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The Role of Education in Enhancing the Value of Citizenship in Children through the Interactive Life Process in Educational Institutions

The aim of the research is to diagnose the methods of enhancing the value of citizenship in children through the interactive life process in educational institutions; the descriptive approach was used to achieve the objective by identifying social theories that corresponded to the national value or the theoretical principles of citizenship education. The study focused on educational activities and their role in establishing values, national educational philosophy in interactive activities, as well as the presentation of previous studies on the subject of citizenship, and maps of each of the strategies of active learning, skills in the process of interactive life in the field of education, Institutions that have the responsibility to promote national identity have also been identified, Such as the media and the school.

The researcher reached the conclusion that the value of citizenship can be enhanced through the interactive process of life in education in the form of dimensions such as: cognitive dimension, social dimension, skill dimension, and moral dimension.

It is recommended to use modern media and methods to promote the spirit of citizenship, to celebrate national events, especially national day, to introduce children to their value and significance, to introduce children to their rights and duties and to affirm their right to social equality and equal opportunity.


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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of NMI against Modularity in Community Detection Problem: A Case Study for Unsigned and Signed Networks

Community detection is useful for better understanding the structure of complex networks. It aids in the extraction of the required information from such networks and has a vital role in different fields that range from healthcare to regional geography, economics, human interactions, and mobility. The method for detecting the structure of communities involves the partitioning of complex networks into groups of nodes, with extensive connections within community and sparse connections with other communities. In the literature, two main measures, namely the Modularity (Q) and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) have been used for evaluating the validation and quality of the detected community structures. Although many optimization algo

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) Activity and Some kinetic Parameters in Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

   In the present study, serum GOT(Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase) was purified, the purified enzyme showed the maximum activity at 37ºC and pH 7.5. During purification of serum GOT ion exchange chromatography lead to four separate forms (termed I, II, III and IV). GOT II with  the highest specific activity was pure after chromatography on Sephacryl S300. . S.GOT levels were investigated in serum samples from patient with pulmonary tuberculosis .The S.GOT levels were determined at and 37ć .The study revealed that the serum GOT activity was higher in patient of tuberculous pulmonary than in control subjects.The mean serum GOT activity in the patients group was(90±8 IU/L) as compared to control group (27±0.65I

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Experimental In vitro Study to Assess the Antibacte-rial Activity of Thymus vulgaris Oil on Streptococ-cus Sanguinis

Background: The Streptococcus genus are the predominant bacteria in the mouth and the Streptococcus sanguinis is one of them which performing a primary function for expansion of dental biofilm. Gingival and periodontal disorders are caused by dental biofilm, today, there is a necessity to discover naturally presenting antibacterial compounds from herbs with less side effects as a substitutive to the commonly handled chlorohexidine. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the antibacterial activity of thymus vulgaris oil on Streptococcus sanguinis bacteria In vitro. Materials and Methods: Human supragingival plaque samples were taken from 10 subjects, then morphological and microscopical examination, bioch

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry
Largazole Analogues Embodying Radical Changes in the Depsipeptide Ring: Development of a More Selective and Highly Potent Analogue

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Employ Shrinkage Estimation Technique for the Reliability System in Stress-Strength Models: special case of Exponentiated Family Distribution

       A reliability system of the multi-component stress-strength model R(s,k) will be considered in the present paper ,when the stress and strength are independent and non-identically distribution have the Exponentiated Family Distribution(FED) with the unknown  shape parameter α and known scale parameter λ  equal to two and parameter θ equal to three. Different estimation methods of R(s,k) were introduced corresponding to Maximum likelihood and Shrinkage estimators. Comparisons among the suggested estimators were prepared depending on simulation established on mean squared error (MSE) criteria.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The protective effect of iraqi Juniperus oxycedrus plant on acute kidney injury induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice model

Inflammatory control is essential to diminish injury and make renal injury treatment simpler. Proposed therapeutics have primarily targeted pro-inflammatory variables. Juniperus oxycedrus was frequently used to treat a variety of infectious disorders, hyperglycemia, obesity, TB, bronchitis, inflammation, and pneumonia. Juniperus oxycedrus twigs and leaves were defatted with n-hexane using Soxhlet apparatus then the residue of plant material dried and re-extracted sequentially by two different solvents Ethylacetate and methanol. The pro-inflammatory markers IL-1 and iNOS, as well as the potential kidney biomarker KIM-1, TNF-α, and transcription factor NF-KB were measured using the RealTime Quantitative qPCR method. The results showed that J

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Effect of Cold Plasma on the Levels Mineral Blood Components <i>In Vivo</i>

This study illustrates effect of cold plasma CAP on the mineral blood components in vivo. the mineral blood component (Ca, Na, Cl, K and Fe) are used. Floating Electrode-Dielectric Barrier Discharge (FE-DBD) system of probe diameter 4cm is used for this purpose, and variable voltage (0-20) kV and variable frequency (0-30) kHz, the output power was ranged from (10 - 70) W. the effect of cold atmospheric plasma on mineral blood is studied with different exposure durations (30,45,60) sec. As the plasma exposure duration increases, the calcium, potassium and iron components in the blood increased, while The sodium and chlorine elements decreased. These results give an indication of the cold plasma receptor to be used to treat many disea

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of ER: YAG laser on enamel resistance to caries during orthodontic treatment: An in vitro study

Background: One common undesirable side effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances is the development of incipient caries lesions around brackets, particularly in patients with poor oral hygiene. Different methods have been used to prevent demineralization; the recent effort to improve the resistance against the demineralization is by the application of lasers. Materials and method: Thirty human premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes were used to test the effect of two energy level of ER-YAG laser on enamel resistance to demineralization. The brackets were bonded on the teeth and all the labial surface excluding 2 mm area gingival to the brackets were painted with acid resistance varnish. Three groups were generated. The fi

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 26 2024
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Studying The Changes in Motility and Morphology on Human sperm after exposure to low doses of x-rays

the energy that a radiation source emits as light (photons), electromagnetic waves, or particles is known as radiation. X-ray is one type of ionizing radiation that falls within the electromagnetic wave category of short wavelengths. Because of their short wavelength. X-ray is a type of ionizing radiation that is used in a constantly growing number of diagnostic procedures. X-ray diagnostic imaging has been employed in the medical field for more than a century(Hariyoto et al., 2020). Radiation has advantages for human health, but there is also a risk. the impacts of Radiation on Fertility it is an oligospermia, or a reduction in the number of sperm cells, which is already possible after radiation exposure of 0.15 mGy. It Leads to impede

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 21 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The effect of intense special exercises to rehabilitate second-degree external collateral ligament tear in young handball players

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