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Population growth and urban development (for a number of contemporary Arab cities)
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The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the direct and indirect relationship of the population growth of the cities as a result of the urbanization process witnessed by the Arab region for the urban development of the city structures and their formative structures, changing the planning criteria of some cities and the extent of their changes in spatial and temporal dimensions and their relation to the standards of the western cities. In changing the concept of the modern Arab city, such as the emergence of new functional uses affecting the change in the pattern of formal formations of its urban fabric associated with its ancient morphology and distinctive human nature. The research seeks to identify the extent to which planning criteria can be invested in the human, spatial and temporal dimensions of the city society to promote them according to the possibilities available to develop their civilization dimension to contribute to the process of environmental and morphological adaptation to achieve an advanced Arab city with its distinctive characteristics. The research seeks to achieve a method to address the changes in the planning standards of the urban areas of the city structure and the main and secondary uses for the expansion of its future urban structures. According to mathematical equations contribute to the planning process and using the computer.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Image of Women in Arab Media Advertisements: معجب بن عثمان الزهراني
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Advertisements containing images of women represent one of the most controversial topics of the advertising industry and has an impact on people and trends. This study aims to determine the typical mental image of women purveyed through visual advertising in the Arab media. It also aims to find out whether these advertisements portray women positively or negatively, in addition to investigating the reasons for the recent negative portrayal of women in commercials. The study adopted a descriptive-analytical approach to achieve these objectives. The results indicate that advertising designs that carry images of women displayed in the Arab media create strong mental images. Repetition reinforces these images, and they emphasize the concept

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Isvs E-journal
Preserving the Past and Building the Future: A Sustainable Urban Plan for Mosul, Iraq
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Preserving the Past and Building the Future: A Sustainable Urban Plan for Mosul, Iraq

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Deliberative in Western and Arab thought Selections from the poems of the Encyclopedia of Fatimids, for example
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This research attempts to dust briefly the concept of deliberativeness in Arabic rhetoric, which was only understood in light of modern Western linguistics, starting with its definition (conformity of speech to the necessity of the case with its eloquence) which contains the elements of the entire creative process as shown by this brief study, in the first chapter that He was labeled (deliberative in Western and Arab thought), and we had started it with deliberation in western thought in the first topic in an attempt to highlight the western concepts of this term so that we could discern its originality in the Arab rhetorical heritage that came next in the second topic (deliberative in Arab thought), explaining the appropriate Th

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Smart Leadership Dimensions In Crisis Management- A study For Opinions Of Sample Of Administrative Leaderships In A number Of Humanities Colleges At The University Of Mosul
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This research aims at answering many questions raised by the research problem concerning the view of the organizations under consideration for the concept of smart leadership and its most important dimensions, as well as the view of crisis management and its concept and most important methods through research objectives that define and clarify the smart leadership with its dimensions and methods of crisis management.

For the purpose of reaching the results of the research and testing the assumptions about the relationship between smart leadership and methods of crisis management, the researcher adopted a questionnaire, designed especially to be a criterion for the research, as the main tool for data coll

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Muslim Arab Self and the image of the other, religiously and culturally different: a critical analytical study of the causes and forms of political and social intolerance in Iraq
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This research aims to analyze the intellectual and civilizational regression that afflicted Iraqi and Arab society due to political and religious tyranny and internal conflicts, which was reflected in the deterioration of human rights values and the absence of equality and justice in dealing with the other religiously, which affected the reluctance of members of religious groups to interact with their national societies and then migrate to Outside, which contributed to a double loss, in terms of the loss of these societies by productive and effective national competencies, and in terms of distorting the image of Islam. The research stressed that the first treatments of this phenomenon are the consolidation of the values of citize

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 06 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استدامة التراث العمراني
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Urban sustainable development is considered a critical tool to resolve the problem of the disappearance of architectural heritage. Departing from a basic knowledge about problems of urban sustainable development to maintain the monuments heritage minimizing the impact of genomics factors, and restore it according to its building materials and designs, and the rehabilitation of the urban fabric and heritage buildings, in order to revive the heritage of the building functionally or recycling of construction materials in the restoration of buildings and other operations in the removal procedure. The present study displays the plans, strategies and guidelines for sustainable heritage and its methodologies, as well as genuine solutions to pre

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of tourism in economic growth-outlook for the role of tourism in Iraqi marshes development.
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The tourism activity is one of the pillars on which the economy of any country is based , the importance of the tourism sector is reflected in its potential to become an effective development alternative in many countries, especially Iraq ,this has a direct impact on the national economy as an important source in attracting hard currency and eliminating unemployment. Adding the Iraqi Marshlands to the list of effects makes it contribute to diversification of sources of income and stimulating rest of the economic sectors, the potentials and qualifications possessed by Iraq in the field of tourism and monuments have a significant impact on the state budget if they were exploited optimally. The research aims at identifying the contr

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article International attitudes to change in the Arab countries in the positions of analytical Read (United States, European Union, Russia)
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المواقف افي الدول العربية قراءة تحليلية في مواقف لدولية من التغيير (الولايات المتحدة - الاتحاد الاوروبي - روسيا)

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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Rapid Urbanization of the Cities Studying in some Iraqi Cities
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The cities are not yet a temporal status in the process of the human and civilization development. The cities consider as a life pattern, this mean that people cannot live without cities, which surround us. Several phenomena like globalization, revolution of information, technical development, increased of consumption, do not confirmed without the living in cities. The urbanization – in its simple meaning – means transferring from rural community to city community. In other word, it means that socioeconomic changes happened subject to the patterns and conditions of the urban life. Each government depend a certain policy, this policy contains set of plans and programs, that targeting to affect the population factors and the st

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Using CRF Tool for Analyzing the Resilience of Cities
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The new sustainable development goals set by the UN include a goal of making cities inclusive, safe, sustainable, and resilient. Cities are growing at huge rates, and conditions of deteriorating QOL̛s are increasing in the form of poor access to services, and slums are remarkable, especially in the cities of the Middle East; hence, the research problem can arise from a lack of knowledge regarding the in determination of a way to assess the resilience of cities to develop mechanisms that will improve the quality of urban life. In this study, a tool called CRF has been applied for the assessment of the city's resilience principles of health and quality of life, economics and social, infrastructure and environmental systems, and the principle

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