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Sustainability indicators in green residential buildings (Jawaher Degla residential complex as an example)
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The environmental problems that have emerged recently as a result of pressure on the environment due to the increase in population size, especially in urban cities, where this increase was accompanied by the need for housing as well as the need for services and activities. This led to the establishment of many vertical residential buildings represented by residential complexes within the urban fabric of the city of Baghdad. As part of following the methodology of urban dictation policies in empty areas, and to accommodate the largest number of residents as a result of the multiplicity of floors and housing, these buildings must be subject to the standards and requirements of sustainability at the level of their spatial location and their functional performance in addition to their integration with the surrounding urban environment in order to adapt to the local environmental conditions. And to reduce pollution and move towards a healthy life for the population and live better, and achieve environmental sustainability over generations, and encourage modern buildings in the direction of following sustainability mechanisms in the design of residential buildings instead of



traditional construction. And the requirements of sustainability in terms of design and operational efficiency of the building and maintenance in a manner that reduces energy consumption and ensures efficient water consumption and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. In green areas and recreational areas in addition to movement paths to encourage walking and cycling to access activities, taking into account the orientation of buildings in relation to solar radiation and wind, in addition to following the mechanisms of sustainability in the waste collection and recycling process and all of the aforementioned that limits harmful environmental effects and reduces pollution It achieves a healthy life and ensures the well-being of the population. This research focused on the necessity and importance of awareness to move towards green buildings to achieve a sustainable environment that integrates with the urban environment of the city. The results of this study concluded that there is a relationship between the environmental indicators of green residential buildings and their impact on the surrounding urban environment. Buildings that meet the requirements of sustainability will achieve green building standards and provide sustainability at the level of design, operation, and maintenance of the building,and thus the quality of  life for residents over generations .

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Complex thinking among secondary school student in accordance with the views of lipman
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The current study has sought to identify the levels of the compound thinking among secondary school students basing and relying on the opinions of Lipman who sees that the compound thinking consists of creative thinking and critical thinking, In accordance with this point of view, researchers have resorted to build scale of the critical thinking in its final form of (28) item additionally to the adoption of Torrance for the creative thinking which was translated by sayed. Khairallah in 1981 after confirming psychometric Properties Of both scales and then collect scores of both scales and be the final score represented the level of the compound thinking that has been shown by the results of secondary school students they have no skill of

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulphite in Various Water Samples Via Chromium-1,5-Diphenylcarbazide Complex
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A simple and rapid spectrophotometric method for the determination of sulphite SO3-2 is described. The method is based on the rapid reduction of known amount of chromate CrO4-2 in the presence of sulphite in acidic medium of 2N H2SO4. The amount of excess of chromate was measured after it reactions with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide which finally gives a pink-violet, water soluble and stable complex, which exhibit a maximum absorption at 542 nm. Beer's law was obeyed in the concentration range from 0.004-6.0 µg of sulphite in a final volume of 25 ml with a molar absorbtivity of 4.64×104, Sandal's sensitivity index of 0.001724 ?g .cm-2 and relative standard deviation of ±0.55 - ±0.83 depending on the concentration level. The present

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Intellectual as an Alien: A Study of Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle and James Joyce's "A Painful Case"
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This research paper studies the alienation of the intellectuals in the modern novel through the study of two alienated characters, John Marcher in Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle, and Mr. Duffy in James's Joyce's "A Painful Case." As a result of the complexity of life in the industrial societies, the individuals, especially the intellectual ones, feel themselves unable to integrate into social life; they fear society and feel that it endangers their individuality and independence. Thus, these characters live on the fringe of the societ

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
نظام الفعالية السكنية ومستوى الضوضاء الحالة الدراسية:- منطقة سكنية في مدينة اربيل/ منطقة راستي الجديدة
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Indoor risk assessment of radon gas in the science college buildings-University of Mustansiriyah using RAD-7 detector
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In the present work, a set of indoor Radon concentration measurements was carried out in a number of rooms and buildings of Science College in the University of Mustansiriyah for the first time in Iraq using RAD-7 detector which is an active method for short time measuring compared with the passive method in solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD's). The results show that, the Radon concentrations values vary from 9.85±1.7 Bq.m-3 to 94.21±34.7 Bq.m-3 with an average value 53.64±26 Bq.m-3 which is lower than the recommended action level 200-300 Bq/m3 [ICRP, 2009].
The values of the annual effective dose (A.E.D) vary from 0.25 mSv/y to 2.38 mSv/y, with an average value 1.46±0.67 mSv/y which is lower than the recommended the rang

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Measurements of Radon-222 and its Daughters Concentrations in Buildings of Department Physics in College of Sciences of Baghdad University
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The present work aims to investigate approaches, measures and detection of indoor radon level in buildings of the department of physics in college of science of Baghdad University. CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors were used to measure the radon concentrations inside the rooms, including five laboratories and five workplace rooms in ground and first storey of the department. The average radon concentration at first storey was found to be 43.1±13.2 Bq/m3 and 40.1±13.4 Bq/m3 at the ground storey. The highest level of radon concentration at the first storey in the radioactive sources store was 87.5±29 Bq/m3 while at the ground storey in room(2) was 70.2±24 Bq/m3 which is due to the existence radioactive sources in some selected

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 12 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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This research aims to demonstrate the knowledge pillars of the product life cycle assessment technique and how to measure the cost according to this technique, and to clarify its role in reducing costs, improving product quality and optimizing the use of available resources, and a set of results has been reached, the most important of which are: The separation of environmental costs through the use of product life cycle assessment technique helps the Management in handling the increase of these costs, reducing the rates of environmental pollution and preserving resources, which contributes to achieving the sustainability of the product, and based on the results obtained, a set of recommendations were presented, the most important of which w

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2024
Journal Name
Research Square
Exploring the Potential of Terrestrial Isopoda, Porcellionides cingendus, for Assessing Environmental Sustainability
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Abstract<p><bold>Introduction:</bold> Environmental sustainability is crucial for maintaining diverse and productive biological systems. Terrestrial isopods, such as Porcellionides cingendus, are known for their environmentally friendly characteristics and adaptability. This study explores the potential of <italic>P. cingendus</italic> in improving environmental sustainability. <bold>Methods:</bold> Samples of P. cingendus were collected from various locations and reared in controlled environments. Waste consumption efficiency was evaluated by measuring the consumption of various cellulosic wastes over 15 days. Statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA. <jat></jat></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Media Image of Afghan Women as Reflected by News Websites in 2021: an Analytical Study of Russia Today site
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International news websites, including Russia Today, pay special attention to the media image of Afghan women, especially after the Taliban movement took control of Afghanistan. Therefore, it was necessary to know the image of the Afghan woman, the fate of the rights she acquired in recent years, and the transformations that affected her after the Taliban took control of the government, and studied them on international news sites, specifically Russia Today.

          The researcher summarized the problem of this study in the following question: What is the media image of the Afghan woman on the Russia Today news site?


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Construction Research Congress 2022
Impact of Green Construction on Safety Performance in the Built Environment
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