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Population growth and urban development (for a number of contemporary Arab cities)
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The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the direct and indirect relationship of the population growth of the cities as a result of the urbanization process witnessed by the Arab region for the urban development of the city structures and their formative structures, changing the planning criteria of some cities and the extent of their changes in spatial and temporal dimensions and their relation to the standards of the western cities. In changing the concept of the modern Arab city, such as the emergence of new functional uses affecting the change in the pattern of formal formations of its urban fabric associated with its ancient morphology and distinctive human nature. The research seeks to identify the extent to which planning criteria can be invested in the human, spatial and temporal dimensions of the city society to promote them according to the possibilities available to develop their civilization dimension to contribute to the process of environmental and morphological adaptation to achieve an advanced Arab city with its distinctive characteristics. The research seeks to achieve a method to address the changes in the planning standards of the urban areas of the city structure and the main and secondary uses for the expansion of its future urban structures. According to mathematical equations contribute to the planning process and using the computer.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Approach of Discretion in Contemporary Jurisprudential Issues, with Imam Al-Qaradawi The Jurisprudence of Minorities as a Model
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Research Objectives: The research aims to highlight the approach of Imam Al-Qaradawi in contemporary jurisprudence in the recent issues of the jurisprudence of minorities, and mentioning the foundations of jurisprudence of minorities, along with some of the practical applications of Imam Al-Qaradawi.

Study Methodology: The researcher applied the inductive, analytical and comparative approach by tracking the scientific material related to the subject of the study from the books of Al-Qaradawi in the first place, then by comparing the legal provisions with what had been stated in the four schools of jurisprudence.

Findings: The interest and need of Muslim minorities in non-

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The political changes and economic developments in contemporary Turkish Backgrounds, manifestations and future possibilities
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         The research entitled "The political changes and economic developments in contemporary Turkish Backgrounds, manifestations and future possibilities" consists of the introduction, four sections and conclusions. The background details, its developments, and the transformation in the economic   sector in Turkey were reviewed. The first section concentrated on the brief introduction about the political developments which happened since the independence of Turkey at 1923 with the highlight on the years after the receipt of the Freedom and Justice Party (Ak PARTi) the Turkish Government rule. The second section demonstrated the reality of Turkish economy before 2002, while the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Arab Women’s Self-Performance on Instagram
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This study investigates self-perception and self-branding on Instagram among young Arab women in the UAE, focusing on how they curate, negotiate and perform their digital identities and whether their digital self-presentation in any way compromises their sense of authenticity. The study is based on 11 interviews with young women in the UAE, between the ages of 20 and 30, in addition to online observation to follow the participants’ activities on Instagram. The study demonstrates that while social and digital media platforms may play a role in “empowering” Arab women, women tend to set their boundaries of authenticity shaped according to their audience’s expectations and their in-groups. This confirms the r

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Preferences of the Iraqi Public towards Arab News Channels Programs and Materials (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels: a field Study)
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Broadcasting across satellites has become an important media phenomenon and largely available for watchers. As the receiver can see the events at the very moment and at any spot in the world. This study aims to discover the degree of the extent of exposure of Iraqi people to the news broadcasting satellites in Arabic language, (Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al Ekhbariya Satellite Channels) as one of the media that serves the public; and to discover the range of these Satellite Channels in covering the local Iraqi situation in different sides and aspects; and to know the significance of the Iraqi people in watching those news programmers; and state the motives behind the Iraqi public's dependence on these channels.


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Geometrical Foundations of Shape in Structural Design of Contemporary Ceramic Pots "The artist "IBRAHIM SAEED" is a model"
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Each era has advantages in terms of innovation and development in form, technology, style, and design in ceramic vessels, both at the level of functional and aesthetic performance, so this study aimed to demonstrate the importance of geometrical foundations in the design structure of contemporary ceramic vessels, and also to reveal the constructive skills in The structure of the ceramic figure.
The researchers used the descriptive analytical approach to suit the nature of the study, and they described and analyzed the ceramic works in terms of geometric shape systems, elements and foundations of design in construction, formal diversity in the general design of ceramic vessels, and references and sources of artwork. In addition to th

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Determining the direction of urban growth and urban planning-case of Al Aziziyah city-using remote sensing and GIS techniques
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In this study the role of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the planning of some Iraqi cities, including the city of Aziziyah in Kut / Wasit Governorate, was considered. Certain appropriate models (sprawling growth patterns) have been adopted to plan this city, and tables and a future map have been prepared to arrange this city. Land uses for public services will be proposed for adopted case(Aziziyah in Kut / Wasit Governorate). This paper describes a specific application of GIS functionalities for spatial planning analysis, examines the breadth of GIS and attempts to address the analytical part’s limitations in planning studies. The study concluded, through high-resolution visuals, to the possibility of determining th

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Topics of Iraq in the Arab International Press
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The research entitled "the Iraqi Topics in International Arab Press" is an analytical study of two newspapers: Al-Arab and Al-Hayat published in London from September 1-30, 2013.

      The Arab press is one of the cultural monuments Home stretches for culture and media of Arabs outside the Arab Homeland which made them international press targeting public Arab audience's not civil audiences in a particular country and formulating their contents on this basis taking into account intake affairs and issues that have been national or international.

        Because of this international presence of the Arab press, these newspa

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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The Aesthetics of Lumia Art in Contemporary Textile Arts, An Analytical Study
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The research (The Aesthetics of Lumia Art in Contemporary Textile Arts: An Analytical Study) included four chapters, the first to explain the research problem summarized by the question: Does the art of Lumia achieve aesthetic values in contemporary textile arts?, and aims to: Identify the aesthetics of Lumia art and its applied uses in contemporary textile arts, within the time period (2013-2022). The third chapter included: research procedures and sample analysis (4) models according to the descriptive analytical approach, and the fourth chapter dealt with: results, conclusions and recommendations as well as sources.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Impact of development on Baghdad’s urban microclimate and human thermal comfort
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 29 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
Urban Safety is a Tool for Containing Slums to Reach a Sustainable Urban Structure
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Many cities suffer from the large spread of slums, especially the cities of the Middle East. The purpose of the paper is to study the reality of informal housing in Al-Barrakia and the most important problems that it suffers from. The paper also seeks to study the presence or absence of a correlation between urban safety indicators and urban containment indicators as one of the methods of developing and planning cities. This can be achieved through sustainable urban management. The slums are a source of many urban problems that threaten the security and safety of the residents and represent a focus for the concentration of crimes and drugs. The paper seeks to answer the following question: How can urban safety be improved through urban cont

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