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Enhancing livelihood through urban intensification
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 The research deals with a modern concept in its applications and the studies it deals with, as the concept of urban densification is one of the most recent sustainable development strategies for cities.

Studies looking at the relationship between condensation and viability show mixed results. This study sheds light on how the built environment of dense urban areas affects the perceived quality of life of the population. How to enhance acceptance of dense life is an important question to investigate.

Adopting the concept of urban densification in city planning policies to be more sustainable and livable is of great importance by achieving efficient use of urban land and limiting urban sprawl, as well as reducing the use of the transport network by achieving an increase in reliance on public or collective transport, which affects the environment positively. As well as creating a socially interactive environment. In spite of this, debates remain as to whether cities in developing countries benefit from urban intensification in enhancing the viability of cities in a sustainable manner.

This research explores various dimensions of livelihood measurement by studying international experiences and extracting several indicators to measure that. This research is drawn from the master's thesis entitled Sustainable Urban Intensification of the Nasiriyah City Center, where in this study the search will be made for appropriate solutions and options to make the city more sustainable, productive, livable and less consuming of energy and resources. This study objectively examines the prevailing pattern of urbanization, city planning and


development, and living in Urban centers, and options for making cities green and ecological through urban densification and the adoption of compact city planning; Adopting mixed uses of land, reducing urban sprawl and increasing density.

In its theoretical framework, the research deals with the concept of livability, the idea and goals of livability in urban planning, as well as the extent of the possibility of living through urban densification. A set of indicators were extracted (public transportation, community facilities, open space and public space, a sense of community, a sense of safety, and the area of ​​the dwelling). These main indicators also include several secondary indicators, through which it is possible to arrive at a measure of the extent to which the viability of living in cities can be achieved. Urban intensive.

As for the practical side, it was represented by conducting a field survey of the study area (Nasiriyah city center) to identify the characteristics of the city, and after that the indicators drawn from the theoretical framework were applied to it.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Among the hadiths of righteous deeds mentioned in the expiation of sins -An analytical study-
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The almighty Al-Bari imposed on Muslims easy and accessible worshipers for every individual who is eligible to commission, so whoever performed it rightfully, God rewarded it with the best reward. From the Muslim, the Almighty made the Almighty to the types of acts of worship and acts of righteousness as a reason for the remission of sins that were advanced and late, so I chose a topic (from the hadiths of righteous deeds mentioned in the atonement of sins) as a research drawn from the master’s thesis called (the hadiths of the atoners of sins that were presented and delayed - An analytical study- ), And collect in this research kinds of acts of righteousness that bring the mercy of God Almighty to His servants and be a reason for the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Iraqi porcelanite Rocks for Efficient Removal of Safranin Dye from Aqueous Solution
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This research includes a study of the ability of Iraqi porcelanite rocks powder to remove the basic Safranine dye from its aqueous process by adsorption. The experiments were carried out at 298Kelvin in order to determine the effect of the starting concentration for Safranin dye, mixing time, pH, and the effect of ionic Strength. The good conditions were perfect for safranine dye adsorption was performed when0.0200g from that adsorbed particles and the removal max percentage  was found  be 96.86%  at 9 mg/L , 20 minutes adsorption time and at PH=8 and in 298 K. The isothermal equilibrum stoichiometric adsorption confirmed, the process data were examined by Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin adsorption equations at different temperatures

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Variant Domination Types for a Complete h-ary Tree
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Graph  is a tool that can be used to simplify and solve network problems. Domination is a typical network problem that graph theory is well suited for. A subset of nodes in any network is called dominating if every node is contained in this subset, or is connected to a node in it via an edge. Because of the importance of domination in different areas, variant types of domination have been introduced according to the purpose they are used for. In this paper, two domination parameters the first is the restrained and the second is secure domination have been chosn. The secure domination, and some types of restrained domination in one type of trees is called complete ary tree  are determined.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 11 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الترجمة واللسانيات
ترجمة افعال الاستمرارية من العربية الى الاسبانية (دراسة تحليلية وتطبيقية)
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ان ترجمة الافعال التي تصف احداث جارية وقت لحظة التكلم او في حالة استمرارية تفصح عن اختلافًا جذريا بين الإسبانية والعربية بسبب طبيعة الأفعال التي تصف هذه الأحداث، منها تعقيد بعض الصيغ، خاصة باللغة العربية، وعدم التكافؤ النحوي بين اللغتين في الكثير من البنى اللغوية. بهذا المعنى ، نجد أنه في اللغة العربية ، تتم صياغة هذه الظواهر اللغوية عن طريق أفعال تسمى الأفعال الناقصة التي تختلف طبيعتها ووظيفتها داخل الجملة

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Exkursion in die arabische Exilliteratur mit bestimmten Dichtern von Al-Rabiṭa Al-Qalamiya
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Unter Exilliteratur versteht man „die literarische Produktion von Autoren, die wegen politischer, religiöser oder rassistischer Verfolgung gezwungen sind, sich an einem anderen als dem von ihnen gewünschten Lebens- und Arbeitsort aufzuhalten.“[1] Deswegen unterscheidet sich „Migration“ von „Exil“ dadurch, dass sie freiwillige Auswanderung ist. Bereits in der Antike und auch im Mittelalter gab es Schriftsteller, die vor Zensur oder politischer Verfolgung ins Exil geflohen sind, wie zum Beispiel der griechische Satiriker des 

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Identity Crisis in the Novel Cuffs of Papers for Yusef Hadi Mays
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This research deals with the study of the identity lost in the novel (handcuffs of paper) by Writer (Kuwaiti / Iraqi ) Yousif Hadi Mays.This is because of The strange subject presented by the writer ,Kuwait has chosen a sbace for his novel and chose apurely Kuwaiti theme. Hence the importance of the novel, as it came to the subject of identity completely dntdiffere from what we wwrote after the fall off the regime (2003), Which is related to the last coming from outside the country, which remained oscillataing between his mother,s identity where language, religion and history and  the identity of the other by virtue and dazzling, and integration and here con not belong to either party. This is a violation of the taboos of

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Procedimientos de traducción de los nombres propios del árabe al español: Fundamentos y Aplicaciones Procedures for translating proper noun from Arabic into Spanish: Fundamentals and Applications
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Los nombres propios nombran a un ser o a un objeto, distinguiéndolo de los demás seres de su misma clase, se escriben siempre con letra mayúscula a principio de palabra. Los lingüistas hacen mayor hincapié en las divergencias de referencia, entre nombres propios y nombres comunes. Así, suele decirse que el sustantivo propio no tiene como referente ningún concepto. El asunto de la traducción  de los nombres propios parecería una cuestión de gusto personal del traductor pero vemos también que en algunas épocas es más frecuente traducirlos, y en otras, por el contrario, se prefiere dejar esos nombres en su forma original, tal vez con algunas adaptaciones ortográficas. Parecería enton­ces cuestión de modas. Pero, eviden

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Game via Ἷ-Semi-g-Separation Axioms
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The research demonstrates new species of the games by applying separation axioms via  sets, where the relationships between the various species that were specified and the strategy of winning and losing to any one of the players, and their relationship with the concepts of separation axioms via  sets have been studied.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The most prominent challenges facing Muslim youth and addressing them from a Quranic perspective
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The research talks about the most important challenges facing Muslim youth of their ideological, social and economic types, and the youth is facing several problems, the most important of which are the intellectual and social invasion to which the Islamic nation has been exposed and ways to address them from a Quranic perspective and find solutions to these problems and these challenges in accordance with Islamic Sharia and the texts of the Holy Quran. From three topics and several demands, during which the researcher tried to find solutions to each challenge through the verses of the Noble Qur’an.


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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Transformations of the body from traditional expression to subjectivity : Marina Abramivic as a model.
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The way artists deal with body in their artistic works has had so many forms and methods, whether as an object for their drawings or as a material to create live artistic performances that relate to the idea of correspondence and interaction between different artistic categories such as: drama, dance, and painting as it is the case of the artist Marina Abramovic who has always used her body as an artistic unit to generate meaning and to perform her lively shows.
To go deeper into her career, our work was divided into 3 sections:
The first section was devoted to follow the main artistic stages that her body had gone through, starting with paintings she performed using concepts based on acting, simulation and nudity and ending wi

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