This study aims to identify the level of students’ awareness at Imam Muhammad bin Saud University of the requirements of married life in the light of social changes and suggested methods to deepen this awareness (according to the Islamic educational vision) from their own perspective. In this study, the researcher used the descriptive approach with a survey research method, depending on questionnaires to collect data, which he applied to students of College of Sharia in Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, as well as, students in the fields of Sociology, Social Work, and Psychology in the College of Social Sciences. The findings of the study revealed that students are aware of the requirements of married life concerning mutual rights. In addition, female students are aware of the rights of both husband and wife. The level of awareness of the aforementioned is moderate; students have also shown a moderate level of awareness about dealing with matrimonial disputes. Female respondents are more aware than male respondents of the requirements of married life, the study has illustrated that there are no differences in awareness between married and unmarried students in this regard. Finally, the respondent’s field of study has no impact on the level of awareness of the requirements of married life. Moreover, this study indicated that the methods suggested deepening the awareness of students of the requirements of married life at Imam Muhammad bin Saud University in the light of social changes (in accordance with Islamic Education) from their own perspective have gained a moderate degree of approval.
لقد أدت التطورات العلمية والتقنية وتطبيقاتها العملية في مختلف ميادين الحياة بشكل عام وميدان التربية والتعليم بشكل خاص إلى ظهور تغيرات في البناء التعليمي وطرائق التدريس بصيغتها الحديثة التي تنسجم في مجملها وروح العصر مما دعى المؤسسات التربوية والتعليمية وبإيعاز إلى الباحثين والمهتمين بهذا الميدان الى ضرورة متابعة الاتجاهات الحديثة ونواحي التجديد لمحتوى العملية التعليمية فيما يتعلق بالمجالات المعر
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إن اعتبار الأسرة كوحدة أساسية في المجتمع يجعل دورها كبير في مهمة تربية أفرادها وبناء شخصياتهم وتوجيه سلوكهم ووقايتهم من انحرافه ،في جميع مراحل حياتهم ولاسيما مرحلة المراهقة .
وتبدو قدسيتها ممثلة بركنيها للذين أمر الله عز وجل بأن يخفض لهما جناح الذل من الرحمة لخطورة
... Show MoreAbstract The present research aims to know the range of Knowledge and the using of teachers of aerography department in colleges of Education to Applicant electronic Learning , So the Sample of the research reached (129) teacher, of the university of Boghdad and Al mustansiria who were chosen by using Randomly sample , and applauding questioner for these perpos that prepared by muhamed bn Ghazi Al Judi – and by using the T-test for one sample and person correlation formula as a statistical means. The research reached to the results which indicate that weakness knowledge and using the theachers of geographe department to the application electronic learning. And according this the researcher put some Recommendation and suggestions.
... Show Moreمن أجل الإجابة على التساؤل المتعلق بمشكلة البحث وهو؛ ماهي الصعوبات التي تواجه المدرسين باستخدام أساليب التدريس الحديثة بدرس التربية الرياضية للمرحلة المتوسطة؟ والعمل على إيجاد الحلول المناسبة لهذه الصعوبات. استخدم الباحثين المنهج الوصفي بالأسلوب المسحي على عينة من مدرسي ومدرسات التربية الرياضية في محافظة ديالى في المدارس المتوسطة والبالغ عددهم (81) مدرساً ومدرسة، وبعد إعداد الاستبانة الخاصة بالبحث وتوزيع
... Show Moreإن الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو التعرف على مدى موضوعية التقييم في المواد التي ليس فيها امتحانات نهائية وهي التربيةُ العمليةُ ومشروعُ البحثِ وذلك بمقارنتها بالمعدل العام للتخرج. وقد أستعملت درجات 450 طالباً وطالبةً من خريجي كلية التربية في الجامعة المستنصرية للعام الدراسي 2003- 2004 ومن الدورين الأول والثاني في هذه الدراسة. وأشارت النتائج إلى وجودِ فروقٍ ذاتِ دلالةٍ إحصائيةٍ بين مادة التربية العملية والمعدل العا
... Show Moreأن الامم والشعوب لاتستطيع المحافظة على استمرار وجودها وتقدمها ورقيها، إلابفضل إعداد اجيالها المتعاقبة الاعداد السليم المتكامل ، وبقدر ما تحافظ الامم والشعوب على تربية هذه الاجيال للتمسك بدينها ، ومعتقداتها ، واخلاقها ، بقدر ما تحافظ على بقائها وعلو شأنها ، وكما فطنت الامم والشعوب إلى اهمية تربية اجيالها ، فطن اعداؤها الى ضرورة التخريب في جذور البناء الصحيح لتربية الاجيال ( فاطمة ، 1998، ص2).
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The Research aimed for identification the significant of health problems that occurrences through
misused of computer for those whom attaches with more than two hours daily and to identification the
nature of demographical characteristics variables and that related variables with using computer. Also to
know the level of user’s knowledge for some attaché’s equipment's and finally creating a new suggested
measurement scale for studying health problems that were occurred through misused of computer.
Creating questionnaire includes several domains (Social problems – family environment, Social problems –
external environment, some health problems attaches with related equipment's, psychological problems,
and hea
With the recent developments of technology and the advances in artificial intelligent and machine learning techniques, it becomes possible for the robot to acquire and show the emotions as a part of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). An emotional robot can recognize the emotional states of humans so that it will be able to interact more naturally with its human counterpart in different environments. In this article, a survey on emotion recognition for HRI systems has been presented. The survey aims to achieve two objectives. Firstly, it aims to discuss the main challenges that face researchers when building emotional HRI systems. Secondly, it seeks to identify sensing channels that can be used to detect emotions and provides a literature review
... Show MoreAbstract:
Talk about bad social life in all aspects and symbols performed poetry, is a modern conductor when the poet Al Basti, the potential depth vision of life, and his psychological balance, especially in the field of relationship, or dealing with others and related relations of manifestations of lattice, which broadcast the poet his emotions direct expression method of formulating a painting and landscape the tale, revealed with its experience in tackling the Al Basti and confront the cons community through display, and here you can glimpse the human journey Life, the discovery of life on a journey replete with events
This research aims to choose the appropriate probability distribution to the reliability analysis for an item through collected data for operating and stoppage time of the case study.
Appropriate choice for .probability distribution is when the data look to be on or close the form fitting line for probability plot and test the data for goodness of fit .
Minitab’s 17 software was used for this purpose after arranging collected data and setting it in the the program.
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