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An Analytical Study for Urban Gentrification on Local Urban Centers
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The urban Gentrification  is an inclusive global phenomenon to restructure the cities on the overall levels, the research to propose a specific study about the concept of urban Gentrification in the cities and showcasing its, specifications, and results, and how to deal with the variables that occur on cities through improvements as part of urban renewal projects, then the general axis of the research is shrinked, choosing the urban centers as the most important areas that deal with the urban Gentrification process due to its direct connection with indivisuals and social changes, and to process the specific axis of the research theses and studies will be showcased that discuss the topic in different research directions, and emerged the research problem in “Lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding the importance of urban Gentrification in developing the urban city centers in general and the speciality of local needs specifically”  and the research goal based on that is “Studying and clarifying the urban Gentrification as an integrated process in developing the urban city centers generally and reviving its neighborhoods specifically”, and building a theortical inclusive frame regarding the urban Gentrification concept in urban centers as an integrated process that includes a group of levels, specifications, and mechanisms, the research bases its goals and processing the research problem to a main hypothesis, that is “The urban Gentrification process in urban centers is achieved by achieving its Diffrents Levels, Economic, social, environmental and cultural.”


For the purpose of checking the authenticity of the hypothesis the urban center of Al-Battaween have been elected and tested using the method of surveys given to sample of elected people (specialized in the field) and then the


positive effects of the urban Gentrification process were detected, and how it effects on a group of visual features and urban activities within the urban centers specifically and within the city in general.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Phytochemical composition, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Anadara granosa (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from the east coast of South Sumatra, Indonesia
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Anadara granosa is a species of the class bivalve commonly found on the east coast of South Sumatra as a fishery commodity. This species has not been widely studied as a source of new bioactive compounds that have antioxidant abilities. This study aims to analyze the antioxidant ability of A. granosa against DPPH radicals and its phytochemical profile qualitatively. Samples were taken at the fishing port of Sungsang Village, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Furthermore, the samples were extracted using ethanol as a solvent and tested for antioxidants against DPPH radicals, total phenol analysis, and preliminary phytochemical test. Based on the antioxidant test results, the IC50 value of the ethanolic extract of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using the Image in Teaching Arabic Language Vocabulary to Non-Native Speakers: The Experience of the Arabic Language Institute - King Abdul-Aziz University - as a Model: آمال موسى عباس الإمام
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The study aims to demonstrate the importance of instructional methods in teaching Arabic language as a second language or teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers. The study is in line with the tremendous development in the field of knowledge, especially in the field of technology and communication, and the emergence of many electronic media in education in general and language teaching in particular. It employs an image in teaching vocabulary and presenting the experience of the Arabic Language Institute for Non-Speakers-King Abdul-Aziz University. The study follows the descriptive approach to solve the problem represented by the lack of interest in the educational methods when teaching Arabic as a second language. Accordingl

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Immuno-hematological and biochemical changes in diabetic retinopathy patient`s blood after treatment by Nd-YAG laser
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Diabetic retinopathy is one of most important complications of diabetes mellitus that can be treated by Nd:YAG laser. Laser is used in ophthalmic practice for photocoagulation and photodisruption. The purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in immunological ,hematological and biochemical values after treatment of diabetic retinopathy by laser. Blood samples from 10 patients suffering from diabetic retinopathy were taken before and after laser treatment to coagulate retina to prevent leakage and hemorraghe to avoid deterioration of vision.In group one (4 patients = 40%), blood tests were done one day after treatment. In group two (6 patients =60%) tests were done 7 days after treatment with laser. The study showed no clear changes in

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future Teachers' Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Assistant Professor of Education Techniques, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Techniques Faculty of Education and Literature, Northern Border University Saudi Arabia
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The research aims to identify the future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view. The research adopted the descriptive approach, and a questionnaire was applied to a random sample of (370) male and female teachers in governmental and private general education schools in the Al-Jouf region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the research concluded that the reality of future teachers' attitudes towards cloud computing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their point of view is very high and that most areas of using computing are in the field of assessment, then teaching, and activities. The challenges of future teachers' attitudes toward cloud computing are recorded at a high level, parti

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of financial policy instruments to reduce the deficit of the State budget to the IMF terms: Applied Research at the Iraqi Ministry of finance - budget service
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Abstract search seeks to clarify the role and the importance of financial and fiscal policy adopted by the Iraqi Government during the years (2015 – 2018) to meet federal public deficit, as the Iraqi economy to shocks from falling global oil prices and terrorist attack ISIS, so the State budget suffered from a severe lack of income as a result of its reliance on revenues from selling crude oil and in return the high proportion of public expenditures. Especially military to counter these attacks that by studying the results of the implementation of budgets and analysis and statement Causes of disabilities and assessment of these policies and procedures imposed by the International Monetary Fund. the research aims to show how increased g

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the method of partial least squares and the algorithm of singular values decomposion to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of the problem of linear multiplicity by using the simulation
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The logistic regression model is an important statistical model showing the relationship between the binary variable and the explanatory variables.                                                        The large number of explanations that are usually used to illustrate the response led to the emergence of the problem of linear multiplicity between the explanatory variables that make estimating the parameters of the model not accurate.    

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 28 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Phenol Content and Peroxidase Enzyme Activity in Soybean Infected with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv glycines with the Application of Bacillus subtilis JB12 and Bacillus velezensis ST32
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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv glycines (Xag) is a pathogen that causes pustule disease in soybeans. Many
techniques for controlling this disease have been widely developed, one of which is the use of biological agents.
Bacillus sp. from the soybean phyllosphere is a biological agent that has the potential to suppress the
development of pustule disease. One of the biological control mechanisms is through biochemical induction
of plant resistance which includes the accumulation of phenols, salicylic acid compounds, and peroxidase
enzymes. Bacillus subtilis JB12 and Bacillus velezensis ST32 are two bacteria isolated from the soybean
phyllosphere which have previously been known to suppress Xag through an anti

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Pomegranate Peel Extract to Change the Adverse Effect of Ethephon by Enhancing its Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-apoptotic Effects in Rats
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Organophosphorus insecticide and growth regulator namely Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) are widely used as a ripening process accelerator and a cultivation duration inhibitor. Pomegranate extract (PPE) has recently been taken into consideration due to its pharmacological effects especially those associated with renal diseases. Thus, this study aims to investigate the possible protective effect of PPE against ethephon-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. In this study four groups of adult male rats were divided into control group, PPE 400 mg/kg group, Ethephon 250 mg/kg group, and finally, PPE + Ethephon group (treated with the same dose of PPE group and Ethephon group). In the current study, kidney function parameters (KIM-1, creatin

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial&n

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Performance Improvement of Neural Network Based RLS Channel Estimators in MIMO-OFDM Systems
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The objective of this study was tointroduce a recursive least squares (RLS) parameter estimatorenhanced by using a neural network (NN) to facilitate the computing of a bit error rate (BER) (error reduction) during channels estimation of a multiple input-multiple output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system over a Rayleigh multipath fading channel.Recursive least square is an efficient approach to neural network training:first, the neural network estimator learns to adapt to the channel variations then it estimates the channel frequency response. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better performance compared to the conventional methods least square (LS) and the original RLS and it is more robust a

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