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Selective Attention and Its Relation to cognitive Load and Thinking Mistakes of Baghdad University Students
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The present search aims to develop a test for selective attention, cognitive load and thinking mistakes and measuring these concepts among Baghdad university students. To make a comparison between the selective attention, cognitive load, and the mistakes of thinking among students in term of gender. To identify the relationship among the selective attention, cognitive load and the mistakes of thinking of university students. To achieve these purposes, the searcher has developed a test for selective attention, cognitive load, and the mistakes of thinking. Then, these tools were applied to a sample of (200) university students were selected from (21) college. The researcher used t-test of one sample, t-test of two independent samples, multiple correlation coefficient, and partial correlation coefficient. The findings revealed that students have a good level of selective attention, cognitive load, and the mistakes of thinking, Males differ from females in selective attention, students have a high level of selective attention compared to cognitive load and the mistakes of thinking. And finally, there is a strong relationship between selective attention, cognitive load, and the mistakes of thinking.  To conclude, the searcher suggested some studies: the relationship between selective attention and rational thinking. The relationship between cognitive load and disorder thinking. The relationship between the mistakes of thinking and democratic thinking.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Spectroscopic and structural properties of Zinc-Phthalocyanine prepared by pulsed laser deposition
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Indication of body overtones and movements at The Holy Quran (Descriptive study)
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That communication between people is not only through speech but includes other images of the most important body inspiration. And that the Koran worked on the diversity of ways in which the meanings of the hearer and did not stop at the limit of speech, but included situations where the use of body inspiration and indicate its importance in communication. However, signals and organ movements play a major role in the process of communication between people. Facial and hands movements play an important role in the communication process as they are a tool for communicating ideas to others.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Curing of Maleimidyl Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins Via Esterification and Free Radical Polymerization
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Three phenol-formaldehyde resins having pendant maleimides were prepared by poly condensation of N-(hydroxyphenyl) maleimides with formaldehyde under conditions similar to those in Novolac preparation. The prepared resins were modified by two methods, the first one includes esterification of phenolic hydroxyl groups in the prepared resins via their treatment with benzoyl, acryloyl, methacryloyl and cinnamoyl chlorides respectively in the presence of triethylamine, while the second modification includes free radical polymerization of vinylic bonds in the prepared resins to produce cross-linked thermally stable polymers.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Design and Simulation of parallel CDMA System Based on 3D-Hadamard Transform
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Future wireless systems aim to provide higher transmission data rates, improved spectral efficiency and greater capacity. In this paper a spectral efficient two dimensional (2-D) parallel code division multiple access (CDMA) system is proposed for generating and transmitting (2-D CDMA) symbols through 2-D Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) channel to increase the transmission speed. The 3D-Hadamard matrix is used to generate the 2-D spreading codes required to spread the two-dimensional data for each user row wise and column wise. The quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is used as a data mapping technique due to the increased spectral efficiency offered. The new structure simulated using MATLAB and a comparison of performance for ser

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Religion
The Theory of Quantity in Measures and Scales a Comparative Jurisprudential Study
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Every body has a size and mass that distinguishes it from others and makes it different from others. Some of these bodies are huge and large in size, and some are small and light in weight. Among these masses and bodies are some that are dealt with by their size and weight, each according to its quantity, weight, and cheapness. This is why they created quantities by which these weights and quantities could be estimated, so they used measures and weights for that. Objectives: The research aims to know some measures and weights, such as the wife’s maintenance, the amount of zakat, etc.I found it to be a widely spread topic, and widely used in the folds of jurisprudence. During my reading of jurisprudence books, I found jurists using many qu

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Electromagnetic Scattering Properties and Characterisation of Sintered SiC Composite–Based Microwave Spectrum
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واحدة من أكثر مواد السيراميك الهيكلية الواعدة هي كربيد السيليكون(SiC) ، حيث له خصائص حرارية وكهروميكانيكية ممتازة. هذه الخصائص مفيدة ل CMC لتعزيز أداء المركب خاصة عند إضافات النانو المتكاملة. في هذا البحث, تم تصنيع مركب SiC من SiC بثلاثة تركيزات مع  ZnO و Si. تم اختبار الخواص المغناطيسية لجميع المخاليط باستخدام مراقبة العينة الاهتزازية (VSM). تم تلبيد العينات الخضراء في فرن التلبيد عند 1600 درجة مئوية في بيئة النيتروجي

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Preparation and Evaluation of Atenolol Floating Beads as a Controlled Delivery System
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         This study aims to encapsulate atenolol within floating alginate-ethylcellulose beads as an oral controlled-release delivery system using aqueous colloidal polymer dispersion (ACPD) method.To optimize drug entrapment efficiency and dissolution behavior of the prepared beads, different parameters of drug: polymer ratio, polymer mixture ratio, and gelling agent concentration were involved.The prepared beads were investigated with respect to their buoyancy, encapsulation efficiency, and dissolution behavior in the media: 0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2), acetate buffer (pH 4.6) and phosphate buffer (pH 6.8). The release kinetics and mechanism of the drug from the prepared beads was investigated.All prepared atenolol beads remained f

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Estimation of nonparametric regression function using shrinkage wavelet and different mother functions
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Clinical Biochemistry
Evaluation of Bone Turnover Markers in Patients with Acute and Chronic Leukemia
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Structural characterization of nickel and zinc aluminate prepared by sol-gel technique
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This work concerned on nanocrystalline NiAl2O4 and ZnAl2O4 having spinel structure prepared by Sol–gel technique. The structural and characterization properties for the obtained samples were examined using different measurements such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), finally, Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM).The Spinel-type for two prepared compound (NiAl2O4) and (ZnAl2O4) at different calcination temperature examined by XRD. Williamson-Hall Methods used to estimate crystallite size, Average distribution crystallite size of two compound were, 34.2 nm for NiAl2O4 and32.6 for ZnAl2O4, the increase in crystallite size affecting by increasing in calcination temperature for both comp

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