cultural space.

This concept is fitting the Afro-American playwright Amiri Baraka's plays and his violent, revolutionary theatre. In his play Dutchman (1964), Clay, the protagonist, is a good example of the two-ness or in-betweeness. He finds difficulty choosing between the ethnocentric white culture and the black culture.He allows

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grammatical and rhetorical methods   In Surat Al - Iftar
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I started writing the research because of the linguistic and rhetorical methods in the Holy Quran.
This Sura included in all its verses the plural form such as the word planets graves and seas except the word sky was singular as the name of a genus, and this Sura showed the horrors of the Day of Judgment at the world level Included another science is the science of the interview and also came in the repetition and deletion and other linguistic and rhetorical things and concluded this Sura that the goal of breaking the sky and scattering planets and scatter graves is the human himself.
The Koran is a miracle immortal and science is still drawn from him each according to his specialty.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Islamic subject teacher and his role in Education
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Using the traditional methods in teaching Islamic subject have neglected student's role and focus mainly toward teacher. Thus, the role of student in teaching process would take a negative side: following these methods cannot achieve the educational objectives of Islamic subject. Teachers who give Islamic subject do not have a full knowledge of the appropriate techniques in teaching. They lack the scientific background that qualify them for teaching. The weakness of knowledge that face Islamic teachers have arisen over different stages of education which showed their lacking in the provision of intonation and interpretation of the Quran as well as the utterance of Prophet Mohammed Hadiths. It takes time to train teachers to do a

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
آیات النصح والإرشاد في الأخلاق في سورة البقرة ( دراسة وتحلیل )
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This Research on (Ayat of Advice and Guidance of Morals
Included in Sorat Al-Baqara) is a study for the virtual of Ayat
dealing with advice and guidance.
The importance of this research title comes from the study of
the Holy Quran from one side and the importance of advice and
guidance from the other side, besides, we are truly in need for
such study in our life.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الموظفون العثمانيون في ايالة الجزائر (دراسة في أوضاعهم الاجتماعية والاقتصادية)
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        Ottoman Empire created in the state of Algeria staff who manage its affairs on behalf of the Ottomans, who identified their functions and was mostly soldiers Alancksharien, but these soon engaged in Algerian society and coexist with him, and became them their own interests and participated people there in their business and their trades until it became their property and provinces and the interests they manage to order provide for a living.

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