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The Effect of using Project - Based Learning method in development intensive reading skills at middle school students
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The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of the use of project-based learning in the development of intensive reading skills at middle school students. The experimental design was chosen from one group to suit the nature of the research and its objectives. The research group consisted of 35 students. For the purpose of the research, the following materials and tools were prepared: (List of intensive reading skills, intensive reading skills test, teacher's guide, student book). The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at (0.05) in favor of the post-test performance of intensive reading skills. The statistical analysis also showed that the project-based learning approach has a high effect on the development of intensive reading skills among students in the research group. This was proved by calculating the effect size; using Eta squared (²η), where the effect size was equal to 0.94. In light of the findings of the research, he recommended a set of recommendations, including the need to review the objectives of teaching reading in the middle stage, so that these goals include intensive reading skills. As well as the need to train Arabic teachers in service on how to develop the skills of intensive reading through active learning methods, including the method of the project based on the effectiveness and activity of students.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solving Fractional Damped Burgers' Equation Approximately by Using The Sumudu Transform (ST) Method
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       In this work, the fractional damped Burger's equation (FDBE) formula    = 0,

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Organizational Creativity in Enhancing Knowledge Management Processes: survey study for a sample of academic staff members at the Technical College of management / Baghdad)
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In many organizations, employees who have high mental skills are the main source of organizational creativity. When a firm does not put creativity as a goal, cannot stand solid against the competition. Nowadays, knowledge is the path to discover the innovation and creativity aspects, This can assist the firm to stand face to face with competition in the market. The importance of this research comes from detecting and knowing the relation between creativity and knowledge to know and detect the influence of organizational creativity on backing the management of knowledge and determine the final results. The problem of research is to trace the role of organizational creativity on knowledge management processes in order to enable the

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 20 2021
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
The Effect of Quantum Confinement on Optical Properties of CdSe Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
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CdSe quantum dots possess a tuning energy gap which can control gap values according to the size of the quantum dots, this is made the material able to absorb the wavelengths within visible light. A simple model is provided for the absorption coefficient, optical properties, and optical constants for CdSe quantum dots from the size 10nm to 1nm with the range of visible region between (300-730) nm at room temperature. It turns out that there is an absorption threshold for each wavelength, CdSe quantum dots begin to absorb the visible spectrum of 1.4 nm at room temperature for a wavelength of 300 nm. It has been noted that; when the wavelength is increased, the absorption threshold also increases. This applies to the optical propertie

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 02 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Strategy and the Traditional Teaching Approach on Nursing Students' Knowledge toward Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at the College of Nursing in University of Baghdad: Randomized Comparative Trial
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Background: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a technique or procedure that combined chest compression and rescue breathing to maintain enough circulation that prevents brain damage until other essential steps are taken to control the main cause of cardiac and respiratory arrest. The health care personnel should be qualified in the performing of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to improve the survival rate of the victims. Therefore; it is necessary to use new methods for learning [1]. Objectives: the study aims to compare the effectiveness of self-instructional teaching strategy and traditional teaching approach on student’s knowledge toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Methods: A randomized comparative trial (RCT) design was ca

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The use of mathematical formulas to control river pollution Study area Diyala River within the city of Baquba
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Pollution of the aquatic environment and the depletion of the natural resource cause imbalance in the natural balance of the river environment and contributes to the deterioration of life and the killing of living organisms. Most of the old and modern cities and urban centers were set up close to the rivers because water enters the main lifeblood and all its facilities. The proximity of cities to rivers caused environmental problems resulting from the dumping of residues of these cities to a large and continuous, these wastes include all uses of the city (industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial) and others. The accumulation of these wastes inside the rivers water kills life and makes them unsuitable for various uses to bury

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of the Number of Dipping Cycles for a Cadmium Oxide Film Prepared by SILAR Method
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The thin films of cadmium oxide (CdO) were deposited using the SILAR (Successive ionic layer absorption and reaction) method at various deposition cycles. CdO thin films were made on glass substrates at a temperature of  95°C, using a cadmium acetate source material and an ammonium hydroxide solution. One of the main criteria that impact the quality of thin films is the number of deposition cycles. The size of the crystals decreases with the increase in the number of cycles from 33.7 nm at the immersion cycle 10 to 22.7 nm at the immersion cycle 20, as shown by the X-ray diffraction results. The optical band gap energy of the films reduces as the number of deposition cycles increases, while the transmittance of the Cadmium oxide film i

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Development and in vitro Evaluation of Bioadhesive Vaginal Tablet using Econazole Nitrate as a Model Drug
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         In this study, a bioadhesive dosage form of eoconazole nitrate for vaginal delivery was designed using a combination of bioadhesive polymers: Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose or methylcellulose in different ratios. The bioadhesive strength was evaluated by measuring the force required to detach the tablet from sheep vaginal mucosal membrane. It was found that the bioadhesive force was directly proportional to Carbopol 941 p content in the different formulae. The formulae were tested for their swelling behavior using agar gel plate method. The results showed that formulae containing a combination of Carbopol 941 p and sodium carboxymethylcellulose had greater swelling index

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 10 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Embryos And Infertility Researches
Assessment of in vitro fertilization and early embryonic development using SMART medium enriched with coenzyme Q10
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Back ground: Zygote produce from once a sperm fertilizes an egg cell. Then, the zygote (unicellular) will begin chain of cellular cleavages to produce multicellular mass, its embryo, the differentiated to different tissues and organism. The development of the embryo is called embryogenesis. Coenzyme Q10, is an antioxidant produced in the body. It boosts cellular energy and may enhance the immune system. CoQ10 is present and measurable in seminal fluid, the concentration of CoQ10 directly correlates with both sperm count and motility. It is beneficial in the prevention and treatment a wide range of health problems. Objectives: The present study was aimed to investigate the possibility of using coenzyme Q10 to improve in vitro fertilization (

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of real estate investment projects with framework theory of real options: A case study in the shopping center project (Baghdad Mall)
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Focused research aims to provide a framework cognitive analytical nature of real estate investments and how they evaluated in the light of the assessment tools of modern theory of real options, and the possibility to rely on that theory in the detection of the true value of projects, real estate investments that would maximize the value of the investment decision taken, and the analysis of those projects that arise in the real estate markets and environments is the organization, which she was to make sure cases and high-risk, compared with entrances techniques, discounted cash flow (net present value). Based on the assumption lies in the possibility of the application of the implic

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Iterative Reweighting Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm to Calculate The Estimation of The Parameters Of The Maximum Likelihood of The Skew Normal Distribution
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Excessive skewness which occurs sometimes in the data is represented as an obstacle against normal distribution. So, recent studies have witnessed activity in studying the skew-normal distribution (SND) that matches the skewness data which is regarded as a special case of the normal distribution with additional skewness parameter (α), which gives more flexibility to the normal distribution. When estimating the parameters of (SND), we face the problem of the non-linear equation and by using the method of Maximum Likelihood estimation (ML) their solutions will be inaccurate and unreliable. To solve this problem, two methods can be used that are: the genetic algorithm (GA) and the iterative reweighting algorithm (IR) based on the M

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