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Population growth and urban development (for a number of contemporary Arab cities)
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The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the direct and indirect relationship of the population growth of the cities as a result of the urbanization process witnessed by the Arab region for the urban development of the city structures and their formative structures, changing the planning criteria of some cities and the extent of their changes in spatial and temporal dimensions and their relation to the standards of the western cities. In changing the concept of the modern Arab city, such as the emergence of new functional uses affecting the change in the pattern of formal formations of its urban fabric associated with its ancient morphology and distinctive human nature. The research seeks to identify the extent to which planning criteria can be invested in the human, spatial and temporal dimensions of the city society to promote them according to the possibilities available to develop their civilization dimension to contribute to the process of environmental and morphological adaptation to achieve an advanced Arab city with its distinctive characteristics. The research seeks to achieve a method to address the changes in the planning standards of the urban areas of the city structure and the main and secondary uses for the expansion of its future urban structures. According to mathematical equations contribute to the planning process and using the computer.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 09 2019
Journal Name
Acta Medica Iranica
The Prevalence of a Clinically Silent Nephrolithiasis in Baghdad Population: An Initial Ultrasound Screening Study From Iraq
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Abstract- Asymptomatic or clinically silent kidney stones are possibly serious because, in their expected passage, they may cause infection, obstruction and renal impairment. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of silent kidney stones in a sample of Baghdad population and consider how this value could affect the justification for a screening system. To our best knowledge, this is the first study of its kind conducted in Iraq. We investigated 714 consecutive patients who sustained an abdominal ultrasound at our hospital with further kidney screening. All these patients did not have clinical signs and symptoms of nephrolithiasis. Age, sex, the indication for ultrasound, the size, side, and the number of the disco

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmacy Practice
Exploring job satisfaction among pharmacy professionals in the Arab world: a multi-country study
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Abstract<sec> <title>Objectives

The study objectives were to (1) describe the characteristics of the pharmacy professionals and (2) explore the association between job satisfaction and factors, such as work control, work stress, workload and organization and professional commitments.


This study was a cross-sectional design. The survey items were mainly adapted from the US National Pharmacist Workforce Survey. An electronic (Qualtrics) questionnaire was posted on pharmacist social media in several A

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 28 2024
Journal Name
Bmc Medical Education
Pharmacy faculty experiences with student academic entitlement: a multinational study from the Arab world
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Abstract<p>Academic Entitlement (AE) is the expectation by students to receive high grades or preferential treatment without significant effort. Exploring AE from faculty perspective has not been investigated in Arab colleges of pharmacy. The aim of this study was to explore experiences and perceptions towards student AE among pharmacy faculty in the Arab World. A cross-sectional, self-administered, anonymous, electronic survey was sent to pharmacy faculty across pharmacy colleges in Arab countries. The survey collected demographic data, an AE measure including 17 items reflecting seven AE components, and faculty perceptions and perceived reasons for AE. A total of 345 responses were collected. The AE level wa</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Education
Academic Entitlement Among Pharmacy Students in the Arab World: A Multi-National Exploratory Study
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Development of an ANN Model for RGB Color Classification using the Dataset Extracted from a Fabricated Colorimeter
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Codes of red, green, and blue data (RGB) extracted from a lab-fabricated colorimeter device were used to build a proposed classifier with the objective of classifying colors of objects based on defined categories of fundamental colors. Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors namely red, green, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, brown, grey, white, and black, were employed in machine learning (ML) by applying an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm using Python. The classifier, which was based on the ANN algorithm, required a definition of the mentioned eleven colors in the form of RGB codes in order to acquire the capability of classification. The software's capacity to forecast the color of the code that belongs to an object under de

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Developed Unit in The Arabic Language Textbook for The Enhancement of 21st Century Skills
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This research aims to develop a unit as part of a sixth-grade Arabic language textbook and measure its effectiveness in the development of twenty-first-century skills of female students. The author adopted the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design of the pre-post single-group. A list of the major skills was derived from the framework for the 21st-century skills of the mother tongue that was developed by the Partnership for 21st-Century Skills and reviewed and adjusted by some specialists. According to their views, the unit was developed. The study targeted 15 sub-skills falling under three main skills. The results of the study showed the effectiveness of the developed unit in the develo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Derivation Power Sums of Even Integer Number Formula
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This paper included derivative method for the even r power sums of even integer numbers formula to approach high even (r+2) power sums of even integer numbers formula so on we can approach from derivative odd r power sums of even integer numbers formula to high odd (r+2) power sums of even integer numbers formula this derivative excellence have ability to used by computer programming language or any application like Microsoft Office Excel. Also this research discovered the relationship between r power sums of even integer numbers formula and both formulas for same power sums of odd integer numbers formula and for r power sums of all integer numbers formula in another way.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Chromatic Number of Pseudo-Von neuman Regular Graph
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         Let R be a commutative ring , the pseudo – von neuman  regular graph of the ring R is define as a graph whose vertex set consists of all elements of R and any two distinct vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if   , this graph denoted by P-VG(R) ,  in this work we got some new results a bout chromatic number of  P-VG(R).

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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This research was carried out at University of Baghdad - College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences during the fall season of 2020 and spring season of 2021 in order to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer and the foliar application of boron on the growth and yield of industrial potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Using factorial experiment (5*4) within Randomized Complete Block Design  with three replicates, the organic fertilizer (palm fronds peat) was applied at four levels (0, 12, 24, and 36 ton ha-1) in addition to the treatment of the recommended of chemical fertilizer. The foliar application of Boron was applied at four concentrations which were 0, 100, 150 and 200 mg (H3Bo3). L-1. The results Revealed a significant incr

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 2023
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Dynamical Behavior of a Cancer Growth Model with Chemotherapy and Boosting of the Immune System
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In this study, we set up and analyze a cancer growth model that integrates a chemotherapy drug with the impact of vitamins in boosting and strengthening the immune system. The aim of this study is to determine the minimal amount of treatment required to eliminate cancer, which will help to reduce harm to patients. It is assumed that vitamins come from organic foods and beverages. The chemotherapy drug is added to delay and eliminate tumor cell growth and division. To that end, we suggest the tumor-immune model, composed of the interaction of tumor and immune cells, which is composed of two ordinary differential equations. The model’s fundamental mathematical properties, such as positivity, boundedness, and equilibrium existence, are exami

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