The poverty in the developing countries is output to under development as we consider welfare, where as when the poverty disappear that produced be the general development . Historically, in our countries, the underdevelopment is the result of colonialism period and what is associated with it of transferring the surplus abroad and the disorder of production structure. And at the present time, the poverty is reproduced and aggravated in the last years as a result of many internal and external reasons.Today, poverty is associated in many forms with the poverty previously.
أرادة الذات بين الأستلاب والأسترداد في قصيدة البياتي
Despite all the possibilities, owned by Iraq for the production of fish, but there is low in the level of production and in the rate of per capita consumption is due to inter alia, the weakness of investment, stop government support, a significant decline in the quantities of water, the high proportion of salinity and the proportion of pollution in the water, the use of means and fishing methods are primitive, weak laws and legislation, the policy of dumping markets imported products. Despite all this research has shown that there are investment opportunities very large in this sector through the size of the market and the absorptive capacity and the growth of per capita income and cultural revelation
أن المساهمة الأساسية لهذا البحث هي وصف كيفية تحليل الأنظمة الخدمية المعقدة ذات خصائص الطابور الموجودة في مستشفى بغداد التعليمي العام باستخدام تقنيات شبكية وهي تقنية أسلوب (Q – GERT ) وهي اختصار من الكلمات : Queuing theory _ Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique أي أسلوب التقييم والمراجعة البياني حيث سوف يتم معرفة حركة انسيابية المرضى داخل النظام وبعد استخدام هذا المدخل سيتم تمثيل النظام على هيئة مخطط شبكي احتمالي وتحل
... Show Moreيعد الهواء من الضروريات لعيش الانسان وكلما كان الهواء نقياً كلما كانت صحة الانسان جيدة، وفي الآونة الاخيرة اصبح الهواء يتأثر بالملوثات وهنالك عدة متغيرات تؤثر في نقاوة الهواء واصبح الهواء يؤثر على صحة الانسان لما يحمله من ملوثات توثر على جسم الانسان وصحته. ولمعرفة مدى تلوث الهواء في كل مناطق الارض تم بناء مؤشر لمعرف تلوث الهواء بالاعتماد على عدة متغيرات يسمى بمعامل تأثير الهواء. ولبيان اكثر المتغيرات تأ
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The world witness quality jumps under radical change in the management and work styles, through adopting organizational learning as a process of continuous improvements in response to environmental stimulus, in the knowledge age and turbulent competitive environment the organizational success concept is shift from the view narrow for financial performance and marketshare to long term view which focus on building strategic capabilities that provide a sustainable competitive advantage.
Considering the strategic role assumed for the companies of the Ministry of Construction and Housing to play it, these companies have been chosen to be the field in which questions of th
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