Experts of Psychology and education emphasized that childhood is one of the most important stages in the formation of human personality, and the most influential in his public life, especially the stage in which he lives within his family, which must provide him with the requirements of healthy growth of physical, emotional, moral and social. Emotional-social connection of the child to his family, is especially important in determining the characteristics of his social character, in accordance with the norms and values prevailing in society. This requires the child to be cared for and cared for, and to deal with him in a healthy social manner. So as to achieve positive growth and harmony in the process of social control in internal
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The teacher is the most able to achieve the goals of education in education because he has the ability to affect the behavior of the disciples testified and its actions and appearance and other actions that convey pupils with it sometimes in a manner unconscious or unconscious , and the importance of the role of the teacher in the educational process , it is necessary to compromise the care and attention to the extent that commensurate with the important role that the rise in the preparation of youth and composition , and as a result is needed to continue efforts to improve the quality of teacher preparation so that it can be more effective and positive in the educational process .
First - Research Goals -<
الآثار الاقتصادية - الاجتماعية للنهج الاقتصادي الليبرالي روسيا أنموذجاً
По мнению ученых, исследующих современные деривационные процессы, „начиная со второй половины XX в., активизируются новые социолингвистические и коммуникативные факторы”, определяющие специфику современного словотворчества в ряде типологически близких славянских языков [Нещименко 2010: 39]. В результате возросшего влияния масс-медиа на коллективное сознание носителей языка, на существующий вербальный
... Show MoreThe present study aimed at examining the factors that affect the choice of A major among a sample of BA fe(male) students at the levels 3-8 in King Abdulaziz University (KAU), in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. To meet this objective, a descriptive survey method was used together with a questionnaire that consisted of 4 axes to answer the central question: What are the factors affecting the choice of a major at the university? Results have shown that the item that measured the students’ ability to choose the major ranked (First); it was concerned with the effect on the students' choice of his/her major in the university. On the last position and with respect to this effect came the professional tendencies and desires. Results have also shown tha
... Show MoreThis paper aims to explain the effect of the taxes policy including direct & indirect taxes on supporting the domestic Investment in Iraq. This could help the official planners for drawing the future policies that help provoking (istumlating) the domestic investment in Iraq the quantitative analysis approach was adopted using regression model. The results showed the significance of the effects of both direct & indirect taxes policies on domestic as a simple correlation coefficient ( r ) of ( 0.6 ) , ( 0.64 ) respectively.
Background: Childhood diarrhea remains one of the leading causes of preventable mortality and disease burden throughout the developing world. It generated by several pathologic states, most commonly infections. Although the human large intestine ordinarily harbors a huge microbial population, most bacteria, protozoan, and viral agents of diarrhea are not members of this normal gut flora, but are aquired through contaminated food or water.
Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the main microbial causative agent of diarrhea in children below five years of age, and to evaluate the relationship between the incidence of diarrhea with sex and age group of the patients.
Patients and Methods: Total of two hundred twenty three
تشكل سوق الاوراق المالية ركناً اساسياً من اركان هيكل النظام التمويلي في النظم الاقتصادية المعاصرة، لما تقوم به هذه الاسواق من دور مهم في حشد المدخرات المحلية وتوجيهها في قنوات استثمارية تعمل على دعم الاقتصاد القومي وتزيد من معدلات الرفاهية الاقتصادية لافراده، فضلاً عن كونها مرأة للوضع الاقتصادي العام في البلاد.
ونتيجة للروابط القوية بين سوق الاوراق المالية والاقتصاد، عُدّ استقرار ونمو
... Show MoreThe phenomenon of the social movements of researchers, based on the scope of their influence on political events, and the nature of the wide role played, and its ability to influence, through its activities and various activities and various. It has practiced its activities through new and non-traditional peaceful means, with clear slogans and specific objectives. And was able to mobilize activists from different strata of the Iraqi people, and its categories and social strata. As the demands focused on freedoms, rights, dignity and social justice
Targeted research known as emotional intelligence and social status and their relationship in a sample of (120) female university has adopted a researcher Scale (Karkhi 2011) for the intelligence of emotional and scale (Khazraji 2011) of social status and after the application together, found that employees enjoy intelligently emotional and weak social status, and that married women were more intelligent than non-married and not to remember the differences between them in social status, the researcher has provided some of the recommendations and proposals.