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The Role of the Media in Empowering People with Disabilities to Participate in Society

Disabled people are among the most important groups that need attention, care, and financial and moral care. They cannot fulfill the requirement of life normally without care from a person to meet their special needs. The disability is either mental or physical. The Iraqi government has paid attention to this category by adopting a law for this category, represented by Law No. (38) for the year (2013), which keeps their rights and duties in Iraqi society by  establishing institution of persons with disabilities and special needs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to create a modern society politically, socially, culturally or economically. In view of the importance of this group in society, the media reinforces the community awareness to integrate and empower them to serve society, as well as their equality with their peers in society and their enjoyment of their various human rights on the one hand and raise the spirits and confidence of this group in its capabilities in Iraqi society. The research includes three main topics. The first topic is the methodological framework (the problem of research, its objectives, its importance, the research community, and the method used in it and the validity of the analysis). The second topic deals with (the role of the media in enabling disabled people to participate in Iraqi society). The third topic represents (field study on a sample of people with disabilities to reach the desired goal of the research).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Psychological Well-being for Elderly People at Geriatric Centers in Baghdad City

Objective: To evaluate the levels of Psychological well-being among elderly people and To find out the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and psychological well-being among elderly people who live in Geriatric centers. Methodology: A descriptive study in which evaluation approach is applied to achieve the objectives of the study the period of the study was from 29 December 2014 to 25 may 2015, The sample is non-probability (purposive sample) of 60 elderly people and selecte according to criteria of sample and for the purpose of the study , ( 40 ) are from Al Rashad and ( 20 ) Sleek

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Digital technologies in the means of communication

Modern digital technologies have affected the means of communication in terms of structure, function and methods of dealing with them, and the communication process has changed, becoming bilateral, reciprocal and interactive, after it was one-way and limited in circulation and the roles changed, so the receiver became the sender and reversed is correct, and the culture of the active user and the participant spread, and the communication process became continuous.
The international information network has provided new electronic channels in the media and communication that are not known and opened a new era for these means, which led to a trend towards digital media in an unprecedented way.
The new communication platforms are the re

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of tax policy in the development of the Iraqi economy: (Applied Research for the period from 1995 to 2010)

The tax policy is an important tool of fiscal policy tools which is usedasits multiple tools the State seeks to achieve objectives, such as theachievement of economic development.The importance of the research comes from the importance ofeconomic development resulting from economic policies and prudent fiscaland appropriate to the economic situation of Iraq at the moment is the mostimportant tax policy that taxes one of the most important financial instruments.The research aims to clarify the role of tax policy in developing of theIraqi economy.In an effort to achieve the goals researchers tried to prove thehypothesis ((The tax policy and through multiple tools that seeks to contributeto the achievement of economic development in Iraq)).

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Population growth and the culture of consumption A field study in the city of Arbil.: Population growth and the culture of consumption A field study in the city of Arbil.

research objectives to:
1. identify the social, economic and cultural factors affecting consumption.
2. detect the consumption culture among the population in the city of Erbil.
3. Identify the GATT consumer protection and rights.
The most important results:
1. that there is variation in the answers of respondents about keep up with modernity in the basic consumption (necessary), it swallowed the proportion of yes answers about keep up with modernity in food consumption (72%), and is an indication of growing consumer awareness of the individual in the side of nutrition. The clothing on the side of the proportion of yes answers amounted to (85%), in the health field note that the percentage of yes answers (83%), who are abr

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 07 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
activating the role of the private sector in housting finance

Housing finance is considered to be an important and basic element in housing market, so it’s very important to aid individuals and particular institutions to built or buy new housing units.Inadequate finance system for housing is capable of supporting families to fulfill their needs and helping them to buy and built houses represented a big gap between the need to housing units and available stock. The most important finance institutions in Iraq nowa days are the Real Estate Bank and Housing Fund.Althoughthe role played byeach ofthese institutions, but thattheir roleis stilllimited in thehousing financeat the level ofindividuals orinstitutions. the adoption of the real estate Bank and housing fund to the amount allocated by th

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Peace For Humanities And Social Sciences Jphsc
The role of the contract Duration in the pre-contract stage " Comparative study"

Time crosses one of the most important principles that are agreed upon in contracts, because the temporal dimension has a significant impact on all contract provisions and is not limited to a certain group of them. French and Arab legal jurists alike called for this dimension to be given special attention. That is the term of the contract term; To try to limit the temporal elements, clarify their provisions and distinguish between them, but in the Arab world it did not receive the same attention that it received in the West.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Digital Economy in Iraqi Economic Growth for The Period of 2010-2022 (Analytical Study)

The research addresses the role of the digital economy in the growth of the Iraqi economy during the period from 2010 to 2022. The research is based on the hypothesis that the digital economy has become one of the primary growth drivers worldwide and has a close relationship with economic development. Therefore, the digital transformation in Iraq can accelerate bridging developmental gaps with other countries.

It has become evident that the Iraqi economy suffers from structural imbalances for various reasons, hindering economic growth. These reasons include political and economic factors, as well as the absence of a well-thought-out policy to promote the agricultural sector, which is considered one of the fundamental sectors capa

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of performance management in Achieving Organizational success


The idea of this research is the basis of the role exercised by the dimensions of performance management (Performance Planning- performance evaluation- improve the performance and development- feedback - Review and Performance Monitor) In order to achieve the success Organizational Is through the (strategic vision- the operational activity- development of the company- selection of personnel- the company's culture- Leadership and Management- Personal Development - Assessment and Review).And The research aims to identify the extent of the responsibility of performance management in achieving success  Organizational through main hypotheses branched out by the sub-hypotheses to knowing out the&nbs

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role Of Architectural Legacy In Achieving Architectural Sustainability

Sustainability is a concept embodied in traditional architecture around the world since ancient times through spontaneous experimental compatibility with the environment and efficient exploitation of the natural resources of the environment according to a rapid development of trial and error over the years . Architecture was the basic means that man devised to protect him from the harsh conditions of the external environment by exploiting natural energy sources such as the sun, wind, and soil capabilitie, Many of the principles of sustainability overlapped with the social organization and human behavior of the community as it was reflected in the urban production at the level of standards of city planning and urban agglomerations as well

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of insurance policy in facing banking risks

The concept of insurance policy is one of the concepts that expresses a way to face the risks that a person is exposed to in the field of his life. It is a system that involves a prior agreement between two parties through which the risk is transferred from the second party (the insured) to the first party (the insurer) in return for paying an amount Calculated was able to cover the potential loss according to certain percentages agreed upon between the two parties, and that the main goal of any scientific analysis of the risk is to choose the most appropriate policy or method to confront it, by identifying the risks and ways to address them, and the main goal is to reduce losses and limit the possibility of their occurrence.


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