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The Mental Disorder of mothers as a Mediating Variable Between Marital adjustment and Kindergarteners Development
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This current study aimed to explore the mediation effects of mother's mental health symptoms between marital adjustment and child development aspects. (666) participants of mothers and their children were the sample of the study. The researchers used the marital adjustment scale prepared by Manson, Morse, Lerner, Arthur, as well as, a package of tests for some aspects of growth Kindergarten children prepared by Kenawi and Mohamed (1999). In addition, theyemployed a list of modified symptoms (Symptom Checklist-90- Revised (SCL) -90-, prepared by Derogatis, Lipman and Lipogun & Cov (1976), The results of the current study showed there is a statistically significant relationship between marital adjustment and the symptoms of mental disorder in mothers; there is a statistically significant relationship between marital adjustment and Kindergarteners development. The study also found there is no mediating role for the mothers’ mental health symptoms between marital adjustment and aspects of development in kindergarten children except of the emotion development. Moreover, there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a≤0.05) in marital adjustment due to the following variables (the educational level of the mother, the work of the wife, citizenship, the educational level of the father, the relationship of kinship with the husband. Finally, there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a≤0.05) in the development of Kindergarteners due to the variable of kinship relationship with the husband, and the absence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a≤0.05) in the development of Kindergarteners due to the variable

(breastfeeding, type of birth and health status).

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industrial Policy and Development in Developing Countries (The Proponents and the Opponents
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This paper aims to discuss and analyse the role and importance of implementing industrial Policy to promote industry and enhance economic development in developing countries. The paper discusses the economic justifications for using industrial policy as well as the criticisms leveled against it, for this purpose it analyses the ideas of two different approaches to industrial policy. The first held by the neo-liberals in the USA , who oppose the use of industrial policy and emphasise the role of the market in attaining economic development. The second, represented by many economists who support the use of industrial policy to promote industry and accelerate economic development, they justify their stand by pointing to the negative

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Emotional Intelligence in kindergarten and its relationship with some variables
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This study aims at finding out the sentimental smartness of the kindergarten children
and its relationship with some variables.
1- The level of the sentimental smartness of the kindergarten children.
2- Investigating the Zero hypothesis in that there are no significant statistical differences in
the sentimental smartness between the kindergarten children according to the sex variables
(males and females).
Some statistical tools have been used in order to arrive at the results that verify the
hypotheses of this study. The researcher uses (1) the distinctive power between two
distinctive groups; (2) the relationship between the item and the total degree (Pearson
correlation factor); and (3) Elfakronbach formula t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Training Program for the Development of Moral Intelligence among Preparatory Students
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This current research aims to identify the effectiveness of a training program in developing moral intelligence and mutual social confidence among middle school students. The researcher made a number of hypotheses for this purpose to achieve the goal of the research.                             

The researcher relied on the (Al Zawaida 2011) scale prepared according to Coles (1997), including (60) items, and the mutual social trust scale for (Nazmi 2001) based on Roter's theory including (38) items.               &nbsp

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Sport Tk-revista Euroamericana De Ciencias Del Deporte
Determining the grades and standard levels of some mental skills as an indicator for the selection of young volleyball players
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ABSTRACT Purpose: The determination of standard scores and levels for some mental skills by researchers is of great importance, especially if it matches the target research sample, Method: as the researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey method, and the researchers chose the sample of youth players for clubs for the season (2022-2021), numbering (127) players, and the researchers identified the scale and procedures and applied it to the research sample, Results: obtained the results that were processed, extracted grades and standard levels, and then interpreted them and obtained conclusions, Conclusion: the most important of which are: The standard levels of mental skills reached the results of the sample studied within the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Mental Alertness and Its Relationship to Academic Self-Efficacy among Northern Border University Students
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This study aims at investigating the relationship between mindfulness and academic self-efficacy among Northern Border University students. To achieve this objective, the researcher adopted the correlative survey method for (97) students. For data collection, the researcher developed a mindfulness scale consisting of (42) items divided into seven topics, each one consisting of six items. The researcher developed an academic self-efficacy scale consisting of (20) items, adopting a five-point Likert scale. The results showed that there is a high level of mindfulness among students at the level of the seven units which formed the mindfulness scale; the conscious thinking unit showed the highest mean value o

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
Journal Name
Ibero-american Journal Of Exercise And Sports Psychology
The impact of mental training overlap on the development of some closed and open skills in five-aside football for middle school students
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The impact of mental training overlap on the development of some closed and open skills in five-aside football for middle school students, Ayad Ali Hussein, Haidar Abedalameer Habe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-image addiction (Salafi) and its relation to narcissistic personality disorder among students
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Abstract The goal of current study was to identify the relationship between addiction of self-images (Selfie) and personality disorder of narcissus, and the difference of significance the relationship between addiction self-images (selfie) and personality disorder narcissus at students of Mustansiriya university, addiction self- images (selfie) defined: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media, edit and down lowed to social networking sites, and over time, the replacement of normal life virtual world, which is accompanied by a lack of a sense of time, and the formation of repeated patterns increase the risk of social and personal problems. To achieve the goals

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Theatrical Visual System between the Cultural Identity and Globalization Culture Iraqi Theatre as Case Study: فرحان عمران موسى
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It seems that the features of the theatrical discourse , since its early establishment by the Greeks, were cultural features specifically confined to that society. Such features determined the direction of the theatrical discourse for this state instead of that state. There could be some sort of similarity among those features , nevertheless they remained within the general humanitarian framework . What achieved relatedness were those features and particularities that distinguished the theatrical community. Such features and particularities vary from one show to another. This is what we call " Local Specificity" .The Iraqi theatrical memory has always emphasized the concept of Experimentation through originality and renewal since the arr

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ethical dimension of administrative accountants And its impact on the improvement and growth of staff potential in the economic unit
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تعد المحاسبة بشكل عام علماً لكنها ليست من العلوم الصرفة وإنما من العلوم الإجتماعية مما يتطلب للتعامل مع المواضيع المحاسبية الأخذ بنظر الاعتبار الأشخاص المعنيين بالموضوع سواء كانوا المعدين للمخرجات المحاسبية أي المحاسبين، أو الاطراف ذوي المصالح المعنيين والمستفيدين من هذه المخرجات أي المستخدمين، ويعد المحاسب جزءاً من العملية الاجرائية نفسها وبهذا يكون دوره مزدوجاً يجمع بين كونه القائم بالبحث والقي

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of the strategic culture variable in negotiations (Brexit a model)
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      Negotiations are distinguished in that they are an easy and simple means between the conflicting parties, and it is an effective means at the same time as the conflicting parties seek understanding on the most effective way to solve their dispute, but negotiations are not always appropriate to resolve international disputes, especially when there is a disparity in power between the negotiating countries, or when it is missing Goodwill, or even when one of the parties is absent or less flexible, and the internal circumstances of one of the conflicting countries may play a negative or positive role in the success of the negotiations, away from the influence of the role of external variables in that, a

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