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Dialogue bridges in the city
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Since its establishment, cities have been looking for a special urban architectural language that distinguishes them from other cities and expresses their distinctive identity through continuous products through time and controls the totality of temporal and spatial changes through a bridging dialogue that manages the language of the city correctly, Which gives the stability of that language and its ability to adapt to the total changes that occur in the city over time, and thus the possibility of producing ideas integrated series and ideas are renewed overlapping with the legacy and bear multiple layers of meaning and signals and symbols create a total of two meanings The problem of research (not comprehensive studies to create a contemporary urban architectural language is ongoing.


 The strategy of bridging the dialogue is looking for a rich variation through the buildings that span over time such as architectural bridges The objective of the research was to find a modern urban architectural language in the city looking for a rich variation in urban bridges over time through a bridging strategy. Bridging is one of the tools of dialogue that includes the characteristics of bridges, tools, tools and indicators.


 The research was based on the objective of addressing the research problem in a way that provides for the possibility of achieving contemporary urban architectural language that achieves the objectives of the bridging strategy based on the management of dialogue and its mechanisms in Dealing with buildings that span the city as bridges of dialogue). For the purpose of verifying the



hypothesis, a theoretical framework for dialogue, bridging, bridging strategy, and building over time, such as urban architectural bridges, were developed to define the vocabulary of the rules and mechanisms of the language To identify the value indicators of urban architectural bridges and to know the extent of the transformation of these bridges from the heritage to the contemporary on the basis of (consensus, discontinuity, variation) and to know the extent of the city's ability to preserve its inherited urban architectural language while at the same time continuing with the present, A part of Al Nahr Street (located between Al-Mamoun Street and Al-Samawal Street) has been studied. The area contains extensive buildings rich in elements that represent the privacy of the language that goes through time and its ability to create a continuous language for the present and future.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological contents As Deduced From Al Namel Surah, Dialogue between Suliman and Hodhod bird & Their Application In School Counseling
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The current research aimed at deducing the psychological contents of Suliman dialogue with the Hodhod and statement applications in school counseling. The researcher followed the Islamic approach in the search, which deals with the study of events, phenomena and practices through a broad understanding of Islamic principles and limitations associated with the general framework of Islam. In addition to the deductive approach is derived from a sub-rule is a general provision.
The research revealed many of the psychological contents, including: the importance of continuing care counselor psychological learners, and follow-up field to their problems, conditions, listen good horseshoe to defend himself, clarify the motives of his ac

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Load Distribution Factors For Horizontally Curved Composite Concrete-Steel Girder Bridges
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This paper focuses on Load distribution factors for horizontally curved composite concrete-steel girder bridges. The finite-element analysis software“SAP2000” is used to examine the key parameters that can influence the distribution factors for horizontally curved composite steel
girders. A parametric study is conducted to study the load distribution characteristics of such bridge system due to dead loading and AASHTO truck loading using finite elements method. The key parameters considered in this study are: span-to-radius of curvature ratio, span length, number of girders, girders spacing, number of lanes, and truck loading conditions. The results have shown that the curvature is the most critical factor which plays an important

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 16 2013
Journal Name
No Journal
Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal Complexes with Mixed Azido-Carboxylato Bridges
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The research on coordination polymers chemistry based on organic-metal framework with bridging ligands has accelerated during the past two decades. It is an interested hot topic in the synthetic inorganic chemistry, which allowed the fabrication of a variety of interested materials. These materials have shown a range of applications including light harvesting and magnetic properties. The thesis is divided in three chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction on the development of self-assembled polymeric species based on transition metal. It is also covered a summary of the literature review on the current state of the art on self-assembled coordination ploymers. Furthermore, it includes a description on various relevant topics

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الحوار ودوره في ترسيخ اسس التعايش السلمي والتسامح في المجتمع
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Dialogue is one of the basic data of human existence where we find religious, civilizational, educational, and cultural dialogue, and all of these types require interaction with the other that is intellectually, socially, or religiously different. It is the only way through which contact is made between individuals, groups, peoples, and states, and through dialogue, societies get advanced. Dialogue is extremely important in clarifying the true image that resides in the thought of the other side, especially that purposeful scientific dialogue in which the interlocutors are free from fanaticism and extremism. The current study aims to identify the importance of dialogue, conditions for constructive dialogue, types of dialogue, The importan

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’alternance codique ou le code switching dans l’échange verbal
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Le mot anglais code switching ou l’équivalent français alternance codique est un terme très utilisé dans des recherches qui traitent des problèmes en sociolinguistique. Le bilingue dispose, dans son répertoire linguistique, de moyens de communication qui lui permettent d’adapter son langage à des situations de communication plus variées que ceux du monolingue. Le code-switching ou l’alternance codique qui est un lieu de structuration de stratégies de communication en est un moyen indispensable.
L’alternance codique dans la conversation est l’utilisation d’un mot ou plus appartenant à une langue B à l’intérieur d’une phrase qui appartient à une langue A. Dans la plupart des cas, le locuteur se sert de l’a

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 15 2017
Journal Name
School Of Engineering
Development of novel demountable shear connectors for precast steel-concrete composite bridges
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Two novel demountable shear connectors for precast steel-concrete composite bridges are presented. The connectors use high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the steel beam with the aid of a special locking configuration that prevents slip of bolts within their holes. Moreover, the connectors promote accelerated construction and overcome typical construction tolerances issues of precast structures. Most importantly, the connectors allow bridge disassembly, and therefore, can address different bridge deterioration scenarios with minimum disturbance to traffic flow, i.e. (1) precast deck panels can be rapidly uplifted and replaced; (2) connectors can be rapidly removed and replaced; and (3) steel beams can be replaced, while precast

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Civil Engineering Research
Distribution Factor of Curved I-Girder Bridges under Iraqi Standard Bridge Live Loads
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تخطيط مسارات خطوط الضغط العالي وأثره في تلوث هواء المدينة
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The reality of smart city development management in the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030
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Abstract has many advantages as has historically been one of the regions leading cultural centers . for centuries , it has been a center of commertial and financial operations in Iraq. it is also rich in archeological sites and natural resources, but because of its wars and implementation of urban development strategies are effective and sustainable , so contracted the secretariat of Baghdad with the company (khatib and scirntiffic) for the preparation of the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad in 2030 and funded by the world bank and the fact that the plan was approved ( three stages of it ) and only one phase remains the fourth stage, which is under discussion the aim of the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Air quality in the city of Baghdad in 2010
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For cleaner air and unpolluted continue assessment study air pollution the city of
Baghdad by measuring the concentrations of air pollutants, which included TSP, Pb, where
the adoption of three stations (Andalus Square, Jadiriya, Allawi) are distributed in the city of
Baghdad in order to compare the concentrations of these pollutants with previous studies.
Study pointed out that the city's air contaminant, especially in minutes outstanding after
deducting the amount of atmospheric dust thick mechanism city this year where the highest
concentration of minutes outstanding (9895) micrograms / m 3 at the station Alawi and lower
concentration of 157 micrograms / m 3 at the station Alawi and this was higher than the

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