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The Role of the Teacher in Facing Intellectual Extremism among High School Students
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The study aimed to identify the role of the teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in high school students, and identify the differences of statistical significance in the role of teacher in confronting intellectual extremism in secondary school students according to gender variable (males, females) and the duration of service (less than 5 years more than 5 years), the sample was consisted of (100) teachers with (50) male  and (50) female in the city of Bayaa, Dora and Sadiya, the measure of intellectual extremism was applied by the researcher, and the study reached a role of the teacher in facing the intellectual extremism at Secondary school students, and the existence of differences of statistical significance in the role of teachers for duration more than (5) years, while the differences were not statistically significant for the gender. According to the study results, the researcher came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Las formas no personales del verbo en español y su traducción al árabe Non-personal forms of the verb in Spanish and their translations into Arabic
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Las formas verbales: el infinitivo, el gerundio y el participio, son derivados verbales que se comportan como sustantivos, adverbios o adjetivos, respectivamente; aunque, dado su carácter verbal pueden también funcionar como verbos y, por tanto, como núcleos del predicado.

 El presente trabajo presenta una visión general sobre las formas no personales del verbo en español. Se debe recordar que las formas no personales del verbo tiene funciones y valores dentro de la oración.

  Este trabajo lo dividimos  en dos partes: la primera presenta  un breve marco teórico en que se explica las formas no personales del verbo y como se forman además de sus funciones.


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Investigating the Effects of Canard Dihedral Angle on the Wing Span Loading in a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft at Transonic Speeds at Steady State Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Forward-swept wings were researched and introduced to improve maneuverability, control, and fuel efficiency while reducing drag and they are often used alongside canards, to further enhance their characteristics. In this research, the effects of canard dihedral angles on the wing loading of a forward-swept wing in transonic flow conditions were studied, as the wing loading provides a measure of wing’s efficiency (lift/drag). A generic aircraft model from literatures was selected, simulated, and compared to, using CFD software ANSYS/Fluent where the flow equations were solved to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics. The research was carried at two different Mach numbers, 0.6 and 0.9, for five different canard dihedral angles which tra

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial Aesthetics in the Novels (Shai Al-Aroos by Maysaloon Hadi) and (Qiyamat Baghdad by Alya Talib) Balance Technical Study
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This study aims to create spatial balance between two Iraqi writers' novels (Maysaloon
Hadi, Alya Talib) technical and objective illustrates similarity points and difference in the
writers' style. We depended in our research on spatial classification considering the aggressive
and friendly, since the writers focused on them.
The research study concluded to many sides, some of which are similar and some are
different. Firstly, ingenuity description of the writers. Followed by the deep connection they
have. Because of the personal experience it emanated from alienation sensations and nostalgia
to deep roots to homeland.
On the other hand, difference aspects, we see Maysaloon takes symbols and illusions
unlike Aly

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Attitudes and prayers Ahl al-Bayt peace be upon them to poets In the Umayyad and Abbasid periods Objective study
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Poetry occupied the Arabs in a unique position, especially in the era; ignorant, Umayyad and Abbasid, in addition to its literary and aesthetic dimensions, it is at the forefront of tools and media at the time. The poet appointed society and poetry Diwan Arabs records their exploits and virtues and their valor in the wars... The Prophet Muhammad () realized the importance of poetry, so he took advantage of him in the libel for his Islamic call. In the Umayyad and Abbasid states, poetry had a clear role in social, literary and political life, as the ruling authority used its influence on many poets to be media to support its political theory, by praising the Caliph and his aides, and exposing those who dissented and opposing them. The

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Applied Linguistics And English Literature
Human Rights at Stake: Shirley Jackson’s Social and Political Protest in “The Lottery”
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Nowhere is American author Shirley Jackson’s (1916-1965) social and political criticism is so intense than it is in her seminal fictional masterpiece “The Lottery”. Jackson severely denounces injustice through her emphasis on a bizarre social custom in a small American town, in which the winner of the lottery, untraditionally, receives a fatal prize. The readers are left puzzled at the end of the story as Tessie Hutchinson, the unfortunate female winner, is stoned to death by the members of her community, and even by her family. This study aims at investigating the author’s social and political implications that lie behind the story, taking into account the historical era in which the story was published (the aftermath of th

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Wormholes Models for the Optimum Matrix Acidizing in Mi4 Unit-Ahdeb Oil Field
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Innovative laboratory research and fluid breakthroughs have improved carbonate matrix stimulation technology in the recent decade. Since oil and gas wells are stimulated often to increase output and maximum recovery, this has resulted in matrix acidizing is a less costly alternative to hydraulic fracturing; therefore, it is widely employed because of its low cost and the fact that it may restore damaged wells to their previous productivity and give extra production capacity. Limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir has never been investigated; hence research revealed fresh insights into this process. Many reports have stated that the Ahdeb oil field's Mishrif reservoir has been unable to be stimulated due to high injection pressures, wh

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Wormholes Models for the Optimum Matrix Acidizing in Mi4 Unit-Ahdeb Oil Field
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Innovative laboratory research and fluid breakthroughs have improved carbonate matrix stimulation technology in the recent decade. Since oil and gas wells are stimulated often to increase output and maximum recovery, this has resulted in matrix acidizing is a less costly alternative to hydraulic fracturing; therefore, it is widely employed because of its low cost and the fact that it may restore damaged wells to their previous productivity and give extra production capacity. Limestone acidizing in the Mishrif reservoir has never been investigated; hence research revealed fresh insights into this process. Many reports have stated that the Ahdeb oil field's Mishrif reservoir has been unable to be stimulated due to high inj

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Some Robust methods for Estimates the power Spectrum in ARMA Models Simulation Study
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Robust statistics Known as, resistance to errors caused by deviation from the stability hypotheses of the statistical operations (Reasonable, Approximately Met, Asymptotically Unbiased, Reasonably Small Bias, Efficient ) in the data selected in a wide range of probability distributions whether they follow a normal distribution or a mixture of other distributions deviations different standard .

power spectrum function lead to, President role in the analysis of Stationary random processes, form stable random variables organized according to time, may be discrete random variables or continuous. It can be described by measuring its total capacity as function in frequency.


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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Irregularity in Contemporary Graphic Achievement: عمار مهدي عبد السيد ---طيف جبار رؤوف
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The contemporary arts, including the graphic design art, adopted new concepts and methods that diverged from the customary rules of design, such as the method of irregularity, as a result of the art keeping up with the intellectual, scientific and technical developments that accompanied all fields of life which caused a problem in employing this technique because of its influence on the functional aspect of the graphic achievement. Hence, the researcher chose the title of the research entitled (the irregularity in contemporary graphic achievement) based on the following questions: a-Does the transformation of style in contemporary graphic design constitute a problem for the designs it produces?b- Has the contemporary graphic design achie

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 27 2020
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 2020 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Manufacturing, Materials And Technologies
The complex dynamic in three species food webmodel involving stage structure and cannibalism
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A three species food web model involving a stage structure and cannibalism in the top predator species is proposed and studied. It is assumed that the prey species growth logistically in the absence of predator and the predation process occurred according to theLotka-Volterra functional response. The existence, uniqueness and bounded-ness of the solution of the model are investigated. The local and global stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points are established.The persistence conditions of the model are also determined. The local bifurcation near each of the equilibrium points is analyzed. The global dynamics of the model is investigated numerically and compared with the obtained analytical results. It is observed that the p

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