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An Analytical Study for Urban Gentrification on Local Urban Centers
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The urban Gentrification  is an inclusive global phenomenon to restructure the cities on the overall levels, the research to propose a specific study about the concept of urban Gentrification in the cities and showcasing its, specifications, and results, and how to deal with the variables that occur on cities through improvements as part of urban renewal projects, then the general axis of the research is shrinked, choosing the urban centers as the most important areas that deal with the urban Gentrification process due to its direct connection with indivisuals and social changes, and to process the specific axis of the research theses and studies will be showcased that discuss the topic in different research directions, and emerged the research problem in “Lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding the importance of urban Gentrification in developing the urban city centers in general and the speciality of local needs specifically”  and the research goal based on that is “Studying and clarifying the urban Gentrification as an integrated process in developing the urban city centers generally and reviving its neighborhoods specifically”, and building a theortical inclusive frame regarding the urban Gentrification concept in urban centers as an integrated process that includes a group of levels, specifications, and mechanisms, the research bases its goals and processing the research problem to a main hypothesis, that is “The urban Gentrification process in urban centers is achieved by achieving its Diffrents Levels, Economic, social, environmental and cultural.”


For the purpose of checking the authenticity of the hypothesis the urban center of Al-Battaween have been elected and tested using the method of surveys given to sample of elected people (specialized in the field) and then the


positive effects of the urban Gentrification process were detected, and how it effects on a group of visual features and urban activities within the urban centers specifically and within the city in general.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 24 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The rality of urban management strategies in the city of Baghdad
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Several studies have indicated that more than 600 cities in the world (intermas of rapid growth and development) will generate about 60% of international economic growth between 2010 and 2025 . by 2025 , 66% of the worlds population will live in urban areas the management of cities will face challenges that accompany this increase in the population which requires preparing to face these challenges and problems and the need to provide the aim of the research to know the readiness of Baghdad city to implement the strategies of urban management throught on asmple representing the ( Advisiry group for the comprechnsive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030 and its supporters ) in the municipality of Baghdad and the number of

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban improvement, a mechanism of tourism development: Tébessa (Algeria) as a model
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The tourism industry has become, currently, an art, an industry and a science. It is also one of the components that make up touristic regions. Tourist attractions are no longer the exclusive visits of museums and archeological sites, but also involve other service facilities. It is, therefore, imperative that the authorities should become aware of the degradation of tourist resorts and prevent them from getting worse. Moreover, the authorities should take a set of decisions concerning the protection of the urban aspect with its historical, social, and environmental dimensions, as well as, adapting it to the modern requirements that can bring comfort to the citizens and tourists at physical and psychological levels.

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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Preservation of heritage markets within an integrated framework to preserve the urban heritage in the historical centers of cities (selected models and experiments)
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This research discusses the rehabilitation of heritage markets in the historical centers of Islamic Arab cities and their use in the field of cultural tourism as one of the most important tourist attractions and the subsequent revival of the national economy in addition to preserving the urban heritage as these markets part of the historical centers of cities. The research also discusses the preservation of the continuity of heritage markets as a product of cultural heritage value within an integrated framework to preserve the urban heritage in the historic centers of cities. The study then reviews a number of experiences of Arab and Islamic countries in the field of preserving and rehabilitating heritage markets, which qualify them to b

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Revive Urban Spaces on Right Side OF Mosul City
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         The living urban space is considered one of the most important elements of the success of modern cities, and it is the first mental image that is formed by people (residents and visitors) of the city , a measure of the frequency, presence and interaction of people in the spaces is an indication of the city's vitality, well-being and economic strength .

The occupation of the city of Mosul before the terrorist ISIS in 2014 and the subsequent liberation operations and the end of the war in 2017 had a great impact on the destruction of the old city on the right side and the death of its urban spaces due to the abandonment of people to it, especially the area (Al-Midan and Al-Qalayaat),

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Course Life Scene The street Urban
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The study of an urban street scene of the life cycle is one of the important things in urban scene studies and there are four vocabularys that are the basis for the life cycle of an urban scene and these vocabulary are (the street, transformation, land uses and urban scene).


            the first vocabulary addressed in the research is the street where street classes were studied and its classifications in terms of morphology and function and study of street standards in cities.


            The second term, are transformations, where the concept of transformation and its patterns and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ceramic Art and Urban Planning for the city of Baghdad
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Ceramic art associated with urban growth in the cities, it overlapped with architectural construction, the increasing of population, urban growth, knowledge, and civilization was considered ceramic arts as an important aesthetically architecturally complement in the cities, including those in the squares and architectural institutions in the city of Baghdad .the title (Ceramic Art and Urban Planning in the City of Baghdad) the problem was its wonders : 1- Does ceramic monuments suited their locations in the city of Baghdad with the architectural planning urban of the city.2- Does the recipient interacted with these monuments and the reasons of their existence. Then the aim: knowing the relationship of the ceramic monuments with the urban

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Use of temporary interventions to reclaim neglected urban spaces
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The research deals with one of the urban problems facing cities, namely the existence of neglected urban spaces that need to be activated , These spaces give a negative image of the city, is not conducive to life and social interactions or the city has a one distinctive urban experience, leading to a reduction peoples' confidence in revisiting of those areas, hinder the rest of the activities in that region . Because these spaces are of the basic components of the city and give it its identity through the elements and entities that constitute it  , The idea of research emerged in the reclaiming of these spaces within contemporary urban trends and the activation of  flexible  , short-term and inovation for that purpose with

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Balanced Urban Development, A Strategy To Address Tension Between Different Contexts
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In their growth stages, cities become an aggregation of different urban contexts as a result of development or investment projects with other goals, which creates urban tension at several levels. Previous studies presented different approaches and methods to address specific aspects of urban stress, and thus contemporary visions and propositions varied, which required a field for research. The research, from a review of the proposals, the research problem emerged in need to study the indicators and trends of balanced urban development that address the tensions between different social, economic and urban contexts". Accordingly, the objective of the research is determined as "Building a comprehe

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Communication Methods in Changing the Values of the Urban Family
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This article discusses the change of values in urban family, because of various communication media and modern technologies as one of the most important factors affecting the changing family values in urban areas, this means becoming part of urban life. And focuses on the family in urban areas, for the privacy of the social, economic, demographic and cultural help to this effect, and because cities are the most friction and interaction with modern technologies.

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Evaluation the individual's share of urban land use for the holy city of Karbala
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The research aims to analyze and evaluate the urban land use according to the needs of the current and future population by adopting the planning criteria for the holy city of Karbala. In the theoretical side, we discussed the most important concepts of urban land use planning. In the practical aspect of the study, field surveys were conducted to obtain the required information. Using the GIS program, the land uses were planned and executed, Analysis By comparing the per capita use of urban land with criteria and the production of maps.

The main findings of the study are that there is a large deficit in meeting some of the needs of the urban land uses and the basic services of the city. The research recommended that the needs of

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