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Population growth and urban development (for a number of contemporary Arab cities)
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The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the direct and indirect relationship of the population growth of the cities as a result of the urbanization process witnessed by the Arab region for the urban development of the city structures and their formative structures, changing the planning criteria of some cities and the extent of their changes in spatial and temporal dimensions and their relation to the standards of the western cities. In changing the concept of the modern Arab city, such as the emergence of new functional uses affecting the change in the pattern of formal formations of its urban fabric associated with its ancient morphology and distinctive human nature. The research seeks to identify the extent to which planning criteria can be invested in the human, spatial and temporal dimensions of the city society to promote them according to the possibilities available to develop their civilization dimension to contribute to the process of environmental and morphological adaptation to achieve an advanced Arab city with its distinctive characteristics. The research seeks to achieve a method to address the changes in the planning standards of the urban areas of the city structure and the main and secondary uses for the expansion of its future urban structures. According to mathematical equations contribute to the planning process and using the computer.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Labyrinths of the Contemporary French Novel Through the Texts of Patrick Modiano: Les Labyrinthes du Roman Français Contemporain à travers l’Œuvre de Patrick Modiano
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The current paper aims to study the different forms by which the theme of labyrinth imposes itself as a preferred narrative structure in the novels of the French writer Patrick Modiano. Theoretically speaking, the current research paper will limit itself to the theoretical framework of the textual poetics which relies on the study of literary texts without paying much attention, neither to the context, nor to the life of its author. The analysis of the strong and varied links that Modiano's novels establish with labyrinth represents a field which has not received adequate attention by the critical studies dedicated to this French writer. As it will be shown throughout the current paper, Modiano views labyrint

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Ultimate Characters For Identity In Contemporary Architecture
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          General propositions have dealt with various indicators and features that frame and describe basic architectural concepts, and from those concepts, the concept of identity will be presented here, which represents the nerve of intellectual vision of the state of architecture development, transformation and change. Due to its deep intellectual basis, it was necessary to study multiple features, especially the achievement feature that was considered a major stage describing the nature of change and shift related to the achievement of concept and its role in the development of the architectural field .              &nb

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 06 2021
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Adopting a policy of sustainable inverse densification in urban sprawl areas
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 06 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of English Linguistics
A Morpho- Syntactic study of Contemporary Science Fiction Short Stories
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The aim of the present study is to research two morphological processes: acronym and compounding (phrasal compounds/ circumlocution) and one syntactic category which are 'existential sentences' in science fiction short stories. The present paper identifies different types and rates of existential sentences. In this respect , 'bare existential and locative’ read the high percentages and may be contrasted with other classifications of English existential sentences which have a verb other than 'be' and a definite expression. 'Phrasal compounds' vary in rates as they constitute notable percentage for those that involve 'lexical means and lexical relations' followed by 'prepositional compounds' , 'conjunctional compounds' , and those invo

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
توظيف العمارة المعاصرة في التقليل من الاحتباس الحراري
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Multidimensional Contingency Coefficient to Discrimination Arabic Poems for Sample of Poets
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The purpose of this paper to discriminate between the poetic poems of each poet depending on the characteristics and attribute of the Arabic letters. Four categories used for the Arabic letters, letters frequency have been included in a multidimensional contingency table and each dimension has two or more levels, then contingency coefficient calculated.

The paper sample consists of six poets from different historical ages, and each poet has five poems. The method was programmed using the MATLAB program, the efficiency of the proposed method is 53% for the whole sample, and between 90% and 95% for each poet's poems.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improvement of the monochrome image hologram by using a random phase and increasing number of Samples
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This paper present a study about effect of the random phase and expansion of the scale sampling factors to improve the monochrome image hologram and compared it with previous produced others. Matlab software is used to synthesize and reconstruction hologram.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
“They’ve damaged your uniqueness”: Technology as a Source of Dystopia in Caryl Churchill’s A Number
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This study focuses on the impact of technology on creating a dystopian world as presented by the English playwright Caryl Churchill in her play A Number (2002). This dramatic work came as a reaction to the most crucial and valuable turning point in the scientific achievements of human engineering, namely, the cloning of the sheep called Dolly. Therefore, A Number is a play that presents an analytical stage for imagining the biotechnological and scientific future. This dramatic vignette captures the playwright’s fears towards the abnormal progress of technology and science and how far such technological progress affects human relationships and identity. It also portrays how technological progress results in the feeling of a lack of

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The productive partnership in development communication is an effective strategy for change
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This study can be considered as un introduction to the idioms and the strategy about the productive partnership development connection, that helps the researcher and the organization in their work in to activate development and the natural sources,manegment,to improve the two sides active connected to the local society, and to use it as easier and smoother participation of the people who work in development field and the natural sources management research, That connection depends mostly upon the capability of researcher and the development worker to increase the ability of individual and local society to specify and analyzing their problems and to try solutions to make their life better with good income.   

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Theoretical structure of Eco-cities: subject review
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Abstract<p>Given the importance of ecology and its entry into various fields in general and the urban environment particularly; ecological cities take wide ranges of application at multiple regional and global levels. However, it repeatedly noted that there was a state of cognitive confusion and overlapping in the term ecology comes from the diversity of implementation within several disciplines. Architects, designers, and planners have instilled biological development directly into the formal principles as well as the social structures of the ecological cities. Therefore, the research presents a rapid review of the most relevant areas that dealt with the ecological cities by research and analys</p> ... Show More
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