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Planning treatments for residential neighborhoods in the holy city of Karbala in light of the concepts of sustainability
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Establishing sustainable cities and residential neighborhoods requires the development of new planning strategies, as adopting sustainable planning strategies when planning urban land uses for residential neighborhoods is necessary due to the large number of urban land use problems that have emerged during urbanization. The most prominent modern concept concerned with the land was the concept of sustainability, as sustainable planning aspires to link knowledge with sustainability through measures to achieve it. Therefore, sustainable planning works to apply the principles of sustainability in planning.

And in view of the circumstances that our country went through, which negatively affected various sectors and aspects of life, including planning residential neighborhoods, and the existence of a knowledge gap in adopting sustainable strategies when planning them, which led to the exacerbation of problems in them and the lack of sustainability of these neighborhoods, which represents the research problem, so the Research goalis Shedding light on the gap between the traditional planning of some elected residential neighborhoods in the holy city of Karbala and planning them according to the concepts of sustainability and what are the planning treatments that can be applied to reach sustainable residential neighborhoods, based on the hypothesis that the holy city of Karbala has Good floor and components through which sustainability can be reached in Planning residential neighborhoods.

On the practical side, the descriptive analytical approach and the comparative approach were used to achieve the results of the research by conducting field surveys, personal interviews, observation, and diagnosis in collecting data, and using modern programs in extracting information, analysis, and mapping, and using planning methods in the analysis such as Gap analysis between Planning the reality of the situation for these neighborhoods and the


sustainable planning for them, as well as using a SWOT analysis to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats enjoyed by the planning and implementation institutions responsible for planning, designing and implementing Master plans and sectoral designs for the city and residential neighborhoods, to come up with strategies and planning treatments for these neighborhoods to reach Out to sustainability.

One of the most important conclusions reached by the research is that the planning of most of the elected residential neighborhoods is not sustainable. The research recommended the necessity of adopting sustainable planning approaches and strategies when planning, designing and implementing residential neighborhoods in the holy city of Karbala.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Trends And Technology
Secure Video Data Deduplication in the Cloud Storage Using Compressive Sensing
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Cloud storage provides scalable and low cost resources featuring economies of scale based on cross-user architecture. As the amount of data outsourced grows explosively, data deduplication, a technique that eliminates data redundancy, becomes essential. The most important cloud service is data storage. In order to protect the privacy of data owner, data are stored in cloud in an encrypted form. However, encrypted data introduce new challenges for cloud data deduplication, which becomes crucial for data storage. Traditional deduplication schemes cannot work on encrypted data. Existing solutions of encrypted data deduplication suffer from security weakness. This paper proposes a combined compressive sensing and video deduplication to maximize

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
Tikrit Journal For Agricultural Sciences
First record to the spider Scytodes univittata (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad, Iraq
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This study is  the first and  new record  to the spider Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882  (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad /Iraq , the spiders Scytodes univittata  were collect from province Baghdad in Iraq , genus Scytodes belong to the  family Scytodidae  it is one of the most family are wide  distribution around the world have 6 eyes and are slow moving  , the genus Scytodes are known from the names spitting spiders ,.Female Scytodes univittata   can be characteristic by :large round cephalothorax length:4.45 mm , abdomen length 3.50, total body length  7.95 mm and V-shaped of  fovea, scutela triangle and large  with long  thin legs femur I have two row of spines then  spineless are in IV femur , coloration  is yello

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 24 2020
Journal Name
Mintage Journal Of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Attitudes The King Ghazi Direction British Policy In Iraq 1933-1939
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The period of the reign of King Ghazi saw many disorders in most parts of the country and the management disrupted and imbalanced, besides tribal unrests and political conflict and collision with British interests, Such as bad management in some regions and loss of government control over some administrative units, due to the position of the weak governments towards these problems, so it was necessary to change these Governments and Ministers to solve such problems. In contrast, the Iraqi government has focused on the army as the basis for a strong state and the protector on the existence of an external threat for the safety of the country, King Ghazi has helped in the development of competencies of the military, bringing the officers ex

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A systematical study about the genus Lycopus L. (Labiatae) in Iraq
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The study included gross morphology and pollen of plants – which collected during field trips , and dry ones for most specimen preserved with the Iraqi herbaria – related to the genus Lycopus L. , and to identify the unidentified species and rectify the error there in , so according to that the species L. europaeus L. only were specified for the genus . Through this work the varity L. europaeus var. glabrescens Schmidely were found at the first time , and suggested to record anew for Iraq . Pollen were of medium size, and had an ellipsoid shape in the equatorial view , and hexagonal in the polar view. The ecological and soil quality where these genus plants grows were specified , and were geographically distribut

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Significant Safety Factors Affecting the Safety Performance in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Despite recent attempts to improve safety in the construction sector, this sector is considered dangerous and unsafe. Iraq is one of the emerging nations that suffers from a lack of construction safety management. In 2018, the construction sector in Iraq was responsible for 38% of all industrial accidents. Creating a safety program minimizes this problem by making safety an intrinsic part of construction projects. As a result, this article aims to identify the crucial safety factors that affect the safety performance in Iraqi construction projects. After conducting a critical literature review of the related literature, a list of 35 sub-factors classified into nine categories of main factors was chosen to rank each facto

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 11 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Three-species food chain model with cannibalism in the second level
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This article suggests and explores a three-species food chain model that includes fear effects, refuges depending on predators, and cannibalism at the second level. The Holling type II functional response determines food consumption between stages of the food chain. This study examined the long-term behavior and impacts of the suggested model's essential elements. The model's solution properties were studied. The existence and stability of every probable equilibrium point were examined. The persistence needs of the system have been determined. It was discovered what conditions could lead to local bifurcation at equilibrium points. Appropriate Lyapunov functions are utilized to investigate the overall dynamics of the system. To support the a

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
Journal Name
Current Pharmaceutical Design
Dry Eye Disease: Present Challenges in the Management and Future Trends
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Management And Enterprise Development
Studying The Decision-Making State and Impact in Iraqi Construction Projects
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
2012 First National Conference For Engineering Sciences (fnces 2012)
Laboratory investigation in the Hydrated lime effect on asphalt concrete mixture
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This investigation was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of using Hydrated lime as a (partial substitute) by weight of filler (lime stone powder) with five consecutive percentage namely (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0) % by means of aggregate treatment, by introducing dry lime on dry and 2–3% Saturated surface aggregate on both wearing and binder coarse. Marshall design method, indirect tensile test and permanent deformation under repeated loading of Pneumatic repeated load system at full range of temperature (20, 40, 60) C0 were examined The study revealed that the use of 2.0% and 1.5 % of dry and wet replacement extend the pavement characteristics by improving the Marshall properties and increasing the TSR%. Finally, increase permanent

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