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The Structural Model of the Relationship between Emotional Creativity and Self-Efficacy among Students at the Preparatory Year Tabuk University
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This research aimed to identify the structural model of the relationship between emotional creativity and self-efficacy among male and female students of the preparatory year at Tabuk University. The current study adopted the descriptive correlational approach, as it is appropriate to the nature of the study. The study tools contained (60) items that measure the relationship between emotional creativity and self-efficacy among the male and female students of the preparatory year at Tabuk University. The study sample was chosen by the stratified random method of the study community, where the study sample reached (183) male and female students of the preparatory year at the University of Tabuk. The results of the study showed that there are not statistically significant differences for the level of emotional creativity among the male and female students regarding these variables (gender, specialization). There are also statistically significant differences in the level of academic self-efficacy among male and female students in term of gender and specialization. Third, there is a positive correlation relationship with statistical significance at the level of significance between the total degree of the level of emotional creativity and its dimensions and the total degree of academic self-efficacy and its dimensions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Screening of Obesity, Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose among Female Students Athletes at the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in the University of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Empathy of University Students with Gender and Specialization Variables
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This study aims to identify the empathy of University Students, as well as the significant differences in sympathy in terms of gender and specialization. To achieve the aims of the study, a scale of empathy was administered to a sample of (450) students collected randomly from Baghdad university. The results showed that the study sample has a level of empathy. There is a significant difference between males and females in empathy, in favor of the female students. There is no significant difference in empathy in terms of specialization (scientific, humanities), and the interaction between males and females. The study came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions. 

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Relationship Between the Above-Ground Biomass and the Vegetation Cover Indices at Different Salinity Levels
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Abstract<p>The current study was carried out to find out the relationship between the Above-Ground Biomass and the spectral vegetative indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index, Difference Vegetation Index) (NDVI, SAVI, DVI) for soils with different salinity levels. Al Salamiyat Project was chosen as a study area located at an altitude of 34 m above sea level and within the geographical coordinates (E 44°.09´13.65´´ N 33°.25´ 07.87´´ and E 44°.17´ 46.03´´ N 33°.2l´40.72´´), with a total area of 14265 Dunum. Surface and subsurface soil samples were chosen from the study area and according to the previously defined salinity units, except for th</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Dental Research
Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder among Dental Students of the University of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial Structure of Test-Wiseness Scale: A Field Study on a Sample of Students in Hama University
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The current research aims to recognize the exploratory and confirmatory factorial structure of the test-wiseness scale on a sample of Hama University students, using the descriptive method. Thus, the sample consists of (472) male and female students from the faculties of the University of Hama. Besides, Abu Hashem’s 50 item test-wiseness scale (2008) has been used. The validity and reliability of the items of the scale have also been verified, and six items have been deleted accordingly. The results of the exploratory factor analysis of the first degree have shown the presence of the following five acceptable factors: (exam preparation, test time management, question paper handling, answer sheet handling, and revision).  Moreover,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Impact of the Constructive Scientific Stations Strategy on Achievement and Mind Habits for The Fourth Scientific students in biology
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The study aimed at ideutifying the impact of scieutific skills in strategy and liabits of mind amony stueuts in tenth grade . The study demanded to choose a sampie that coutaiun (42) student of the fourth grade of the secondary school who were dirided into tow groups , the first is experimental studied according to scieutific skill strategy , and the other controlling , studied according to the  usualway . An achievement test  has been taken that adopted  staudard for mind skills as research tools that are applid after ascertaining  sincerity proved at the end of the experiment .The study has reached to the conclusion that there are statistically significant differnces in farour of the experiment group in both

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analyzing of the Relationship between the Financial Development, Economic growth, and Poverty in Iraq with the Autoregressive Distributed lag Model framework for the period (1980-2010)
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The developed financial system is essential for increasing economic growth and poverty reduction in the world. The financial development helps in poverty reduction indirectly via intermediate channel which is the economic growth. The financial development enhancing economic development through mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, the economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor live. The second is indirect through redistribution the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realiz

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Create sustainable value to the customer through the integration of the relationship between total quality management and relationship marketing
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Purpose: This research seeks to provide a point of view based on the creation of sustainable value to the customer of the banks in the context of total quality management and relationship marketing. It aims to develop a model to measure the value of sustainable customer peduncular under total quality management PAL (administrative leadership, involvement of employees, continuous improvement, process improvement, staff training), through the mediation of relationship marketing and objective dimensions (administrative leadership, involvement of employees, continuous improvement, improving processes , staff training), and to explore any of the variables and dimensions more influential in the creation of sustainable value to the cust

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Peripheral Perception And its Relation With The Need for Cognition for The University Students
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The most important topic for psychologist generally is factor of education and it's active tools because learning needs active perception for stimulus that recived by the educator and give it avalue and meaning , Need for cognition is
very important in the various daily fields of life , especially in learning and teaching and the academy work , it help with shifting the learning level for people , and icreas the intense and challenge between them
The research endeavored to achieve the following aim :
1- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student .
2- Measuring the level of need for cognition for the university student .
3- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The relationship between the rule of mental improvement and ugliness and the objectives of Sharia And its impact on rulings
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The research addresses a fundamental Islamic jurisprudential Purposeful issue, which is (Sharia), and to indicate the impact of this on Islamic jurisprudence, deriving rulings and extracting purposes, and to repel the illusion that this issue is only doctrinal, and clarifying the aspects of similarities and links between them by explaining the origin of deriving the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia) through the meanings and wisdom learned from the texts and the explanation of the rulings. The rulings of Islamic Law (Sharia) have urged bringing benefits and repelling harms, and that the path to do so is reason and its production. I began the research by defining the purposes of Islamic Law (Sharia), then defining the rule of rational right

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