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The Evaluation of Illustrations Images in the Content of the Computer Book for the Second Intermediate Grade from the Point of View of the Teachers of the Subject
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The research aims at evaluating the illustrations images and determining the availability of good image standards in the illustrations images of the content of the second intermediate stage computer's book for the academic year (2019-2020) as seen by computer teachers. The sample was randomly selected, (30) teachers who are actually teaching the subject in schools within the geographical area of the province of Baghdad (Karkh III). To achieve this goal, ten standards were identified: scientific accuracy, suitability for the level of students, image clarity, image freshness, quality of coloring, suitability of its location of the subject, Matching their content glimpsed, The subject matter is appropriate in terms of area, matching its title to its content, the quality of visas, to know the strengths and strengthening and reduce the severity of weaknesses or eliminated by making proposals to improve them. The results revealed that the illustrations images in the content of the second-grade computer book did not take into account the good image standards in balanced proportions, where the scientific accuracy was (80%), which is a very good evaluation, and the standard percentage is suitable for the level of students (52%)The standard of image clarity was (57.3%), which is an acceptable evaluation grade, the standard of modernity of the image (74%) was a good evaluation, and the percentage of the color quality criterion (68%) was an average evaluation and the appropriate standard of its location. The percentage of the subject (67%) and when compared to the agreed rate came with an average evaluation, while the criterion of conformity of its content to the contents of the subject has achieved a rate (75%), a good evaluation, while the criterion of suitability in terms of area achieved (55%) Acceptable evaluation, the criterion of conformity of its title to its content by (56%), i.e. the degree of acceptable evaluation, and the standard of quality of visas achieved (58%). to conclude, the researcher came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج المنهج القرآني في تربية الأبناء بالحوار ( دراسة تفسيرية ـــ موضوعية )
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Quran orders and commandments and principles, has avenged children, their status and dearest, and saved their lives, which reached ill before Islam, and filled the hearts of the fathers and mothers for their love, but to make them embellish life.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
توظيف التراث واللون في روايتي نبوءة فرعون وشاي العروس لميسلون هادي
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The novel in its construction depends on set of life elements that is employed by the writer or the novelist to create a convincing world that resemble the real life world and as the novel is going toward experimentation and employing modern phenomenon we find the novelist tends to take advantage from the most realistic details to achieve the required convincing state through serious situations and the novelist Maysaloun Hadi depended in writing her novels on creating tight relations between the things and the elements that has inspired her which are mostly from the environment and from reality , as an example of these elements is the old inherited traditions that distinguish Iraq society as this element is a very important point in Iraq

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2010
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسة الداخلية لعراق ما بعد الانتخابات 2010 دراسة في الثوابت والمتغيرات
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السياسة الداخلية لعراق ما بعد الانتخابات 2010 دراسة في الثوابت والمتغيرات

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
International business particularly that centered on foreign direct investment
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While practicing of International business particularly that centered on foreign direct investment, let on one side, to achieving objectives of transnational corporations specially that represented in continuous pursue to improving its cash flows and maximization of stockholders wealth which is considered the most important objective to the transnational corporations, but in the same time its lead, on other side, to increasing the foreign exchange risk exposuring these corporations. So, the transnational corporations (TNCs) struggling to make strategies which are dealing in smart way, with this risk and its management in way that enable to avoiding risk comple

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة الأساليب المستخدمة في تحديد عدد المركبات الرئيسية مع التطبيق العملي
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The principal components analysis is used in analyzing many economic and social phenomena; and one of them is related to a large group in our society who are the university instructors. This phenomenon is the delay occurred in getting university instructor to his next scientific title. And as the determination of the principal components number inside the principal components depends on using many methods, we have compared between three of these methods that are: (BARTLETT, SCREE DIAGRAM, JOLLIFFE).

     We concluded that JOLLIFFE method was the best one in analyzing the studying phenomenon data among these three methods, we found the most distinguishing factors effecting on t

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
معوقات استخدام الطرائق الحديثة لتدريس مواد اللغة العربية في المرحلة الإعدادية
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objective of this research is to identify some of the obstacles that face secondary school teachers of the Arabic language courses in using modern teaching methods in class.

The research focuses on secondary school teachers of the Arabic language courses at the central region of Nineveh Governorate for the school year (2008-2009). 30 teachers out of 792, were randomly chosen to apply the research tool upon.

To fulfill the objective of this research, the researcher first surveyed a number of teachers , he then identified four categories of obstacles; obstacles related to school administrative system and environment, the teacher, courses and pupils, and the nature of teaching method

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تفعيل دور وزارة التخطيط في تقييم الجدوى الفنية والاقتصادية للمشاريع المقترحة
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The success of any work requires the development of prior plans for the success of this work as well as providing the necessary sources of funds for the implementation of those plans, where the start of the research problem of delayed sending project proposals to the Ministry of Planning to do its job oversight in checking the technical and economic of those projects feasibility studies, has sought the researcher to the statement of need activating the role of the Ministry of planning in the study of projects before they are implemented and the trade-offs between important projects and projects the most important as they related to the usefulness of the community as well as the economic feasibility evaluation of them in terms of providin

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دراسة أحصائية حول تقدير المساحة المزروعة لمحصول الشلب في محافظة النجف
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The objective of the research is to find the best method to estimate rice crop through out evaluating the applied methods of stratified random sampling .By using different sorts of sampling estimators, a comparison was held among the variances of the mean for simple random sampling, stratified random sampling(var()) and separate regression estimator. The results indicate that the separate regression estimator give best estimations. The approximate cum.f4/5 method was used to determine the optimum stratum boundaries, new strata was put and then var () was calculated .In comparison with strata used nowadays in central statistical organization, the new strata led to obvious decrease in the variance. The stratified mean wa

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الحقيقة
القوة القاهرة المؤقتة واثرها في تنفيذ العقد ـ دراسة مقارنة ـ
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
مفھوم الامانة في التراث الأدبي للامام علي ( علیھ السلام ) - دراسة تحلیلیة
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the boot of honesty in the dictionary the term linguistic and religious
heritage, literary and Islamic Sufi thought, and concept in the literature of Imam
Ali, peace is upon him. And studied the summary first concerns its presence in the
literature and implications and directions, either the second part, has cared for the
analytical study has found research that safe weight was the counterpart of the
personality of the Imam accompanied the character most prominent in his
character, namely, (courage), it has struggled to deliver a impact of humanity in his
time and after the word and deed, It was based on the imagination in the formation
of images sensual and intellectual, to his persuasion of the evidence and argu

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