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The Impact of the Method of Dealing with the Product of Wars in the Continuity of the Crisis Wars. Beirut city as an Example
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This research investigates the subject of the impact of wars (as a manifestation of crisis) on architecture, and the extent of continuing wars physical and moral results of wars, even after the end of the cause of the crisis. The impact of different rebuilding which exposed to the effects of the war seems different in crisis regions.

The problem of research is about the uncertainty of the impact of the way chooses for reconstructing the buildings after wars in the continuity of the crisis of war. The goals of this research are to clarify the influence of methods of reconstruction of buildings in a city chosen which is Beirut, on the continuation of the war crisis with the argument of demolishing and rebuilding newly or keeping traces of war.

Main concepts, methods, and studies of wars’ crisis have been reviewed. The case study includes two buildings, which are located on both sides of contactless civil war in Beirut line. Two approaches of renewing these building have been adopted. It has come in the most important conclusions, that the selection of the way of the reconstruction of post-war buildings. In the first case, the method has used to rehabilitate the building structure to keep the impact of the crisis as it is to survive the war’s memory. In the second building, the used method was totally demolish the whole building and rebuilt a new one in order to remove all connections from the effects of the crisis war. The reconstruction has produced new crises and caused the continuation of the crisis linked to the original one.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Architectural Heritage of Baghdad in Ibn Al-Faqih Hamadani's Book Baghdad the City of Peace And its impact on Sustainable Development
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This research shows the importance of Baghdad in the field of urban heritage and was demonstrated in the Ibn al-Fiqh al-Hamdani's book Baghdad the City of Peace in which he focused on many urban aspects and reviewing its historical importance by connecting them with modern events and the role they play in cultural and civilized construction which included: mosques, schools and markets etc. and the service providing institutions and other pillars of the Islamic cities through showing the development back then and its importance as an integral part of the urban and cultural heritage of the Islamic cities in general and Baghdad city in particular. 

In his book Baghdad the City of Peace, Ibn al-Faqih Hamadhaani

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 18 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Chomsky's Political Views as a Case Study in a Critical Discourse Analysis of Ideology in the Iraqi Wars
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APDBN Rashid, Review of International Geographical Education Online (RIGEO), 2021

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the best way to deal with the center of the ancient city of Najaf
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The historic cities in the Arab and Islamic world (including the cities of the holy shrines in Iraq) suffer from many and varied problems and most notably it is clear in its origin functional structure. It had been transformed from a basic place to live for a few thousand of the population to the center or part of the main center of large city populations of more than one million. Functional structure of the ancient city have been change with the beginning of the twentieth century and accelerated rate of change in the second half of the last century. The research aims to analyze the problems of the historic centers of holy cities and analyze the methods of dealing with these problems, leading to discrimination method could be the

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposal framework to activate the international accounting procedures for disasters and wars effects in the local environment
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natural and non-natural disasters, is an environmental challenges the society and the economy as well as a direct and indirect economic affect, and the units are part of the system overlapping among themselves and thus affected by external indicators, directly or indirectly, these direct effects appear in the destruction or damage inflicted by disasters in property , infrastructure , superstructure , accounting information systems and indirectly in the outcome of future business, comes research problem through access to accounting treatments issued by the Federal Office of financial supervision to address the damage caused by the disasters and prepare the missing financial accounts it turns out us that there is negligence of a nu

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Urban creep on the green areas and its environmental effects on the city of Baghdad
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he planning process is generally aimed at developing the city and making it meet the needs of different citizens. The green areas constitute one of the basic needs of the city and with the rapid and unusual growth in the size of cities, especially in the third world countries, which is often embodied in capitals. Which was achieved as a result of many reasons, including political, economic and social and even enshrined through some of the decisions that were issued and the city of Baghdad, but a clear example of these cities. The city and the environment are inseparable terms. The city is where people spend their lives and their daily experiences, and the environment is the center in w

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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Simulation of myths in industrial product design "the seven eyes amulet as a model"
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The research is to identify the legend of the seven eyes amulet of Babylonian origin and the representations it carried of the link between the Babylonian past and the Islamic present presented in the design works of the promoted products, preserving its impact in the souls as a way to avoid the act of envy, and from this was the research problem that I want to get answers to, which That is (How was the legend of the seven-eyes amulet represented in the design of industrial products?), making its goal to identify how that legend was represented within the design work of marketed industrial products, and in order to reach the answer, the research presented many concepts starting with the legend in its various forms in industrial products.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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The Directorship Vision in Epic Drama Shows " AWNI KROMI AS AN EXAMPLE": فرحان عمران موسى-مصطفى لطيف محسن
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  The theory of the epic theater has received wide attention by filmmakers around the world because of its great impact on the artistic work of the theater and its relationship with societies, and among these directors the Iraqi directors have been influenced by the epic theater and its applications in the show.
In order to find out the effectiveness of these influences on the Iraqi director, I found the need to do this study, which was divided into an introduction and a theoretical framework that included two topics. The first topic (Philosophical References and the Intellectual Foundations of the Epic Theater Theory) deals with the philosophical foundations that crystallized the epic theory of Burch and the mechanism of working

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of the global financial crisis on the efficiency of activity of the Iraqi Stock Market, "An Empirical Study for the period 2006-2008”
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  financial market occupy very important place in the economic activity all over the world countris, and its importance increased with considerable technological progress in the world of transportation ,communications and information where its impact have spread over the whole world, which led to link the international economy in a kind of international relations so that the open policy became the prevailing trend in national and regional economies within the framework of the new world order.

the international economy has faced the financial crisis, global, that hit all world economies although the United States is the center of the crisis and the starting spark for it w

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Discourse the presence of animals in Mesopotamian sculptures "The lion and the bull as an example"
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Showing animal shapes is one of the primary topics since the discovery of cave drawings, with semantic discourses, as they appeared in the ancient civilization of Iraq, with their discourse and intellectual structure, and their reflections on their plastic achievements. The research deals with three topics: the first (an introduction to the concept of discourse), the second: (the historical roots of animal forms), and the third (the manifestation of animal forms and their discourse, in Mesopotamia). Mesopotamian fauna and its concepts? What are the?, Its importance was also represented in: the presence of animals and their semantic and conceptual discourse, especially the sculptures (the lion and the bull), with the aim of revealing the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
The Multifunctional Morphemes in Kurdish Language the Morpheme Le as an example
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Kurdish language multifunctional morphemes indicate the different functional morphological, syntactical, and semantic tasks of the morphemes. The present study discusses the multifunctional task of the Morpheme Le in Kurdish Language. The Morpheme Le has marginally been included in other studies, yet up to the present times, there has not been a research inclusively dedicated to thoroughly discuss and clarify its multifunctional aspects. The present study is divided into two chapters: Chapter one discusses the theoretical aspect of chapter two that is entirely concerned with the practical aspect of the morpheme Le. The first part of chapter one sheds light on the morphological aspect of the morpheme while part two discusses

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